汉语词典 红联
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  • 银行存款准备金
  • 下调存款准备金率的影响
  • 2015存款准备金率是多少
  • 央行的存款准备金
  • 2014准备金
  • 准备金率是多少
  • 保险公司保险准备金
  • 存款准备金率2014
  • 存款准备金缴存
  • 提高银行准备金
  • 存贷比与准备金
  • 准备金率下调的影响
  • 美国 存款准备金
  • 存款准备金给多少利率
  • 财务公司存款准备金
  • 责任准备金比例
  • 降低银行准备金率
  • 存款准备金率利息
  • 银行体系的准备金


  • 1: 一般储备是总的一般贷款损失准备金的数字。

    The general reserve is the total general loan loss reserve figures.

  • 2: 当银行从其准备金中发放贷款时,货币供给增加了。

    When a bank makes a loan from its reserves, the money supply increases.

  • 3: 因此,不应当取消存款准备金付息制度。

    Therefore, the interest system for deposit reserves should not be abolished.

  • 4: 一般储备是总的一般贷款损失准备金的数字。 。

    Thee general reserve is the total general loan loss reserve figures.

  • 5: 和上调存款准备金率,也是在通胀压力下的必然选择。

    And raise deposit reserve rate, also in inflation pressure of inevitable choice.

  • 6: 问题是,银行该留存多少作为准备金

    The question is: how much reserves should a bank hold?

  • 7: 这些政策包括降低银行存款准备金率。

    These policies include reducing bank deposit reserve rate.

  • 8: 我国大部分(国际收支)的黄金准备金已流往国外。

    Most of our gold reserves have drained away to foreign countries.

  • 9: 呆帐准备金制度是银行核心的经营管理制度之一。

    The bad debt reserve system is one core of the management system in finance enterprises.

  • 10: 未决赔款准备金的估计对于保险公司而言非常重要。

    It is very important for the general insurers to estimate the outstanding loss reserve.

  • 11: 在最近不到一个月,央行已两次下调存款准备金率。

    In recent less than one month , central bank has twice downward deposit reserve rate.

  • 12: 我们决定降低商业银行的准备金率。

    We have decided to lower the commercial banks" reserve fund rate.

  • 13: 所以银行的产生是很自然的,而部分准备金制度也是自然产生的

    So, banks are natural and fractional reserve banking is the natural thing to do.

  • 14: 我国寿险责任准备金的管理。

    The management of life insurance reserves for future claims.

  • 15: 准备金制度的传导机制的作用是很低的。

    The effect of the transiting mechanic of required reserve system vehicle is low.

  • 16: 几乎所有大国的央行现在都为存款准备金支付利息。

    All big central banks now pay interest on reserves.

  • 17: 其二,基础货币发行必须有相应数额的外汇资产作为准备金

    Second, basic money issue must base on corresponding foreign currency reserves.

  • 18: 恩,今天,中国人民银行再次提高了银行最低准备金要求。

    Well, today the People’s Bank of China raised bank reserve requirements again.

  • 19: 这种体会迫使其重新思量使资本准备金达到无风险级别的基础。

    This experience is forcing a rethink of what makes a "safe" level of reserves.

  • 20: 小银行有低一些的法定准备金率,但是这个比率快速的上升到一个新的标准。

    Small banks have lower reserve requirements but it rapidly gets up to a standard.

  • 21: 此次上调存款准备金率后,普通存款类金融机构将执行12%的存款准备金率标准。

    After the raise, the deposit reserve rate of 12% shall apply to common deposit financial institutions.

  • 22: 尽管增加银行的准备金不能起到非常直接的作用,但是通常却有着比较大的影响力。

    A boost to bank reserves has a less direct, but usually larger effect.

  • 23: 也就是说,美联储出售1万亿中期债券(如果有那么多的话)换取1万亿准备金是没有效果的。

    That is, the Fed’s selling off $1 trillion of Treasury bills (if it had that much) in exchange for $1 trillion of reserves would have no effect.

