汉语词典 红联
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raise interest rates, hike out, interest rate increase, Popular Financing




  • 美国加息对中国的影响
  • 美联储加息历史
  • 美联储加息意味什么
  • 美国什么时间加息
  • 央行加息对股市的影响
  • 美国加息什么时候公布
  • 为什么美元加息黄金上涨
  • 美元加息人民币为什么会贬值
  • 美国什么时候讨论加息
  • 美国最近什么时候加息
  • 美国上次加息是什么时间
  • 美联储加息要考虑什么
  • 为什么加息国债收益率
  • 美加息对中国股市影响
  • 房贷如果加息怎么办
  • 美国加息对中国黄金有什么影响
  • 美储联什么时候加息
  • 人人贷加息券怎么算
  • 京东支付加息是什么意思
  • 美联储加息利空什么板块


  • 1: 针对今年中国是否会再次加息,分析人士有不同看法。

    Analysts are split on whether interest rates will rise again this year.

  • 2: 这次加息的主要目的是为了抑制通货膨胀的出现。

    The increase in interest rates this time is for the purpose of preventing inflation.

  • 3: 作为宏观经济政策的加息会对我国的房地产信贷市场有何影响?。

    What effect does adding interest as macroeconomy policy have on our real estate credit market?

  • 4: 当美联储决定加息的时候,可能就需要采取这一措施。

    It could be needed when the Fed decides to raise interest rates.

  • 5: 面对输入型通胀,中国最好的办法是“死扛”,而不能加息

    Input type, China facing inflation is the best way of "death rates, and can carry".

  • 6: 银行的加息意味着现在不能借到低于5.81%利率的贷款了。

    The hikes mean that banks cannot now lend at less than 5.81%.

  • 7: 加拿大央行也已经发出了可能马上加息的信号。

    The Bank of Canada has signalled that it may soon raise interest rates.

  • 8: 关键问题是何时加息以及股市会做出怎样的反应。

    The key question is when will rates rise and how will stocks handle the increase.

  • 9: 中国加息标志着中国政府的经济策略有所转变。

    China"s interest-rate move marks a shift in strategy by authorities.

  • 10: 李的态度是首次境外官方的“加息大合唱”的回应。

    Li"s attitude is the first time outside official "rate hike Cantata" response.

  • 11: 林伯仁说,市场对中国可能进一步加息的预期会给汇率带来影响。

    Lambregts says expectations of more rate increases could have an influence on the exchange rate.

  • 12: 他们同样不可能赢得加息的允许。

    They are also unlikely to win permission to raise rates.

  • 13: 但他没有表示出将很快加息的倾向。

    But he did not indicate a predisposition to raise interest rates soon.

  • 14: 同时,预计印度和中国等国将会有更多加息

    In the meantime, expect more interest rate hikes in India, China and the like.

  • 15: 加息对股市的影响是一个长期的。

    Rate hike impact on the stock market is a long-term.

  • 16: 为了延伸和加息与你的狗的呼吁是布拉索斯弯曲国家公园,35分钟的西南地区。

    To stretch out and hike with your dog the call is Brazos Bend State Park, 35 minutes to the southwest.

  • 17: 此外,他还警告人们不要过分夸大加息和进一步大幅上调银行存款准备金率的潜在影响。

    Furthermore , he cautioned against overplaying the potential impact of interest rate rises and further big increases to the bank reserve requirement .

  • 18: 限于多种因素的约束,受美国低利率政策的锚定效应,虽然加息的试探性步伐或将提前,但我们仍要慎用这项政策工具。

    Limitation of various factors, American policy of low interest rates, although the anchoring effect of tentative steps or interest in advance, but we are still used this policy tools.

  • 19: 然而,巴西央行面对的是充满不确定性的国际环境。所以,巴西央行希望通过延长加息周期来克服某些不确定性,从而取得有利于巴西的结果。

    Nevertheless, the Bank is facing an uncertain global environment, and so by prolonging the rate hikes it is hoping that some of that uncertainty abates, and the outcome is favorable for Brazil.

  • 20: 在过去的将近一个月里,利差交易已经变得更加具有吸引力。日本银行将会加息的预期随着表明经济运行更慢的数据的出现已经渐渐消弭。

    In the past month or so, carry trades have become more attractive; the expectation that the BoJ would raise interest rates again this year has faded as a result of slower economic data.

  • 21: 中国央行也可以加息,但这会使美元外汇储备问题更为尖锐。

    It can raise interest rates, but that would make the dollar reserve problem even more acute.

  • 22: 如果你是一个严重的蓝巴勒海峡,您可以非常具体的季节,目的地的步伐,甚至你的目标加息

    If you"re a serious rambler , you"ll be very specific about the season, the destination, the pace and even the goal of your hike.

  • 23: 大多数是边远井灰色荒野,只能被视为强有力的加息后,或独木舟游览。

    Most of Wells Gray is remote wilderness that can only be viewed after a vigorous hike or canoe excursion.

  • 24: 尽管如此,投资者仍然担心,通货膨胀在中国会突然复活,促使政府加息的速度比预期的要快。

    Nonetheless, investors fear that inflation could suddenly resurge in China, prompting the government to raise interest rates faster than expected.

  • 25: 这些促使担忧的北京方面可能会加息或者收紧财政控制,并进一步放慢中国经济高增长,但是分析家们说通货膨胀现在仅限于食品。

    That prompted worries Beijing might raise interest rates or tighten economic controls and further slow China"s growth from high levels, but analysts say inflation is limited so far to food.

  • 26: 大家一致认为,在美国利率保持不变的情况下,中国近期内不可能贸然加息,因为那样只会吸引更多的热钱进入人民币市场。

    The consensus is that China is unlikely to raise interest rates aggressively in the near term while US rates remain on hold, as doing so would only invite more hot money into the renminbi.

  • 27: 他还说,在这个秋天之前加息,这个最适度的价格收益给了中央银行喘息的时间。

    He said the modest price gains give the central bank time to breathe before hiking interest rates this fall.

  • 28: 为了增强加息效果,政府正在实施旨在抑制消费信贷增长的资本管制措施。消费信贷增长是巴西经济过热的源头之一。

    To augment the interest rates increases, the government is implementing capital controls that seek to dampen consumer credit growth – one of the sources of overheating in the economy.

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