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Lens, Lang"s, Lanace, Nonzee Nimibutr




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  • 1: 攀登在钻石朗斯峰(美国)。

    Climb the Diamond on Longs Peak.

  • 2: 佛朗斯:你的闹钟从来没好用过,也许你该买个新的了。

    Rosie: Well, if it breaks down again tomorrow, I"ll definitely buy a new one.

  • 3: 在亚瑟的宫廷里,朗斯洛开始与王后圭内维尔相爱。

    Lancelot and Guenevere, the queen, fell in love at Arthur’s court.

  • 4: 到了这个时刻,朗斯特里特必须挑起战争责任的全部重担。

    Longstreet must have had the weight of the world on his shoulders at that moment.

  • 5: 朗斯达夫还是那么潇洒出众吗?

    Is Longstaff still so handsome and distinguished?

  • 6: 这恰如普朗斯博士的形容“人体就像一个大水袋”。

    As Dr Prance puts it, "a person is just like a big bag of water".

  • 7: 到那时候小弗朗斯才知道学习有多么重要。

    Not till then did little France realize how important learning was.

  • 8: 一段是与一张名叫朗斯的弓的恋情。

    One was with a bow, named Lance.

  • 9: 在朗斯之前她还有一个恋人,美军F-15战斗机。

    Before Lance she had another lover, the F-15. Yes, that F-15.

  • 10: 同样感谢的是三角战术,感谢棒球和巴朗斯

    Thank you for the triangle. Thank you for the baseball and the Barons.

  • 11: 杰斯•巴特沃斯和马克•里朗斯是一对奇怪的组合。

    JEZ BUTTERWORTH and Mark Rylance are an odd couple.

  • 12: 这儿你甚至可以看到土拨鼠,据伯朗斯基称这是“非常罕见的”。

    There is even a woodchuck which Blonsky says "is very unusual."

  • 13: 快到早晨的时候,朗斯代尔唤醒了那个姑娘,劝她离开。

    Toward morning Lonsdale woke the girl up, and persuaded her to leave.

  • 14: 朗斯洛还杀死了几个反对他诱拐王后的骑士。

    Lancelot killed several of his fellow knights after they found him with the queen.

  • 15: 这是朗斯福德的主要观点之一。

    This is one of Lunsford"s most important points.

  • 16: 目前世界最大的潮汐电厂是法国的拉朗斯电厂,其发电规模达240兆瓦。虽然与其他再生能源相比,潮汐电厂对全球电力供应的贡献还很微薄,但业内人士都认为潮汐电厂发展的高速期即将到来。

    Tidal power is a tiny contributor to global electricity generation, even compared with other renewables.

  • 17: 佛朗斯:也许那时就太晚了。

    Francie: Maybe by then it"ll be too late.

  • 18: 整整一天,李将军和朗斯特里特都在督战。

    They had fought throughout the day under the eyes of Lee and Longstreet.

  • 19: 在福朗瑟斯担心这件事可能会导致教育资源的分配不当。

    Frances worried this might cause a misallocation of school resources.

  • 20: 弗朗西利斯会和她作囚徒的丈夫离婚,嫁给她打网球伙伴吗?

    Will frances liss divorce her jailbird husband to marry her tennis pro ?

  • 21: 典型的肉芽肿中央有一大的朗格罕斯巨细胞。

    This well-formed granuloma has a large Langha giant cell in the center.

  • 22: 马斯朗就是一个典型的受害者,他年轻、受过高等教育、有钱。

    The typical victim is someone like Mr. Ma, who is young, well-educated and affluent.

  • 23: 普朗特尔斯银行和信托弗吉尼亚公司。

    Farmers Bank and Trust Company of Virginia.

  • 24: 朗斯特里特是一个有远见的,一个男人谁是非常清楚的性质在不断变化的战争机器和防御战变得更为重要。

    Longstreet is something of a visionary, a man who is very aware of the changing nature of war as machines and defensive warfare become more important.

  • 25: 天然存在或者实验室制造的纤锌矿型氮化硼和朗斯代尔石数量很少,直到现在,也没有一个人发现它们令人吃惊的硬度。

    Only small amounts of wurtzite boron nitride and lonsdaleite exist naturally or have been made in the lab so until now no one had realised their superior strength.

