
React Native 0.22发布

发布时间:2016-03-21 09:40:22来源:红联作者:baihuo
React Native 0.22 发布了,ReactNative 可以基于目前大热的开源JavaScript库React.js来开发iOS和Android原生App。而且React Native已经用于生产环境----Facebook Groups iOS 应用就是基于它开发的。


Support custom ScrollView implementations in ListView - b516976

Adopt NavigationExperimental in UIExplorer - 876ecb2

Introduce disabling for Touchable* elements - 9951e1a

Introducing NavigationCardStack - 6bcb2a0

Implement modulo operator method for Animated - ae0ad1f

Add message channel to packager for sending commands to bridge (2/N) - c377f2a

Add new worker for code transform, optimization, and dependency extraction in packager - d94a567

Add gesture handling for the Navigation card stack - caac520

Add data structure to manage the stack for the legacy navigator - 1caebf1


Fix an issue (Sticky header index was outside the range) when renderSeparator is defined but returns null - c449d9e

Fix resources build variable name - 7eb7b94

Fix crash when passing null to clearImmediate - 44fcf22

Fix Exponential WebSocket Growth from DevTools - d0a26a7



Add the ability to create triangles using style tricks - a6a4389

Enable scalesPageToFit on Android - 4b97137

Add position to Picker onValueChange's call - b454d31

Added a root option to the run-android command - b9ed72a

Use nanoTime instead of currentTimeMillis for events - b5d2667

Add drawerLockMode prop to DrawerLayoutAndroid - ec173b1

WebWorkers: Add ExecutorToken to route native module calls to/from workers - bd95b22

Enable blurOnSubmit for text input in android - ab12189

Add generic memory pressure listener interface - c027f05

Ability to supply product flavor for react-native run-android command - 46422dd

Add ReactCompoundViewGroup interface that allows having both virtual and non-virtual (View) children - aae521f


Fix app crashes on Android after fetching the js bundle - 3640080

Fix broken drawer layout - 8e809e9

Deprecate PullToRefreshViewAndroid and remove it from the website - 91788d2

Fix hidden StatusBar reappearing after exiting app on Android - cf3bd9f

Fix android's image tintColor prop when used with alpha - 8b88cae

Fix attributes checking for Image.android.js - 7e3266d

Fix deadlock in bridge - e64987d

Fix IllegalStateException crash in WebSocketModule.java - a6a89fe



Adds category and alertAction properties to local notification details object - 183d6a0

Add position to Picker onValueChange's call - b454d31

Add support for sharing images or other media via iOS share sheet - e6c6510

Added support for taking snapshots of the screen, window or individual views - ac12f98

Add UIManager.measureInWindow to get window coordinates - f67fa82

Add Universal Links support to Linking.getInitialURL(). Fixes #6099 - f0689cf


Fix a bug with ListView with sticky headers + RefreshControl - 671b975

Fix RCTPerfMonitor display unit error - 50141f9

Fix WebView example on iOS - 7032a64

Fix issue with opaque thumbnails being given an alpha channel - 7383378

Fix RefreshControl layout on screen rotation and consecutive pull to refresh not working properly - 102a31c

Fix Geolocation Accuracy and Cached Location Bug - 49b2805



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