汉语词典 红联
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land, right-of-way, area, terra




  • 工业用地使用年限
  • 旱冰场专用地板
  • 建设用地许可证
  • 农村居民点用地
  • 工业用地征收补偿
  • 幼儿园用地性质
  • 加油加气站用地
  • 什么是商业用地
  • 临时用地占用基本农田
  • 规划净用地面积
  • 上海工业用地价格
  • 一类物流仓储用地
  • 可建设用地面积
  • 农用地转用审批手续
  • 城乡建设用地规模
  • 什么是新增建设用地
  • 江苏省建设用地指标
  • 商服用地使用年限
  • 家用地板哪种好
  • 停车场属于什么用地


  • 1: 城市用地扩张是社会经济发展的反映。

    City land spread is the reflection of economy development.

  • 2: 随着城市化和工业化的迅速推进,建设用地的需求量急剧上升。

    With the development of city and industrialization, the demand for construction land is increasing fast.

  • 3: 合营企业使用场地,必须贯彻执行节约用地原则。

    Joint venture must implement the principle of economizing on land in their use of sites.

  • 4: 首先,是有关建设用地使用权的问题;

    The first one is about the land use right for construction.

  • 5: 那么,为什么不通过向上建造而创造更多的农业用地

    So why not create more agricultural land by building upwards?

  • 6: 规划,用地,设计,施工,一大套下来,又不知道要多长时间。

    Planning, land use, design, construction, a large set down, do not know how long.

  • 7: 建筑用地缺乏将造成房地产价格逐渐上升。

    A shortage of building land will push property sales up.

  • 8: 本文以非建设用地纳入城市规划体系文研究课题。

    This thesis concern about taking the non-constructive land into city planning.

  • 9: 印度境内有充沛的阳光和许多平坦闲置的用地

    The country has plenty of sun and flat, idle land.

  • 10: 我国是社会主义土地公有制,建设用地的所有权属于国家所有。

    China is socialist public ownership of land, construction land owned by the state.

  • 11: 最常见的土地利用变化是由森林转变为农业用地

    The most common type of forest land use change is the change in agriculture land.

  • 12: 本文的第四章是非建设用地规划的实例研究。

    Chapter four is the case study of non-constructive land planning in hangzhou.

  • 13: 在中国,新的高速公路正建造在极其需要的农业用地上。

    In China new highways are being built on much-needed agricultural land.

  • 14: 彭州市;建设用地;集约利用;评价。

    Pengzhou City; construction land; intensive use; evaluation.

  • 15: 加强开发新的建设用地有偿使用的标准费用。

    Enhance the development of new construction land compensation for the use of standard costs.

  • 16: 首次将浙江省的可持续发展问题和其工业用地模式结合起来。

    The first time to relate sustainable development with the model of industry using land.

  • 17: 他们找到了使农业用地更多产的方法。

    They have found ways to make more productive use of agricultural land.

  • 18: 产业用地结构随着产业产值结构变化和经济增长方式转变而变化;

    The industrial land structure changes along with the change of output structure and economic growth.

  • 19: 建设用地是社会经济发展的基础。

    Construction land is the foundation of social and economic development.

  • 20: 新政只有在那些非耕的“建筑”用地上能带来一些改变。

    It is on the non-arable "construction" land that the latest policy offers something new.

  • 21: 博弈论在农业用地制度领域中的研究,应用甚少。

    The research on game theory has been seldom applied to arable land system.

  • 22: 预留了城市交通、城市绿化及其它性质的城市用地

    Set aside urban transportation, urban greening and other cities in the nature of the land.

  • 23: 五是用地结构不合理,建筑布局凌乱。

    The irrationality of town construction land structure.

  • 24: 这一地区曾被规划成埃及一个重要的新农业与工业用地

    The region was planned to be a major new agricultural and industrial site for Egypt.

  • 25: 这些建议仅与农业用地有关。

    These proposals relate only to agricultural land.

  • 26: 在那里,由于人们通过燃烧森林以开垦农业用地,濒临灭绝动物的生存受到严重威胁。

    There the animal is under threat of extinction due to the burning of the forest to make way for agricultural land.

  • 27: 介绍炼油厂总平面布置设计。强调优化布置设计与节约用地和节能降耗的关系。

    Introduce design of general layout of refinery, emphasize on relationship between optimized layout and land saving and energy saving.