  • 26: 弗朗斯解释说我们可以将这台相机“拍摄出的一系列图像进行[数字]叠加,就好像扑克牌那样”。

    The camera “gave us a series of images that we could [digitally] stack, kind of like a deck of cards,” France explains.

  • 27: 六年前,里朗斯运营着泰晤士河南岸的莎士比亚环球剧场,在那里他以饰演克里奥帕特拉和哈姆雷特而声名卓著。

    Six years ago Mr Rylance was running Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre on the south bank of the River Thames, where he distinguished himself by playing Cleopatra as well as Hamlet.

  • 28: 朗斯代尔第一次接收信息时,比尔柯林斯未能将其破译出来,因为这份电讯中没有密码指标组。

    The first time lonsdale received a message, bill collins was unable to decipher it. there was no indicator group in the traffic .

  • 29: 当2007年切尔西招入卡库塔的时候,他仅有15岁,朗斯俱乐部随即向国际足联提出上诉。

    The Frenchman was only 15 when Chelsea came calling in 2007 and Lens immediately complained to Fifa.

  • 30: 大约在半途,我把车开进了朗斯代尔的加油站兼商店的停车处。

    About halfway there, I pulled into the parking lot of the gas station and store at Lonsdale.

  • 31: 但是穆迪公司经济学家约翰朗斯基认为利差所给出的预期信号是大萧条以来从未见过的。

    But John Lonski, an economist at Moody’s, reckons that spreads are signalling the expectation of default levels not seen since the Depression.

  • 32: 朗斯特里特怀疑在第一,但哈里森说服他,他实际上已经看到了联盟的部队。

    Longstreet is skeptical at first, but Harrison convinces him that he has actually seen the Union troops.

  • 33: 最喜欢的散文家是谁?现在是阿纳托弗朗斯和皮埃尔洛蒂。

    Who are your favorite prose writers? At the moment, Anatole France and Pierre Loti.

  • 34: 该撤销朗斯然而,注定了神圣的普罗维登斯更持久和更广泛的范围比其他任何。

    That of de Rancé, however, was destined by Divine Providence to be more enduring and of wider scope than any other.

  • 35: 他返回美国,并完成了朗斯特里特一些插曲。

    He returned to the States and completed some episodes of Longstreet .

  • 36: 有一次,在她丈夫去中国出差的期间,弗朗斯在家竟然发现了丈夫的护照。真是哭笑不得。

    Once, she found his passport at home when he was supposed to be in China for business.

  • 37: 这个问题也许只有特朗斯特罗默才可以回答——在人们即将竞相阅读的作品里去回答。

    Perhaps that is a question that only Mr Tranströmer can answer, in work that will finally be more widely read.

  • 38: 朗斯特里特崇拜他的指挥官,他认为很难说了。

    Longstreet adores his commander, and he finds it difficult to argue with him.

  • 39: 詹姆斯·朗斯顿·休斯(1902-1967)是他那个时代最著名的美国黑人作家之一。他去世时已经出版了47种他撰写或编辑的书。

    James Langston Hughes (1902-1967) was one of the best-known black American writers of his time. At his death 47 books carried his name as either writer or editor.

  • 40: 里朗斯自从结束了在环球剧场成功的管理生涯后,前往商业性剧场发挥更多重的作用。

    Having finished a successful directorship of the Globe, Mr Rylance went on to play a variety of roles in the commercial theatre.

  • 41: 《耶稣撒冷》结尾处,当“雄鸡”将被赶出他的移动房车时,里朗斯在这场“打鼓戏”中展现了大师级的表演。

    At the end of "Jerusalem", as the Rooster is about to be evicted from his mobile home, Mr Rylance gives a virtuoso performance on that drum.

  • 42: 这出引人入胜的戏剧中唯一的问题就是里朗斯的光辉可能让其他演员黯然失色。

    The only problem with this absorbing play is that Mr Rylance"s brilliance may deter other actors.

  • 43: 朗斯洛与伊莲有一私生子名叫加拉哈德,后来成了最著名的圆桌骑士之一。

    Lancelot and Elaine had an illegitimate son, Galahad, who became a famous knight of the Round Table.

  • 44: 赏金猎人瓦朗斯误以为贾克森和阿梅扎能帮他找到卢克·天行者,于是要求他的赏金猎人同伴追捕那两人。

    The bounty hunter Valance, working under the mistaken impression that Jaxxon and Amaiza could lead him to Luke Skywalker, had his fellow hunters hound the pair.

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