汉语词典 红联
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[贸易], share of market, die Absatzbeteiligung, android




  • 中国智能手机市场份额
  • b2c市场份额
  • 国内浏览器市场份额
  • 海底捞市场份额
  • 2015市场份额
  • 浏览器的市场份额
  • 淘宝的市场份额
  • 洗衣机 市场份额
  • 化妆品的市场份额
  • 牙膏的市场份额
  • 耐克的市场份额
  • 电子商务市场份额
  • 云服务 市场份额
  • 电商占市场份额
  • 糯米的市场份额
  • 杀毒软件 市场份额
  • 口香糖 市场份额
  • 应用分发市场份额
  • 新能源车市场份额
  • 逆变器市场份额


  • 1: 我们为什么会失去这么多的市场份额

    Why did we lose so much of the market share?

  • 2: 他们共同的市场份额,但有一些小的重要性。

    Together, they have market share, the small but has some importance.

  • 3: 关于我们的主要产品和市场份额,你知道些什么?

    What do you know about our major products and our share of the market?

  • 4: 因此,它开始失去其市场份额,以他们的竞争对手。

    Thus, it started to lose its market share to their competitors.

  • 5: 两者都拥有庞大的信用卡市场份额.

    Both have big shares of the creditcard market.

  • 6: 不,一点也不是,事实上他们在市场份额中输给AMD十个百分点。

    No, not at all, in fact they lost ten points of market share to AMD.

  • 7: 再设想一下,如果您有能力在美国建立市场份额

    And imagine if you were able to build market share in the US.

  • 8: 什么是目标市场份额和它的主要竞争对手的行业?

    B. what is the market share of target and its major competitors industry ?

  • 9: 德国和法国的糊涂分别占到市场份额的5%。

    Germany and France account for around 5% of the market each.

  • 10: 这就给了我们攫取市场份额的机会。

    This gives us opportunity to grab market share.

  • 11: 我想了解一下你们的主要产品和市场份额

    I"d like to know about you major products and market share.

  • 12: 我们都同意我们的目标是更大的市场份额吧?

    Do we agree that a bigger market share is our objective?

  • 13: 然而,这里使用的市场份额数据再次出现了误导。

    However, the market share data that uses here appeared again misdirect .

  • 14: 但是,你确信降低价格后我们的市场份额就一定会增加吗?。

    But are you sure that our market share will increase if we reduce our prices?

  • 15: 战略管理如何能拓展你的市场份额和帮助你设计和管理工作?

    How can Strategic Management develop your market share and assist in designing and managing work?

  • 16: 但是,可以很容易地改变传统的新闻来源,失去市场份额的网站。

    But that could easily change as traditional news sources lose market share to the Web.

  • 17: 你们对于母猪市场份额的目标是多少? ?

    What market share for sows is your aim?

  • 18: 目前诺基亚的市场份额在35%左右。

    Its market share is now at around 35%.

  • 19: 如果公司想增加其市场份额,那么,在此之前公司将有大量工作要做。

    The company have a lot of work ahead of it if want to increase its market share.

  • 20: 他们当地的市场份额通常小于5%。

    They typically have local market shares of below 5%.

  • 21: 同时,他的市场份额不断高涨。

    Meanwhile, its market share continues to soar.

  • 22: 我认为我们可以通过降低价格来夺得更大的市场份额

    I think we can debase the price to get more market share.

  • 23: 这家电视台的目标是在市场份额上与竞争对手平分秋色。

    The television station has aimed at being neck and neck with its competitor in market shares.

  • 24: 但是几年前,它失去了市场份额并且关闭了大部分的海外分店。

    But some years ago, it lost market share and closed most of its overseas branches.

  • 25: 您必须理解技术的成本结构,它对您的利润的影响如何,以及您的技术投资对增长、收缩和市场份额的影响是什么。

    You have to understand the cost structure of technology, what its impact is on your margin and what the impact of your technology investment is on growth, shrinkage, and market share.

