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  • 考察调研主持词
  • 医院党建调研考察报告
  • 县政协外出考察调研报告
  • 沈阳南湖公园考察调研
  • 考察调研泰山石膏
  • 政协委员考察调研方案
  • 广东考察调研报告
  • 到我市考察调研
  • 赴宁波调研考察营商环境
  • 企业家来司考察和调研
  • 老同志外出考察调研
  • 地理野外考察调研报告
  • 深入街道社区考察调研
  • 对物业工作进行调研考察
  • 赴德清县考察学习调研报告
  • 迎接考察调研讲话稿
  • 深圳教育考察调研报告
  • 党校异地调研考察报告
  • 防汛考察调研报告
  • 考察三变改革调研报告格式范文


  • 1: 我们热诚欢迎国内外各界朋友来公司考察指导,调研业务。

    We sincerely welcome friends to visit the company guidance, research business.

  • 2: 新疆自治区党委副书记、新疆建设兵团党委书记聂卫国到苗圃考察调研

    Nie weiguo the vice secretary of xinjiang municipality and secretary of xinjiang construction corps party committee was inspecting the nursery centre.

  • 3: 在实地考察调研和文献资料研究的基础上总结出广东少数民族地区体育旅游资源的类型及分布。

    Based on investigation in the spot and literature index, we have summed up the style and distributing of physical education tour resource in the minority area of Guangdong province.

  • 4: 对考察调研国内大型浮顶油罐运行中普遍存在的问题进行了分析,并初步提出了解决办法;

    General problems existing in domestic large scale floating roof tank running have been analyzed and the countermeasures proposed.

  • 5: 在泸天化考察调研期间,周院长给泸天化中高层以上的管理人员主讲了题为“企业战略与执行力”的学术报告。

    During the visit, Principal Zhou gave a speech "Business Strategy and Implementation" to the senior management of Lutianhua.

  • 6: 本文采用文献资料整理和实地考察调研结合的研究方法,对“留白”在贝聿铭建筑作品中的隐现展开研究。

    This dissertation researches in the presence and absence of "empty space" ideas in I. M. Pei"s architectural works by means of literature data collection and field studies.

  • 7: 新造船舶CO2指数是在对全球大量营运船舶进行考察调研的基础上,分析出影响CO2排量的主要因素后提出的。

    New Ship CO2 index was proposed by researching a large number of the global operation of ships and analyzing the major factors of affecting the CO2 emissions.

  • 8: 本文第一部分在考察调研固原地区水资源现状的基础上,分析了当前供用水的情况及存在的问题;

    In this paper, the first part is based on the research and investigation in Ningxia, talking about the analysis of the current water situation and existing problems;

  • 9: 经考察和调研后,燕达国际医院对符合标准的初选入围投标人的医疗设备进行第一轮的竞标。

    After the inspection, research and study, Yanda will hold a competitive bidding for those qualified enterprises that has entered into the primary selection.

  • 10: 经考察和调研后,燕达金色年华健康养护中心对符合标准的初选入围投标人的康复和生活辅助设备进行第一轮的竞标。

    After the inspection, research and study, Yanda Golden Age Nursing Center will hold a competitive bidding for those qualified enterprises that has entered into the primary selection.

  • 11: 切实进行实地考察和调研,强化和提高教学效果。

    Fourth. conducting site visits and research to strengthen and improve the effectiveness of teaching.

  • 12: 本文在对上述地下车站深基坑支护结构进行现场技术考察与调研的基础上,重点分析了上述车站支护结构形式、施工方法及其使用效果。

    Based on the in - situ technical investigation of deep foundation pit support structures for the underground stations , this paper emphatically analyzes the support structure forms .

  • 13: 与工艺经理、国外专家等一起参与喷粉线项目的考察、调研活动,新方案的导入、设计方案和线体布局的优化等。

    Work with Methods manager and group expert on project investigation , proposal launching , design solution review and layout improvement.