  • 24: 但是如果英国银行不能再降低利率,它仍然可以提高货币基础(即:现金和商业银行准备金),这是振兴经济的又一方法。

    But if the Bank of England can no longer lower interest rates, it can still raise the monetary base (cash and commercial-bank reserves), which gives it another way to boost the economy.

  • 25: 在这种情况下,央行通过增加超额准备金,实际上等于将商业银行的负债货币化,从而增加货币流通量。

    In this case the central bank — by increasing excess reserves — would de facto monetize commercial bank liabilities and thus increase the outstanding stock of money.

  • 26: 现在大银行的存款准备金率为17%,小银行也达到15%——无论何时都保持如此高的水平。

    Currently they"re at 17% for large banks and 15% for smaller banks -- just under the all time high for reserves.

  • 27: 在货币政策工具方面,削弱了存款准备金的效力,降低了再贴现政策的效果。

    As for monetary policy tools , it impairs the strength of reserve requirement and functions of rediscount policy.

  • 28: 中国提高了各银行必须存于中央银行的存款准备金利率。这是其今年的第四次提高。

    China boosted the required level of reserves that banks must deposit with the central bank, for the fourth time this year.

  • 29: 银行通常会按历史成本持有很大一部分贷款,同时为可能的损失计提准备金

    Banks normally hold a big portion of their loans at historical cost with a reserve set aside for potential losses.

  • 30: 假设“货币乘数”——商业银行能够在它们准备金基础上扩张信贷的倍数,是10:1。

    Suppose that the "money multiplier"—the multiple that commercial banks can pyramid on top of reserves, is 10:1.

  • 31: 甚至进一步提高准备金要求也不可能有足够的影响(或作用)来减缓消费者借贷。

    Raising reserve requirements even further might not have enough of an impact to slow consumer lending.

  • 32: 有时候,你需要面对准备金的问题

    Occasionally, you get into problems with reserves.

  • 33: 但一国将另外一国的黄金作为准备金的想法确实存在,并且也确实能够发挥作用,前提是该国能够清楚地意识到这种做法的争议性。

    But the idea of a country"s using another"s gold as a reserve does exist and does work, if only with the din of controversy in its metaphorical ears.

  • 34: 在该过程的第一阶段,总贷款与银行存款增加,数量等于在任何贷款以前的超额准备金(开户存款基础上增加的90%)。

    In the first stage of the process, total loans anddeposits of the banks rise by an amount equal to the excess reserves existingbefore any loans were made (90 percent of the initial deposit increase).

  • 35: 另外该模型还可作为担保公司准备金的评估模型,并能够对担保公司投资资金的有效运用及风险防范起同样的作用。

    In addition, this model can be used as the assessment model for guarantee firms to prepare reserves and help use guarantee firms" investment funds effectively and shirk risks.

  • 36: 当然,在将来达到目前的宽松货币政策,适当的标准,以进一步降低利率和存款准备金率降低可以预期。

    Of course, in the future to achieve an appropriate standard of easy monetary policy to further cut interest rates and deposit reserve rate cut can be expected.

  • 37: 有多少钱会被存款或者其他不以货币计但是银行仍必须为其持有准备金的债务所吸收?

    How much will be absorbed by deposits or other liabilities notdefined as money but against which banks might also have to hold reserves?

  • 38: 本次资金面的紧张,表面上看是年末因素和上缴存款准备金叠加在一起,而实则也凸显了机构对未来流动性紧缩的担忧。

    This fund surface tension, on the surface is paid the deposit reserve year-end factors and superposition together, but also highlights the institutions for future liquidity crunch.

  • 39: 因此,利率和存款准备金率的两个下拉债券市场的空间将继续提供良好的投资机会。

    Therefore, interest rate and deposit reserve ratio of the two-space down the bond market will continue to provide good investment opportunities.

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