  • 26: 在这个案例中,一个公司的名声,不是依靠它的市场份额或它生产的药品有多少人在使用,而是它的研发力和创新力。

    A firm’s reputation, in this case, depended not on its market share or the use of its drugs, but its generation of knowledge and innovation.

  • 27: 也许有一天某个个人电脑品牌也会像可口可乐、诺基亚和耐克这样占有40%或更高的市场份额

    Someday some brand will be the Coca-Cola or Nokia or Nike of personal computers with a market share of 40% or so.

  • 28: 中国公司可以继续从容地让利供应商品以保持他们的市场份额以及在海外市场的影响力。

    Chinese firms can comfortably continue supplying goods at reduced margins, in order to maintain their market shares and influence in overseas markets.

  • 29: 但是,从市场份额简单的巨大力量,其对市场的影响,但不应低估。

    But shares from the market simply tremendous strength , its impact on the market but should not be underestimated.

  • 30: 它们歪曲市场份额,目的是从中推测出完美的公司预期收入。

    They distort the measurement of their market shares in order to infer ideal prospects for business revenues.

  • 31: 自爆发危机以来,从零售银行业、投资银行业到资产管理,小摩所有主营业务的市场份额都有所增长。

    Since the crisis the bank has increased its market share in all its main businesses, from retail and investment banking to asset management.

  • 32: “我们认为我们可以获得相当规模的市场份额,并以高于竞争对手的速度增长,”他说。

    “We think we can materially take market share and grow at a rate in excess of our competitors, ” he said.

  • 33: 我们投资于这个品牌,是因为其在尚未开拓在线业务的旅游内容领域占有重要的市场份额

    We bought the brand because it had a significant market share of the travel content business without having exploited its online presence.

  • 34: 但是人们很喜欢这个产品,所以他们告诉自己的朋友,并且以这种方式成长到今天,占据了巨大的市场份额

    But people just love the product, so they tell their friends, and somehow it just grew to where it is now, with some huge share of the market.

  • 35: 他表示,公司将从市场份额、管理参与程度以及与母公司的协同效应出发,研究每一项业务。

    He said the company would study every operation in terms of market share, the extent of management involvement and synergies with its parent.

  • 36: 它的市场份额很小,但是其独特的功能使它具有了足够的重要性,颇值得我们关注,但前提是不给其他用户造成不便。

    It has a miniscule market share, but its unique abilities make it important enough to be worth catering to if you can do so without inconveniencing other users.

  • 37: 所以如果您放弃一项产品,使其很容易获得较大的市场份额,同时您让每个人都公平地竞争,这应该易于开发出一个欣欣向荣的生态系统。

    So if you give away a product, making it easy to get large market share, and you let everyone play on a level playing field, it should be easy to develop a thriving ecosystem.

  • 38: 某些评论家说这种盈利是不够的,尤其考虑到大的市场份额的保持。

    Some critics claim it is not profitable enough, especially considering the large market share it retains.

  • 39: 即使某家企业暂时获得了市场份额的优势,最终也将因为价格过低而丧失利润。

    Even if a business temporarily gained market share advantage, will eventually because of low prices and loss of profits.

  • 40: 你旨在解决这些问题而开发的新系统的主要目标是增加市场份额

    The primary goal of the new system you develop for solving the problem would be to increase market share.

  • 41: 诺基亚的步伐在这个复兴的春天刚从2004年初的一次绊倒中恢复过来,当时一条毫无生气的生产线致使其市场份额下降到低于30%,这是近年来的首次。

    Nokia has a renewed spring in its step, having recovered from a stumble in early 2004, when a lacklustre product line-up caused its market share to drop below 30% for the first time in years.

  • 42: 我们也发现更大的审计员亡失市场份额随即对新的审计标准的采用。

    We also find that larger auditors lose market share subsequent to the adoption of the new auditing standards.

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