
PMD 5.5.0发布,Java程序代码检查工具

发布时间:2016-06-26 09:58:49来源:红联作者:baihuo
PMD 5.5.0 发布了,PMD是一款采用BSD协议发布的Java程序代码检查工具。该工具可以做到检查Java代码中是否含有未使用的变量、是否含有空的抓取块、是否含有不必要的对象等。该软件功能强大,扫描效率高,是Java程序员debug的好帮手。

Salesforce.com Apex is now supported by PMD and CPD. See PR#86.

CPD now supports Perl. See PR#82.

CPD now supports Swift. See PR#33.

一些提升 & CLI 改进:

A JSON-renderer for PMD which is compatible with CodeClimate. See PR#83.

#1360: [core] [java] Provide backwards compatibility for PMD configuration file

CPD: If a complete filename is specified, the language dependent filename filter is not applied. This allows to scan files, that are not using the standard file extension. If a directory is specified, the filename filter is still applied and only those files with the correct file extension of the language are scanned.

CPD: If no problems found, an empty report will be output instead of nothing. See also #1481

CPD: New command line parameter --ignore-usings: Ignore using directives in C# when comparing text.

PMD: New command line parameter: -norulesetcompatibility - this disables the ruleset factory compatibility filter and fails, if e.g. an old rule name is used in the ruleset. See also #1360. This option is also available for the ant task: true.

PMD: New command line parameter: -filelist- this provides an alternative way to define, which files should be process by PMD. With this option, you can provide the path to a single file containing a comma delimited list of files to analyze. If this is given, then you don't need to provide -dir. See PR#98.




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