汉语词典 红联
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Stock repurchase, share repurchase, share buyback, stock buybacks




  • 为什么回购股票会减少股数
  • 股票质押式回购 风险
  • 现金股利 股票回购
  • 股票质押式回购 深交所
  • 质押式股票回购是什么意思
  • 股票回购和现金股利
  • 深交所股票质押式回购
  • 股票质押回购公证
  • 回购质押股票是利好吗
  • 逆回购股票利率
  • 回购股票用于股权激励
  • 国债逆回购股票代码
  • 股票质押式回购交易利率
  • 股票质押回购 利率
  • 股票质押回购是否公证
  • 股票质押回购不得超过总股本的
  • 质押式回购股票价格计算方式
  • 股票下跌 质押提前回购
  • 股票质押回购受限
  • 股票质押式回购交易管理办法


  • 1: 在经济繁荣时期,美国各家银行将多余的利润用于股票回购

    DURING the boom, American banks spent surplus profits on share buybacks.

  • 2: 在这里,我们所说的就是企业股票回购活动的日益活跃。

    And one of the most noteworthy would be an increase in corporate share repurchase activity.

  • 3: 你应该避免分配股利,因此改为股票回购

    So, you would avoid paying dividends and, therefore, switch to share repurchase as your method.

  • 4: 他们可以暂时取消股票回购

    They can suspend share buybacks.

  • 5: 股票回购是指上市公司从股票市场上购回本公司一定数额发行在外股票的行为。

    Stock repurchase means Used company buy their own share back on the open market.

  • 6: 股票回购操作的意义和作用。

    The significance and role of share re-purchase …

  • 7: 许多公司偏好股票回购,这将会给公司一个较大的缓冲。

    That should havegiven companies a bigger buffer.

  • 8: 50亿美元的股票回购计划(机率:似乎为100%)。

    Three: a $5 billion stock repurchase effort (odds: seemingly 100%).

  • 9: 它们或许还需要进一步缩减股票回购规模。

    Further cuts may be necessary.

  • 10: 他可能会进行大额并购或者回购股票。

    He could make a big acquisition or buy back shares.

  • 11: 之后雅虎利用时代华纳的投资来回购股票。

    Yahoo! in turn would use the extra cash to buy back its own shares.

  • 12: 这家公司在回购它的股票吗?

    Is the company buying back shares?

  • 13: 所以你不必在意信上怎么写,不管它说是分红还是股票回购

    So, you don"t care what the letter says-- whether it says dividend or stock repurchase.

  • 14: 如果他们将钱花在补偿、股票回购或分红上面,则可以要求他们支付长期资本收益税金。

    And if they want to spend it on compensation or stock buybacks or dividends, let them pay the long-term capital gains rate.

  • 15: 当上市公司签订的股份回购合同中所规定的股票回购价格高于当期普通股平均市场价格时,应当计算稀释每股收益。

    When the stock repurchase price in the listed company"s share repurchase contracts is higher than current average market price of ordinary shares, and diluted earnings per share should be calculated.

  • 16: 公司期望减缓它的股票回购计划。

    The company looks to moderate its share repurchase program.

  • 17: 我可以在结构收购和股票回购的衍生工具?

    Can I use derivatives in structuring acquisitions and share buybacks?

  • 18: 股票回购的回归在很大程度上(无疑是在价格远远高于今天的情况下)将是解冻让位于过热的迹象。

    The return of share repurchases on a grand scale (doubtless at a time when they are far more expensive than today) will be a sign that defrosting is giving way to overheating.

  • 19: 他说,我认为股票回购和提高派息都是有道理的,如果提高股息,股票就能与固定收益工具媲美,这也颇具吸引力。

    "I think there is a logic both for share buybacks, and an attraction to being very competitive with fixed-income instruments here if we increase our yield, " he says.

  • 20: 另一件方面是,除了股利,还有其他收回投资的方法,比如股票回购

    Now the other thing is, there are other ways to get money out of a company without paying a dividend and one of them is stock repurchase.

  • 21: 鉴于股票回购已成为我国证券市场上的又一重大金融创新举动,本文拟对股票回购进行一些初步的探讨和思考。

    In view of the fact that the stock buyback has become another new behavior in our country"s stock market, this article intends to make a preliminary study of the stock buyback .

  • 22: 如果他们寄钱来,称之为股利,和称之为股票回购是没有区别的

    If they"re paying me by sending money and calling it a dividend it"s the same as if they say they"re repurchasing my shares.

  • 23: 上市的股票数量则是股票市场中的供给方,它主要受到首次公开募股、股票回购、股票退市、增发等的影响。

    The number of listed shares in the stock market is the supply, it is mainly by the initial public offering, repurchase stock from the stock market, such as the impact of additional.

  • 24: 今年以来,携程股票屡创新低,携程董事会近日批准了约1.5亿美元股票回购计划。

    Since this year, the share that carry Cheng blazes new trails repeatedly low, the board of directors that carry Cheng approved share of about 150 million dollar to counter-purchase a plan recently.

  • 25: 因此,有必要研究我国上市公司股票回购效应问题,为我国上市公司资本运作提供策略指导。

    Therefore , it is necessary to study profoundly the effect of market of stock repurchase so as to provide strategy guidance for the capital o…

  • 26: 三地市场的有效性以及三地法规对股票回购披露规定的规范性不同起了关键作用(见第五章)。

    This may be due to the different effectiveness between the three stock markets and different regulations formulated in the three areas (Chapter V).

  • 27: 作为董事会2008年9月批准的一项为期4年总额50亿美元的股票回购计划的一部分,耐克第二季度以大约2.8亿美元的价格回购了350万股股票。

    During the second quarter, Nike repurchased3.5 million shares for about $280 million as part of its four-year, $5 billionshare repurchase program, approved by its Board of Directors in September 2008.

  • 28: 不过,近些年来跟踪过上市公司行为的人都应该知道,这项理论有个很大的问题:股票回购

    But this theory has a big problem. And it is one that anyone following the behavior of public companies in the past few years should know: Buybacks.

  • 29: 选择效益一直很好的白酒行业为调查对象,验证了在我国自由现金流的代理问题的存在,并探讨了相关的减小代理成本的财务政策,即分红、股票回购、债务融资与增强经理人报酬业绩相关性。

    The alcoholic industry is discussed and all public companies are computed. The alcoholic industry is compared with others, it is found that the agency problem in free cash flow exists in china.

  • 30: 即使是最强大的组织也停止了他们的股票回购计划,并且将他们每季度进行股息支付减低到很小。

    Even some of the strongest institutions halted their stock repurchase programs and cut their quarterly dividend to a mere nickel or penny a share.

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