汉语词典 红联
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had a drink, drink up it




  • 喝了酒头疼怎么办
  • 枸杞喝了上火吗
  • 喝了过期酸奶会怎么样
  • 不小心喝了漱口水
  • 误喝了洗洁精怎么办
  • 喝了才能愉快聊天
  • 奶茶喝了睡不着
  • 鱼汤喝了上火吗
  • 咖啡喝了能减肥吗
  • 喝了凉水肚子疼怎么办
  • 纯牛奶喝了上火吗
  • 藏红花喝了会上火吗
  • 椰子喝了会上火吗
  • 西洋参喝了会上火吗
  • 什么果汁喝了可以减肥
  • 一杯牛奶喝了一半以后加满水
  • 坏了的牛奶喝了
  • 喝了游泳池的水怎么办
  • 黑枸杞喝了会不会上火
  • 喜宝奶粉喝了上火吗


  • 1: 他喝了一些水。

    He drank some water.

  • 2: 不是因为喝了酒。

    Not because of drunk.

  • 3: 我喝了一瓶又一瓶。

    I drank one bottle after another.

  • 4: 我说,把剩下的半杯喝了吧?

    Now, how about the other half?

  • 5: 她邀请我去喝了茶。

    She invited me to tea.

  • 6: 就在她的车里喝了起来。

    And we drank it in her car.

  • 7: 巨人喝了一大口茶,然后用手背抹了抹嘴。

    He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

  • 8: 然后他用吸管喝了一些草莓果汁。

    Then he drank strawberry juice through a straw.

  • 9: 把这白兰地喝了,它会使你复元的。

    Have this brandy; it will pull you round .

  • 10: 我和同事苏珊一起出去喝了几杯。

    I went out for drinks with my workmate Susan.

  • 11: 晚饭时他喝了一些蜂蜜酒。

    He drank some mead at supper.

  • 12: 我早饭喝了些咖啡。

    I have some coffee for breakfast.

  • 13: 于是,她又喝了一个杯子中的一些水。

    So she drank some water out of one of the glasses.

  • 14: “也许我们都喝了太多杜松子酒,”我说。

    “Maybe we all drink too much gin, ” I said.

  • 15: 应该有人告诉他,妈妈,喝了酒就别开车。

    Someone should have told him, mom, Not to drink and drive.

  • 16: 我在自助餐厅喝了一杯价格昂贵的咖啡。

    I had an overpriced cup of coffee in the cafeteria.

  • 17: 她把它喝了

    And she drinks it.

  • 18: 他在柜台上喝了一杯茴香酒,同时打量着周围的人。

    He drank an Anis at the bar and looked at the people.

  • 19: 他把另外半杯也喝了下去。

    He drank another half -cup.

  • 20: 喝了它,不然你不能继续旅行了。

    Take it. Otherwise you cant go on the trip.

  • 21: 那天晚上她喝了四瓶啤酒。

    She drank four beers that night.

  • 22: 这怎么回事我记得你的脸…很多鲜血我…我喝了你的血。

    What the hell? I had your face…And all the blood. I-I drank your blood.

  • 23: 那种感觉也像是喝了康师傅柠檬茶,打从心底的幸福和快乐。

    Also feeling like drinking lemon tea Master, playing from the heart of happiness and joy.

  • 24: 不喝了,谢谢。一会儿我还得开车呢。

    No more, thanks. I have to drive after a while.

  • 25: 在横渡的期间,他吃了一些东西和喝了一些饮料。

    During the crossing he ate some food and had several drinks.

  • 26: 我掘了井喝了外邦的水,用我的脚掌踏干了埃及所有的河川。

    I have dried up with the soles of my feet all the streams of Egypt.

  • 27: 喝了我的酒和奶。我的朋友们、请吃、我所亲爱的、请喝、且多多的喝。

    I have eaten my honeycomb and my honey; I have drunk my wine and my milk.

  • 28: 一旦你喝了那个品牌的威士忌酒,你就不想再喝其它品牌的了。

    Once you have drunk that brand of whisky, you"ll never want to drink any other.

  • 29: 谁喝了毒药可能走入歧途,他们可能有难以忍受的饥饿和干渴,或强烈的好奇心。

    Who drinks the poison may go astray; and they may have the unbearable hunger and thirst, or the strong curiosity.

