汉语词典 红联
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  • 长期熬夜补什么
  • 长期熬夜心脏疼
  • 长期熬夜脑出血
  • 长期熬夜致心机缺血
  • 男人长期熬夜吃什么好
  • 长期熬夜爱喝饮料
  • 长期熬夜如何调理
  • 长期熬夜会影响性
  • 长期熬夜玩电脑会得白血病吗
  • 长期疲劳熬夜眼睛下面一片黑
  • 女生长期熬夜的危害
  • 长期熬夜得了癌症
  • 长期熬夜的人吃米饭
  • 长期熬夜什么样的面膜好用
  • 长期熬夜身体透支呀
  • 长期熬夜会不会变丑
  • 长期熬夜吃点儿什么药
  • 长期熬夜 颈椎难受
  • 长期熬夜的男人精子质量
  • 长期抽烟熬夜精子活性


  • 1: 长期熬夜使她筋疲力竭。

    She was tired out by these long vigils.

  • 2: 我快跑为的长期熬夜是要赶上火车。

    I run fast so that I may catch the train.

  • 3: 长期熬夜加班再加上岁月的痕迹,让榴莲族的脸色不怎么好看。

    People in the durian clan often don"t look so well due to years of overwork and signs of aging.

  • 4: 这是韩国的最新研究,发现闻咖啡香,可以降低,长期熬夜所造成的大脑压力。

    This is South Korea"s latest study found that coffee-Wen, can be reduced, long-term Aoye caused by pressure on the brain.

  • 5: 此外,长期熬夜对身体危害很大,导致身体疲乏,免疫力下降,对身体和精神危害都很大;

    In addition, long-term stay up late great harm to the body, leading to physical fatigue, decreased immunity, physical and mental harm are large;

  • 6: 除此之外,长期熬夜加班再加上岁月的痕迹,让榴莲族的脸色不怎么好看,而且“职场老油条”的榴莲族们,往往脸皮都比较厚。

    In addition, people in the durian clan often don"t look so well due to years of overwork and signs of aging. And as old hands in the workplace, they usually have thicker skin than others.

  • 7: 动物长期熬夜后不再补充睡眠,它们自己失去了这种补充睡眠的能力,这会带来肉体与精神上的伤害。

    The animals are getting by on less sleep but they do not try and catch up. The ability to compensate for lost sleep is itself lost, which is damaging both physically and mentally.

  • 8: 我们相信长期喜欢熬夜的人许多生理系统的功能易于发生改变。

    We believe that when partial sleep loss occurs repeatedly over a long period of time, individuals are predisposed to alterations in the function of many physiological systems.

  • 9: 这使我们想起长期偏爱熬夜的人常会发生代谢紊乱和心血管疾病。

    This brings us back to the idea that repeated partial sleep restriction in humans has been linked to metabolic dysfunction and cardiovascular disease.

  • 10: 这项研究的作者指出,长期熬夜的人群更可能产生很多健康问题,从肥胖到高血压,再到认知缺陷等等。 。

    Chronically 5 sleep-deprived people are more likely to develop other health problems, though, ranging from obesity to high blood pressure to cognitive deficits, the study authors point out.

  • 11: 在实习期间我长期缺觉,因为每隔三个晚上我得通宵熬夜待在医院里。

    During my internship, I was chronically sleep-deprived because I had to be at the hospital and stay up all night every third night.

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