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Inception, Inception 2-Disc Set, started, eredet


Dom Cobb(莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥 饰)是一名精于潜盗的神偷,专门目标人物于睡梦状态中思维最软弱的时候,潜入他们的意识中盗取机密资料。Dom的天赋技能使他成为商界间谍活动梦寐以求的的合作伙伴,但同时亦令他变成失去所爱的国际逃犯。......查看完整解释


  • 崇凝镇合并村工作全面启动
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  • 1: 但移动搜索市场并未全面启动

    Yet mobile search hasn"t taken off.

  • 2: 戴尔刚刚启动一项实验计划,旨在全面测试这种蘑菇基材制作的材料。

    Dell is just starting a pilot program to fully test the mushroom-based material.

  • 3: 中国-东盟自由贸易区在2005年已经全面启动,到现在已经有一年多的时间了。

    It has been more than one year since CAFTA was fully activated in 2005.

  • 4: 落实寻猎方案,全面启动人才搜索。

    C. Implement the headhunting program and start a comprehensive talent search.

  • 5: 学科建设全面启动,发展势头良好。

    Discipline construction started, a good momentum of development.

  • 6: 从此,中国启动了全面现代化的步伐。

    From then on, the complete modernization of China had started.

  • 7: 这样,“钻石港湾”整个区域的上、中、下三大分部区已全面启动

    In this way, the entire "Diamond harbour", in the three divisions under the District has been fully activated.

  • 8: 一方面旨在治理水土流失的退耕还林还草生态重建工程在三年试点工程的基础上已全面启动

    On the one hand, returning farmland into forest and grass project to control water and soil loss has entirely started in the background of three years experimental projects.

  • 9: 随着新区的全面启动,招商工作正在有条不紊的进行,热忱欢迎海内外高朋胜友参与投资开发。

    With the full starting of the New Area, investment is being operated systematically; we warmly welcome friends at home and abroad to participate in investment and development.

  • 10: 2005年1月1日,中国—东盟自由贸易区全面启动,标志着中国与东盟十国的经济贸易发展进入了一个新阶段。

    In Jan 1,2005, China-ASEAN Free Trade Area started in an all-round way, indicating that the economic trade development of China and Ten ASEAN members have entered a new stage.

  • 11: 沃洲湖景区建设的全面启动将给沃洲湖的水质保护带来严峻挑战。

    The overall construction of scenic spot of Wozhou Lake will bring severe challenge to water quality protection.

  • 12: 森工企业转制后,由于国家天然林保护工程的全面启动,大量的森工企业工作人员分流转岗。

    In particular, after China started the natural forest protection project, a large number of redundant personnel were branched off to the other position.

  • 13: 随着中国———东盟自由贸易区及泛珠江三角经济区的全面启动,云南区位优势不断提升。

    With the start of China-ASEAN free trade region and the Pan-Pearl delta region, Yunnan is rising in its regional vantages.

  • 14: 西气东输工程的全面启动和实施,标志着我国天然气的时代正在来临。

    The overall start and implement of transporting gas from west to east engineering indicate the time of the natural gas in our country are coming .

  • 15: 2002年我国“林业六大工程”的全面启动,标志着我国林业发展进入一个崭新阶段,是我国再造秀美山川的战略工程。

    The startup of the six key forestry programs in 2002 is a sign of a new development stage for Chinese forestry, which are the strategic programs of reconstructing the beautiful landscape.

  • 16: 这标志着新企业会计准则实施的全面启动

    This marks the implementation of new accounting standards of enterprises started.

  • 17: CRM系统全面启动,与“广交会”互动,观众组织更有效。

    The CRM system comprehensive start, with the"Guangzhou Export Commodities Fair"interaction, the audiences organizes effectively.

  • 18: 上海世博局1日宣布,2010年上海世博会在美国市场的门票和旅游产品销售工作已全面启动

    The 2010 Shanghai World Expo ticket and tourism product sales have started in the US, the Bureau of Shanghai World Expo Coordination announced Tuesday.

  • 19: 全面启动“双一流”建设,培养拔尖创新人才。

    Started double top construction, cultivating outstanding innovative talents.

  • 20: 国务院西部开发办、业部日前召开退牧还草工作电视电话会议,全面启动退牧还草工程。

    State council western develop office and Ministry of Agriculture start-up re-grass some of cultivating television and telephone meeting, and start— up re-grass some of cultivation roundly.

  • 21: 此外,随著中国核酸血筛市场的全面启动,核酸血筛业务将成为达安基因公司新的盈利点。

    In addition, with the launch of China nucleic acid blood screening market, the nucleic acid blood screening business is expected to become a new profit point of Da An Gene.

  • 22: 随着我省中小学教师继续教育工作的全面启动,继续教育的理论研究也作为一项新的课题供我们探讨。

    With the overall start of further education for primary school and middle school teachers. The theoretical study of further education will be probed as a new topic.

  • 23: 在经济全球化和区域经济一体化的背景下,中国-东盟自由贸易区的全面启动将对世界经济格局产生深远的影响。

    The star-up of China-ASEAN free trade area will have great impact on world economic structure in the background of economic globalization and regional economic integration.

  • 24: 他说,如果一切运行良好,该制度将在今年年底前全面启动

    If all goes well, he says, the system should be fully active by the end of this year.

  • 25: 中国民法典的编纂工作已经全面启动,婚姻家庭制度将作为其中的一编。

    The codification of Civil Law Code in our country has boot up, marriage and family system is a copy in it.

  • 26: 由此,建立和实施中国法律援助制度的工作全面启动

    Thereafter, the establishment and implementation of China"s legal aid system was triggered on the whole.

  • 27: 中国东部沿海LNG项目和管道联络线的全面启动,为安全供气提供了保证。

    The all-sided start-up of LNG projects and tie pipelines provide the guarantee of safe gas delivering in the coast areas of east China.

  • 28: 后配额时代的全面启动,使全球纺织经济步入新的增长周期。

    With post-quota age, international textile economy is stepping into a new increasing period.

  • 29: 自1999年我院全面启动建设《医院信息管理系统》以来,门诊挂号系统的建设就是整个HIS系统中最难攻克的一个堡垒。

    Since 1999, our hospital has built The Hospital Information Management System. The clinic register systematic is a difficult point in the whole HIS.

  • 30: 江苏省建设厅按照江苏省委、省政府的部署,迅速全面启动灾后重建城乡规划编制工作。

    The Construction Department of Jiangsu Province organized the urban-rural planning formulation rapidly according to the arrangement of the provincial government.

  • 31: 从2003年秋天开始,国务院在8个省进行改革试点,全面启动了新一轮农村信用合作社的改革。

    Form autumn in 2003, State Department reformed the rural Credit Union in 8 provinces, signified beginning a new cycle reform in all directions of rural Credit Union.

  • 32: 市长王顺生日前率领航展招商团参加第46届巴黎航展,标志着第六届中国珠海航展的招商工作全面启动

    Zhuhai Air Show Introduction Delegation led by Mayor Wang Shunsheng took part in the 46th Paris Air Show recently, initiating the Introduction work for the 6th Zhuhai China Air Show.

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