  • 30: 她和她的女儿喝了这种水后,都得了霍乱死去。

    Both she and her daughter died of cholera after drinking the water.

  • 31: 他一口气喝了它们,说:也许一切都会好的,谁知道?

    He downed it and then said: All may be well, who knows?

  • 32: 他先喝了一部分,然后拿着剩下的向甲板上走去,我猜想他是拿去跟他的上司一块喝了

    He drank a part, and then carried the rest down upon the deck, to share it, I suppose, with his superior .

  • 33: 他们喝了就会摇摇晃晃,疯疯癫癫,是因为刀剑的缘故,就是我所打发到他们中间去的。

    When they drink it , they will stagger and go mad because of the sword I will send among them.

  • 34: 无论谁喝了那里的第二口水就会从不知足的欲望中死亡(毁灭):苍白和恐惧会在他的脸上清楚看到。

    Whoever will drink from the second shall perish from insatiable hunger: pallor and dread will be clear to see on his face.

  • 35: 他们又喝了一口各自的饮品。

    They all take a sip of their drinks.

  • 36: 我们吃了海鲜虾和掷骰子赌博,和喝了一些鲍鱼汤。

    We ate seafood like shrimps and craps, and drank some abalone soup.

  • 37: 喝了一口水之后,他又继续和他的学生们谈话。

    After a sip of water, he continued talking with his students.

  • 38: 也许我们会想象那是一种镇定的状态,当然不是像喝了浓茶的那种状态,在那种状态下,我们没有三毒的存在。

    We might like to imagine that we are in equanimity and that we don"t have the three poisons, but that"s like not drinking strong tea.

  • 39: 因为我们喝了能溶解牙齿的东西,所以一定会伤害到我们的牙齿,这种想法真是无稽之谈。

    The idea that any substance which can dissolve teeth must therefore damage our teeth if we drink it is nonsensical.

  • 40: 吃晚饭的时候,农民们喝了很多啤酒,不过我是个好学生,所以我只喝了一点点。

    Then we ate and the farmers drank a lot of beer but as I am a good student I only drank a little.

  • 41: 喝了咖啡之后那人就要毒药,老板告诉他已经把毒药放进他的咖啡里了。

    That person after drinking coffee will poison, the boss tells him to have already put poison into his coffee.

  • 42: 他们喝了半个小时,而后,汤普森先生对他儿子说:“汤姆,现在我要告诉你一个有益的教训。

    They drank for half an hour, and then Mr. Thompson said to his son, “Now, Tom, I want to teach you a useful lesson.

  • 43: 很多人在减肥的时候只注意吃了些什么,而不注意喝了些什么。

    Many of us watch what we eat but not what we drink when on a diet.

  • 44: 他们喝了一点烈酒或者香槟就会睡去,其实这对于一个习惯喝酒的人是不会有什么影响的,可他们就会像孩子一样睡着了。

    They went to sleep on drinking an amount of liquor or champagne that would have little effect on a person accustomed to drinking, and they would go to sleep like children.

  • 45: 她声称过去一年里只在其他场合喝了两次:一次是在沙恩葬礼后,一次在上个夏天。

    She named only two other occasions in the past year: the day after the funeral and once last summer.

  • 46: 他身体虚弱,行走缓慢,但是,他总是为我亲手榨好一杯新鲜桔子汁放在厨房桌子上,旁边有一张不签名的纸条,上边写着:“把桔子汁喝了。”

    He was frail and moved slowly, but he always had a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice on the kitchen table for me, along with an unsigned note reading, “Drink your juice.

  • 47: 为了确定这种危险医生可以问患者两个简单的问题:第一你喝了一杯啤酒后会不会脸红?

    To determine risk, doctors can ask their patients two simple questions. First, do you flush after drinking a glass of beer?

  • 48: 他们在走回家吃饭之前喝了本地的苹果酒。

    They imbibed the local cider before walking home to dinner.

  • 49: 是的,我喝了三罐可乐。

    Yes. Three cans of Coca.

  • 50: 那天晚上我忽然之间很想喝酒,结果我喝了那半坛“醉生梦死”,好象平常一样,我继续做我的买卖。

    I suddenly wanted to have a drink that night. I finished the magic wine. I continue with my business as usual.

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