汉语词典 红联
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online community, network community, Community, Online Communities


网络社区 是指包括BBS/论坛、贴吧、公告栏、个人知识发布、群组讨论、个人空间、无线增值服务等形式在内的网上交流空间,同一主题的网络社区集中了具有共同兴趣的访问者。网络社区就是社区网络化、信息化,简而言之就是一个以成熟社区为内容的大型规模性局域网,涉及到金融经贸、大型会展、高档办公、企业管理、文体娱乐等综合信息服务功能需求,同时与所在地的信息平台在电子商务领域进行全面合作。“信息化”和“智能化”是提高物业管理水平和提供安全舒适的居住环境的技术手段。......查看完整解释


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  • 社区社会组织预警网络工作计划
  • 什么是社区网络化管理
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  • 网络社区开题报告
  • 艾斯特网络安全社区
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  • 国培计划安徽省网络研修社区
  • 那些企业在网络社区营销推广
  • 社区安全生产网络职责
  • 复杂网络 重叠社区划分


  • 1: 在网络社区里,抵制这样的诱惑是有利的。

    In an online community, it pays to resist that temptation.

  • 2: 随着新一代网络社区的形成,特别是随着WEB2。

    With the new generation formation of network community, specially as WEB2.

  • 3: 创建一个网络社区

    Create an online community.

  • 4: 他喜欢在网络社区中分享自己的储蓄目标。

    He likes being able to share his saving goals with his online community.

  • 5: 如果你想在网络社区内推广自己的品牌,那绝对应该投广告。

    If you want to brand yourself to the community, then definitely place an ad.

  • 6: 模块性是度量网络社区结构的主要参数。

    Modularity is one on the important parameters to evaluate the community structure of network.

  • 7: 但是中国的网络社区事实是是一个新的世界。

    But China"s internet community is evidently a world unto itself.

  • 8: 这些也都是你对之负有责任的网络社区

    These are online communities that come with commitments too.

  • 9: 沃洛普的目的是将成人社会化网络社区

    Wallop is meant to be an adult social networking community.

  • 10: 通过倾听你的网络社区的声音,你可以准确的确定他们想要的是什么。

    By listening to your community, you can determine exactly what they want.

  • 11: 而且此类为健康护理的管理所建起的网络社区之间的联系也是相当的明显的。

    The link between this type of community for healthcare management is indeed obvious.

  • 12: 此案在网络社区引起了极大的关注。

    The case has aroused great concern among the online community.

  • 13: 网络社区就是互联网时代新生的一种交流平台。

    Web community is one of the new usage of the Internet exchange platform.

  • 14: 网络学术论坛;学术讨论;网络社区

    The network academic forum; Academic discussion; Network community;

  • 15: 我怎么能成为一个网络社区建设者? 提示,秘密,还是想法?!

    how can I be a community builder online?

  • 16: 针对网络社区的主题特点,提出一种网络社区可视化方法。

    This paper proposes a visualization method of community based on the theme of the community.

  • 17: 72%的受访者上网的目的仅仅为了加入网络社区

    72% of people go online just to become part of a community.

  • 18: QTEL网络社区安全政策更新

    Qtel Update on Community Internet Safety Policy

  • 19: 我们可以期待新BN的网络社区可以达到哪样的水准吗?

    Can we expect social networking functionality on that level in the new Battle. net?

  • 20: 搭建一个网络社区,从启动,到运营维护,到推广发展社区。

    Start, run and grow an online community.

  • 21: 加入线上的网络社区网站

    Join Online Community Websites

  • 22: 第三部分为社会网络在社区治理中的应用。

    Chapter three is about the applications of social network analysis in the community governance.

  • 23: 然后,考虑一下用户用于参与社区网络的时间。

    Then consider the amount of time users spend kindling their networks.

  • 24: 可以看到其六大功能:91资讯,资料管理,系统维护,媒体娱乐,网络社区,更新日志。

    You can see the six functions: 91 information, information management, system maintenance, media and entertainment, network community, the update log.

  • 25: 通过以网络社区的方式把丰富的资源信息,想法串联起来,帮助人们使他们的家更美好,更健康。

    Helping people make their homes more beautiful, organized and healthy by connecting them to a wealth of resources, ideas and community online.

  • 26: 其他公司提出更直接的动机:现金奖励或产品,其中某些只提供给网络社区的成员。

    Other companies provide more-direct incentives: cash rewards or products, some of which are available only to members of the online community.