  • 14: 针对地毯的质、色、形、工艺做了大量的考察、调研和改进,取得了可喜的成绩。

    They have made deep investigations and improvements on the qualities, colors, shapes and crafts of carpets.

  • 15: 要发掘其文化意义及对黔北农村的影响,就需要进行大量的实地考察和调研。

    And many field investigations are needed to conduct if we want display the cultural significance of Nuo culture and it influence upon the countrysides in Qianbei.

  • 16: 总经理办公室、财务部、财务公司负责人等陪同孔祥喜调研考察。

    General Manager"s Office, Finance Department, financial companies and other responsible persons accompanying Kong Xiangxi investigations and studies.

  • 17: “加工成纳米尺度的[FDA认可的]原料很可能是新型原料”,因此应当经过新的调研考察,“但这是另外一码事。”

    "Nanoparticle versions of [FDA-approved] materials may well be new materials" that would trigger new investigations, "and this is considered on a case-by-case basis."

  • 18: 其保存完好的明清古建筑群、深厚独特的人文背景,近年来引起了有关专家学者的密切关注,通过多次调研考察,已发掘出其巨大的建筑文化价值。

    The intact form of the cluster of ancient buildings form Ming and Qing Dynasty with deep and special humanities background has drawn the attention of the experts in recent years.

  • 19: 因此,凯尚公司在接受任何一个项目委托时,都会认真做好调研和考察,明晰脉络,纵深思考,为设计一个有生命力的作品做好科学的分析和充分的准备。

    Therefore, KaySchuh accept any item in delegate will earnestly study and investigation, clear context, deep thinking, for the design of a viable work to do scientific analysis and well prepared.

  • 20: 经过调研与考察就此问题提出建议与设想,供同仁参考。

    Through research and investigation, the authors put forward some suggestions and ideas to the colleagues for reference only.

  • 21: 论文首先通过大量的调研,考察并分析了B市的商业市场需求状况和居民消费水平,进而明确了该项目的定位。

    First, a large amount of data from generous investigation and research are analyzed to indicate the state of commercial market demand and the level of residents consumption in B city.

  • 22: 本文以多元文化的视角,通过拉萨城市住居的现状调研和考察。

    In the present, the classification study of urban homes is adopted with multi-cultural perspective thought the analysis of Lhasa.

  • 23: 游艇码头技术研究是在设计实践和国内、外调研、考察的基础上完成的。

    Technical research on marina terminal is carried out based on the design practice and investigation both in China and abroad.

  • 24: 对我国华北地区小城镇进行实地调研,考察了当地主要能源构成、住宅结构以及采暖方式。

    Research is processed in the field to learn about the main structures of energy and the types of residential constructions and heating systems in local small towns of North China.

  • 25: 第五章案例分析,主要是针对武汉汉口沿江堤岸空间的现状进行实地考察和问卷调研。

    Chapter 5 is a case study, in which a field study is carried out on the status quo of the Hankou riverfront revetment space in Wuhan and questionnaires distributed.

  • 26: 整个计划将分为前期文献调研,实地考察和艺术表达三个阶段。

    The whole project will be divided into three stages : pre-literature research, field trips and artistic expression.

  • 27: 通过对实际生产中弯头壁厚的调研,分别考察热推、冷弯工艺对弯头壁厚改变的影响。

    In the investigation of wall-thickness formed in the actual manufacture process, the variation of thickness in hot-bending and cold-bending were compared.

  • 28: 全球60多个国家周四开启了目前为止对南北极的最为广泛的科学调研,旨在考察气候变化对两极地区的影响。

    More than 60 nations launch the broadest scientific investigation yet of the Arctic and Antarctic on Thursday to chart polar regions on the front lines of climate change.

  • 29: 但是研究中规范分析的方式居多、笼而统之的宏观目标设想居多,缺乏深入实际的调研和细致的考察。

    But most study of judicial selection was about criterion analysis and macroscopical assumer of reform goal, lack of practical survey and meticulous review.

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