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互联网银行(Internet bank or E-bank)是指借助现代数字通信、互联网、移动通信及物联网技术。互联网银行可以吸收存款,可以发放贷款,可以做结算支付。通过云计算、大数据等方式在线实现为客户提供存款、贷款、支付、结算、汇转、电子票证、电子信用、账户管理、货币互换、P2P金融、投资理财、金融信息等全方位无缝、快捷、安全和高效的互联网金融服务机构。......查看完整解释


  • 银行 互联网 金融
  • 互联网对银行影响
  • 互联网 人民银行
  • 互联网金融商业银行冲击
  • 银行和互联网公司
  • 银行互联网营销
  • 互联网金融 中小银行
  • 互联网金融传统商业银行
  • 光大银行 互联网
  • 国有银行 互联网
  • 互联网金融 银行存款
  • 互联网金融 商业银行创新
  • 银行高管 互联网金融
  • 互联网跳槽去银行
  • 银行与互联网金融 不一样的风控
  • 银行 互联网消费金融公司
  • 互联网银行5家都是谁
  • 互联网金融对商业银行的挑战及对策研究
  • 平安银行互联网账户安全吗
  • 互联网公司 银行offer


  • 1: 互联网金融产品确实正在冲击银行。

    Online funds are indeed hurting the banks.

  • 2: 可以说,网上银行是互联网上的虚拟银行柜台。

    It can be said that online banking is on the Internet, virtual bank counters .

  • 3: 确保所有其他互联网会话关闭,然后银行登录到互联网。

    Ensure all other Internet sessions are closed before you log on to Internet banking.

  • 4: 但是,我们每天都运用到了这些技术,无论是当我们在使用网上银行,在线购物或者连接上互联网进行工作的时候。

    However, we all use this technology every day, whenever we bank online, shop online, or connect to work over the Internet.

  • 5: 网上银行是依托互联网的发展而兴起的一种新型银行服务手段。

    The E-bank is a new bank service method which depends on the development of internet.

  • 6: 其中,只有200-300万人能通过传统互联网登录网上银行进行转账。

    Of these, only 2 or 3 million have traditional internet access that would allow them to log in to their bank account online to transfer money.

  • 7: 在韩国,蚂蚁金融参与设立的互联网银行已经获得了初步批准。

    In South Korea, it has gained preliminary approval to establish an Internet bank.

  • 8: 再按一下,就接通了国际互联网银行网络,然后,你就可以付款买下来了。第二天,快递员就能把它给你送过来了。

    Another click to call up the Internet banking connection, and you have bought and paid for it, and a courier will deliver tomorrow.

  • 9: 但钟加勇警告称,由于互联网银行大多没有实体网点或网点很少,它们尚未解决开户程序问题。

    But internet banks have yet to resolve the issue of account opening procedures, given that most have few or no physical branches, Mr Zhong warned.

  • 10: 其实,这种虚拟银行的雏形早在1995年就已经在美国出现。 它的名称是“安全第一网络银行”,堪称世界第一家国际互联网银行

    Actually, the rudimentary beginnings of a virtual bank appeared in the US in 1995 as the Security First Network Bank, the world"s first Internet bank.

  • 11: 如此看来,Kaminsky正处在保护成千上万计算机用户和融失消费者对互联网银行业务和购物信心的一线之间。

    As a result, Kaminsky is walking a fine line between protecting millions of computer users and eroding consumer confidence in Internet banking and shopping.

  • 12: 本论文目的在于描述互联网银行的现状并就其在银行业的应用和监管政策进行探讨。

    The purpose of this paper is to describe the current state of Internet banking and to discuss its implications for the banking industry and regulatory policy.

  • 13: 当我们通过互联网使银行的远近距离变得无关紧要的时候,我们真的还需要遍布全国的成千上万的银行及其分支机构吗?

    Do we really need thousands of banks and bank branches spread around the country when we have the internet to make distance of banks irrelevant?