  • 27: 我们与网络社区一道克服的复杂概念将会提出一种更加容易和精简的消费方式。

    The complex concepts that we worked through with the online community would be presented in an easier-to-consume, more streamlined way.

  • 28: 文章摘要: 在消费者社会责任意识驱动下,社会化网络社区不仅成为企业营销的主要渠道,也使得企业开展社会责任营销成为必然趋势。

    Abstr: Social network community not only becomes the main channel of the enterprise marketing, but also makes the enterprise car- tying out social responsibility marketing become an inevitable trend.

  • 29: 我同意:正如我们在这篇文章中所说的,个人、业余爱好者以及网络社区是鲜活且发展良好的。

    And I agree: as we said in the piece, the individual, amateur and community side of the Web is alive and well.

  • 30: 已求提高住宅的附加值,为住户提供一个安全、便捷、高效、管理自动化的数字化网络社区

    It will improve the residence"s annex value, provide a security, convenience, high efficiency, automatic management digital network community.

  • 31: 同网络外的社区相比,网络社区不仅仅是自我表现与行动的结果,还为社会学的两难问题提供了新的研究视角。

    Compared with outer virtual community, virtual community not only is the result of self expression and agency but also provides a new angle for the research into the dilemma of sociology.

  • 32: 伊朗的网络社区对阿里夫遭受鞭刑反应强烈,许多人在社交网站上彼此传阅他背部血肉模糊的照片。

    Iran"s online community reacted with shock to Aref"s lashing with many people sharing pictures of his back covered in blood on social networking websites.

  • 33: 了解最新的互联网趋势和潮流动向,尤其在大众传媒方面,比如博客,论坛和其他网络社区

    To understand the latest trends and technologies on the Internet particularly in social media, such as Social Networks, Blogs, Forums and other Internet community based sites.

  • 34: 在网络社区里,每家公司都需要在尽力掌控有关其产品的对话和允许对话自由进行之间找到一个有效的平衡。

    In an online community, every company needs to find an effective balance between trying to steer the conversation about its products and allowing the conversation to flow freely.

  • 35: 亚马逊建立了强大的网络社区,使其成为合作消费和集团购买趋势中的重要角色。

    Amazon has built a strong community online, making it one of the major players in collaborative consumption and the group buying trend.

  • 36: 总部设在美国的互联网公司谷歌星期五发布了一份简短声明,结束了几星期来各方对它是否能获准继续服务中国这 个世界最大网络社区的猜测。

    The U.S.-based Internet company issued a short announcement Friday, ending weeks of speculation whether it would be permitted to continue serving the world"s largest online community.

  • 37: 这有助于宣传和推广社区,并将某个社交网络社区与其他社区连接起来。

    This helps in advertising and promotions as well as linking one Social Network community with others.

  • 38: 当前网络社区业界对垃圾信息的治理普遍分为技术策略、关键词过滤、人工审核和用户投诉几大机制。

    Current online community management industry generally divided into spam technology strategy, keyword filtering, and user manual review several complaints mechanism.

  • 39: 我们这个分论坛的主题是区域网络社区如何突围和崛起。

    The topic that we assign forum this is area network community how break out of an encirclement and rise abruptly.

  • 40: 语种越小,建设网络社区花的时间就越长。而且一般说来,语种越小,使用者们获得稳定上网机会的可能性也越小。

    And the smaller the language, the longer it takes to establish a community online… and, generally speaking, the higher the chance that most speakers of the language don’t have regular internet access.

  • 41: 一个由精通技术的孩子们组成的网络社区,几年前开始热衷于网络恶作剧,对政治并不关心。

    They got their start years ago as cyberpranksters, an online community of tech-savvy kids more interested in making mischief than political statements.

  • 42: 但是他的行动却是试图与整个无组织的网络社区开战。

    But his move also underscores the frustration of trying to do battle against the amorphous online community.

  • 43: 我想,这是因为长久以来,他一向信赖全球网络社区,并且充满了信心,不会让这点琐事分神。

    I suppose after putting your faith and trust into the worldwide web community for so long, you learn to let go.

  • 44: 一种诱饵是确定消费者能够使用网络社区就他们自己选择的主题建立他们自己的社交网络,这样的话,该网站不是全部关于这家公司的,也与这些消费者有关。

    One lure is to make sure consumers can use the online community to network among themselves on topics of their own choosing. That way the site isn"t all about the company, it"s also about them.

  • 45: 如果你很幸运的已经有了一个网络社区——即使只是几个固定的用户——倾听谈们的声音。

    If you are already lucky enough to have a community—even just some regular users—listen to them.

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