

发布时间:2015-03-02 14:48:09来源:红联作者:empast
System.Data.SQLite 发布,更新内容如下:

Updated to SQLite

Updated to Entity Framework 6.1.2.

Modify configuration file transforms performed by the NuGet packages to allow Entity Framework 6 design-time integration to work automatically. Fix for [2be4298631], [abad7c577d], and [417d669435].

The "System.Data.SQLite.EF6*" and "System.Data.SQLite.Linq*" NuGet packages no longer depend on the "System.Data.SQLite.Core*" packages. ** Potentially Incompatible Change **

The "System.Data.SQLite.MSIL*" NuGet packages no longer directly include any files; they are now meta-packages. ** Potentially Incompatible Change **

The "System.Data.SQLite.x86*" and "System.Data.SQLite.x64*" NuGet packages now depend on the "System.Data.SQLite.Linq" and "System.Data.SQLite.EF6" NuGet packages. ** Potentially Incompatible Change **

Make sure SQL statements generated for DbUpdateCommandTree objects are properly delimited.

Make sure SQLiteIndexOutputs.ConstraintUsages instances are created prior to calling ISQLiteManagedModule.BestIndex. Fix for [56f511d268].

Correct marshalling of strings and blobs in the SQLiteValue class. Fix for [85b824b736].

Various minor performance enhancements to the SQLiteDataReader class. Pursuant to [e122d26e70].

Defer disposing of connections created by the static SQLiteCommand.Execute method when a data reader is returned. Fix for [daeaf3150a].

Wrap SELECT statements in parenthesis if they have an ORDER BY, LIMIT, or OFFSET clause and a compound operator is involved. Fix for [0a32885109].

In the SQLiteDataReader.VerifyType method, remove duplicate "if" statement for the DbType.SByte value and move the remaining "if" to the Int64 affinity. Fix for [c5cc2fb334]. ** Potentially Incompatible Change **

Handle Julian Day values that fall outside of the supported range for OLE Automation dates. Fix for [3e783eecbe]. ** Potentially Incompatible Change **

Make sure the interop files are copied when publishing a project that refers to a NuGet package containing them. Fix for [e796ac82c1]. ** Potentially Incompatible Change **

Make sure the interop files are copied before the PostBuildEvent. Fix for [f16c93a932]. ** Potentially Incompatible Change **

Modify GetSchemaTable method to avoid setting SchemaTableColumn.IsKey column to true when more than one table is referenced. Fix for [47c6fa04d3]. ** Potentially Incompatible Change **

Add AppendManifestToken_SQLiteProviderManifest environment variable to enable better integration between LINQ and the underlying store connection.

Add SQLite_ForceLogPrepare environment variable to force logging of all prepared SQL regardless of the flags for the associated connection.

Honor the DateTimeFormat, DateTimeKind, DateTimeFormatString, BinaryGUID connection string and/or provider manifest token properties from within the LINQ assembly. Fix for [8d928c3e88]. ** Potentially Incompatible Change **

Add PrepareRetries connection string property to allow the maximum number of retries when preparing a query to be overridden. Fix for [647d282d11].

Add BindDateTimeWithKind connection flag to force DateTime parameter values to match the DateTimeKind associated with the connection, if applicable. Fix for [a7d04fb111].

System.Data.SQLite (SQLite Ado.Net provider)是一个原始SQLite的加强版. 它将是一个原版的sqlite3.dll完全替代品 (你甚至就可以把它重命名为sqlite3.dll). 它不需要链接.NET 运行时,所以可以脱离.NET独立发布, 然而它内嵌了一个完整的 ADO.NET 2.0 引擎,为开发提供了完整的支持.


完整的 ADO.NET 2.0 实现
整 个工程完全基于VS2005 和 ADO.NET 2.0全新构建, 使用了全部的ADO.NET framework新特性. 包括完整的 DbProviderFactory 支持, 自动的分布式事务调用, 广泛的模式支持, 此外所有的类都是从 ADO.NET 2.0 的基类继承下来的.

支持完整和精简的 .NET Framework 以及 C/C++
这个库不需要链接依赖.NET运行时,100%兼容原始的sqlite3.dll,可以使用非托管的C/C++ 进行开发.

未加密的 SQLite 数据库文件可以自由的跨平台和处理器使用,包括非Windows平台. 加密之后的数据库可以在全部Windows平台上使用.

可以信赖的速度,比包括Sql Server Mobile 在内的其它大多数嵌入式数据库都要快速
SQLite'安装所占用的空间相对于Sql Mobile可谓忽略不计了. 它在运行的时候占用更少的内存,同时生成的数据库也更小.

可以对整个数据库文件进行加密. 支持二进制和明文的密码.

支持使用Visual Studio 2005 设计
你可以向Server Explorer添加一个SQLite 连接, 使用查询设计器创建处查询语句, 向一个数据集中拖拽一个表格等等! SQLite的开发者可以在包括体验版在内的各种Visual Studio 2005下工作.

将SQLite本身和ADO.NET 封装捆绑编译在一起. 预编译的二进制文件提供了 x86, IA64, x64 和ARM 的版本.

SQLite 支持大部分的SQL92 标准(see below). 支持命名和未命名的参数以 UTF-8 和UTF-16 编码通过优化的管道传入SQLite 内核.

用户自定义的函数 和 排序
全面支持用户自定义函数和排序方式,意味着你可以用自己喜欢的.NET语言来实现SQLite没有提供的特性. 这一切将非常的简单.

提供了全部的源代码. 100% 免费.
全部的封装库源代码都是公有的. 无论是个人还是商业应用都没有任何的协议约束.


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