  • 14: 互联网和银行业的结合成就了现在的网上银行,这一新银行业务的出现和必有其原因。

    Net Bank results from the combination of the Internet and Bank industry, and it has its own reasons to support the existence and development.

  • 15: 有人用网上银行、手机银行和电子账单登录公共互联网时,银行总是有些担心害怕。

    The banks are always afraid when you enter the public Internet with Internet banking and mobile banking and electronic statements.

  • 16: 政客们以为,通过对银行和互联网服务提供商施加压力,就可以让人们不再境外下注赌博。 这种想法似乎很天真。

    The belief that they can do so by bullying banks and internet companies into stopping people from placing bets abroad seems naive.

  • 17: “家乡现在已经有水,有电,有高速公路,甚至有了互联网”,投资银行CICC的哈纪明说。

    “‘Home’ now has running water, electricity, highways, even internet access,” says Ha Jiming of CICC, an investment bank.

  • 18: 比如,利用计算机在互联网上进行银行交易,对银行业来说每笔花费几分钱,而传统方法就会要花费数美元。

    Taking banking over the internet by computer for example, it will cost the banking industry a few cents per transaction, but several dollars for traditional method.

  • 19: 钱包内置微型电脑,并利用蓝牙同用户个人手机连接,再通过手机同互联网及用户银行账户连接起来。

    All 3 wallets have a tiny computer inside them and use a Bluetooth connection to the individual"s mobile phone, which then connects to the Internet and their bank account information.

  • 20: 我们只使用最高工业标准的安全服务器(SSL)在互联网上传输银行卡信息。

    We use only the highest industry standard secure server (SSL) for transferring credit card information across the internet.

  • 21: 本文以基于银行业的互联网上的决策支持系统为背景,研究了数据仓库的建模及其在决策支持系统中的应用。

    This paper is based on the background of the WEB Decision Support System for Banking. The DW modeling and its application in DSS are studied.

  • 22: GratisCard将是首个利用国际互联网在商户和银行间传输数据的支付系统。

    GratisCard will be the first to use the internet to zip data among merchants and banks.

  • 23: “网银”是电子银行业务的重要代表,它是商业银行为适应互联网时代客户不断提高的要求而产生的新型金融服务方式。

    Internet Banking" is an important representative of electronic banking; it is a new type of financial service of commercial bank to meet the increasing Internet client requests."

  • 24: ING集团有一个非常成功的业务,在美国做网上银行,通过互联网吸收存款,这个业务叫做INGDirect。

    ING had started up a very successful effort at gathering deposits via the Internet in the United States, called ING Direct.

  • 25: 她认为病人会吵着要获得有关个人健康的更多信息,就像银行的客户用互联网作为跟踪其帐户的手段一样,越多越好。

    She believes patients will clamour for more data about their health, much as banks’ customers embraced the internet as a means of keeping better track of their accounts.

  • 26: 英国伦敦(CNN)--你可以在互联网上管理你的银行账号和社交网络,很快你将可以在线管理并跟踪你的电能的消费。

    LONDON, England (CNN) -- You can manage your bank balance and social life on the Internet and very soon you will be able to manage your electricity consumption online.

  • 27: 三款钱包里都有一个微型电脑,并且通过蓝牙连接到个人手机,以此登入互联网,获取他们的银行账户信息。

    All three wallets have a tiny computer inside them and use a Bluetooth connection to the individual’s mobile phone which then connects to the Internet and their bank account information.

  • 28: 这是一种21世纪通过互联网遍布全球的银行抢劫。

    This was a 21st century bank heist that reached through the Internet to span the globe.

  • 29: 利用木马客户端用于通过互联网进行交易的银行软件的漏洞。

    Trojans exploit vulnerabilities of banking software used by clients to carry out transactions over the Internet.

  • 30: 投行机构瑞银集团计算出,即使十分之一的银行存款流向互联网金融产品(一个极端假设),那么银行的净息差也仅仅减少0.1%。

    UBS, an investment bank, calculates that even if a tenth of bank deposits flee to online products (a heroic assumption), it might cut the net interest margin at banks by just 0.1%.

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