  • 28: 首先看一下,作为我们现在的这个城市,究竟在城市化过程中究竟有多少用地被大院、高墙分割?

    First look at it as we are now the city is in the process of urbanization, how many sites are compound, wall partition ?

  • 29: 因此,在土地利用方面,对经济发达的平原地区,应防止农业用地的流失;

    On the land use, therefore, the agricultural land should be prevented for the economic developed flat lands.

  • 30: 这不是世界新秩序的一部分,也不是将小农场或是活跃的可供生产的农业用地作为目标。

    This is not part of the New World Order, nor it is targeting small farms or actively productive agricultural land.

  • 31: 上海高速公路在招商中取得成功的政策创新之一就是以土地使用权合作方式提供建设用地

    The most successful policy innovation in business invitation for Shanghai Expressway is that the land of construction is provided with land cooperation right.

  • 32: 一条花架走廊贯通用地,将所有主要建筑用房与马路隔开形成第四道屏障,最大限度地保障了业主生活的私密性与“ 深宅大院”的特质。

    A flower racks corridor through land use and construction of all main roads separated into four Road barriers, maximum protection for the confidentiality of the owners live with the "big" character.

  • 33: 征用城市郊区的菜地,用地单位应当按照国家有关规定缴纳新菜地开发建设基金。

    In requisitioning vegetable fields in suburban areas, the units using the land should pay new vegetable field development and construction fund.

  • 34: 其中西安市第三产业的发展对建设用地的变化也有影响,并且这种影响正在逐步加强。

    The development of tertiary industry in Xi"an also affects the change of construction land, and this impact is gradually strengthening.

  • 35: 研究表明墓地虽然特殊,但其规划过程却应该如同对待其他用地一样力求全面详尽。

    Research shows special as burial land is, the planning procedure should be comprehensive as other kind of land use.

  • 36: 研究小城镇的工业用地扩张,寻求小城镇工业发展与土地资源可持续利用的最佳结合点,成为小城镇建设中迫切需要解决的问题。

    To study industry land expansion of small town and seek the best combination of small town"s development and land resource"s sustained use become a question that should be solved urgently.

  • 37: “我们尝试让住宅感觉起来开敞,即便用地空间是有限的,”他们补充说。

    "We tried to make the house feel open, even though the land space was limited, " they added.

  • 38: 结果表明,减小单位墓穴占地面积和缩短公墓用地使用年限,修改相关政策法规,可以大大降低公墓土地的需求量、节约土地资源。

    The result shows that diminishing the average land area, reducing the service period of the land and modifying the related regulations can greatly decrease the land demand and save the land resources.

  • 39: 带着对场地的选择,那段时间大量充足的建造用地给了设计师极大的创作自由。

    With respect to site selection, the greater abundance of buildable land in those days gave architects tremendous creative freedom as well.

  • 40: 传统上,公共服务设施往往按照城市用地结构的等级序列自上而下集中配置。

    Traditionally, public facilities were almost distributed from top down according to the rank sequence of a urban land structure.

  • 41: 因此,在土地利用方面,对经济发达的塬原区,应防止农业用地的流失;

    On the land-use, therefore, the agricultural land should be prevented for the economic developed flat lands.

  • 42: 基于法经济学的方法,研究发现,现行农村建设用地使用权有限流转法律制度成本巨大,效率低下。

    Based on the methods of Law and Economics, this research finds that the existing rural construction land tenure system is costly and inefficient.

  • 43: 在英格兰和威尔士的私人用地上不允许对车辆私自锁车轮,而苏格兰早已宣布这不合法,那里公开锁车轮的事也少有发生。

    Private wheel-clamping of vehicles on private land in England and Wales will no longer be permitted. It is already outlawed in Scotland, where public clamping too has been rare.

  • 44: 如何控制与引导小城镇工业用地扩张,是我国土地资源可持续利用的关键。

    How to control and guide industrial land sprawl of small town is the key of sustainable utilization of land resource.

  • 45: 为了促进小城镇健康、持续发展,必须对小城镇用地扩张给城乡社会、经济与环境所产生的影响进行客观、合理的评价。

    In order to improve the small town develop healthily and continually, we must evaluate the influence on the society, economy and environment which caused by the land expansion of small town.

  • 46: 通过量化分析和实例分析,论述了部分节约用地的有效措施,并在此理论的指导下,做了若干探索性方案。

    According to the analyse of housing example, the effective measure in housing con- straction and land-saving is discussed , and some exploratory project is given.

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