汉语词典 红联
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Much Too Soon, Too fast, in no time at all, Fast




  • 武汉现在发展太快了
  • 电脑耗电太快了
  • 太快了会怎么样
  • 发帖失败你说话太快了
  • 魅族降价太快了
  • 鼠标点击太快了
  • 小米5掉电太快了
  • 煤炉烧煤太快了
  • 大货车开车太快了
  • 周瑜王者荣耀蓝太快了
  • 你说的太快了英语
  • 电动缝纫机 太快了
  • 现代悦纳掉价太快了
  • 微信你回复太快了请休息一下
  • 啊嗯太大了唔慢一点太快了
  • 金牛男变的太快了
  • 普通话考试前三题读太快了
  • 现代汽车降价太快了
  • 太快了慢点啊哈扣修h
  • 我女友来高潮太快了


  • 1: 和你一起坠落…我落的太快了

    Fall… With you, I fall so fast .

  • 2: 对我而言你说得太快了,鲍勃。

    You speak too fast for me , Bob .

  • 3: 我建议他们不要开得太快了

    I suggest (that) they (should) not drive too fast.

  • 4: 得到了之后不要跑太快了

    Do not run too fast after gain.

  • 5: 和你在一起,就是感觉时间过得太快了,好像有说不完的话。

    With you, feel time live, too fast, it seems, have, say that are not over.

  • 6: 也许我们放弃的太快了

    We might let go too soon.

  • 7: 对他们来说危机来得太快了

    For them the crisis came too soon.

  • 8: 他开得太快了,而且他的车了撞上了那只口袋。

    He was travelling too fast, and his bike hit the bag.

  • 9: 如果你听不懂,那是因为我说的太快了

    If you don"t understand, it because I speak too fast .

  • 10: 他发现看电影是令人沮丧的因为人们说话太快了

    He found that watching movies is frustrating because people talk too fast.

  • 11: 刚刚那就是天使的力量吗?实在是…太快了…我从来不擅长跑步的啊?

    Was that angel"s power? That was just…too fast…I was never good at running?

  • 12: 那年轻人车开得太快了

    That young man drives too fast.

  • 13: 有些人永远无法学到什么,其中的缘由就是他们明白世事太快了

    Some people will never learn anything, for this reason, because they understand everything too soon.

  • 14: 那辆车看起来太快了

    That car looks too fast.

  • 15: 对于普通老百姓来说,物价实在涨得太快了

    Prices are really going up too fast for ordinary people.

  • 16: 我们乘小轿车去的。这车开的太快了

    We went by car. The car was going too fast.

  • 17: 他开车开得太快了

    He drives much too fast.

  • 18: 我的手表好像走得太快了

    My watch seems to be too fast.

  • 19: 女人最爱用的第二个的理由:“这对我来说太快了”。

    " The second most popular is: "This is going too fast for me.

  • 20: 的确,星期五似乎总是来得太快了

    Indeed, Friday always seems to come up too fast.

  • 21: 那位年轻人说话太快了。没人能听得懂他。

    The young man spoke too fast. No one could follow him.

  • 22: 他走的太快了,我们赶不上他。

    He walked too fast for us to catch up.

  • 23: 那些敌人的战斗机来的太快了

    Those enemy fighters are coming in too fast.

  • 24: 不好。我认为音乐有点太快了

    No. I third the music is too fast.

  • 25: 你走得太快了,慢一点儿!(修饰副词)

    You"re going much too fast ; slow down!

  • 26: 我衰退得太快了。我没有力气。“我爱你,”我用口形说出,紧跟着我就消失于——什么?

    I"m fading too fast. I have no strength. "I love you," I mouth before I disappear into—what?

  • 27: 对啊,就是因为我希望能尽快赶上班上的每一个人,所以我把自己的步伐调得太快了

    Yeah, I pushed myself too fast, which I hoped I could catch everyone in the class as soon as possible.

  • 28: 这种方式提高了程序性能,不是因为计算机太慢了,而是因为它们太快了

    This improved program performance, not because the computers were too slow but rather they were too fast.

  • 29: 如果有人抢跳,那意思就是他们开始得太快了,比赛信号没给就已经开始了。

    William: If someone jumps the gun, it means that they start too soon, before the starting signal.

  • 30: 带着温暖的心情离开,要比苍白的真相要好,纯粹的东西死的太快了

    With warm mood than leave, the truth of the pale, pure things die is too fast.

  • 31: 也有这样的看法,这里引用一位外交人员的话说:“罗马尼亚和保加利亚进得太快了”,自从他们加入后,就远离了改革的方向。

    There is also a belief that, to quote a diplomat, “Romania and Bulgaria came in too soon”, and have been sliding away from reforms ever since.

  • 32: 那天下着大雨,路面上积满了雨水。尽管我把车速控制在限速范围内,但在这种情况下,这样的速度还是太快了

    That day there was a downpour, the road was collecting water, and, while I was going the speed limit, it was too fast for the conditions.

  • 33: 刚开始我以为他是在开玩笑,所以就拒绝了–感觉就这样给一个承诺太快了

    At first I thought he was joking and said no - it felt too soon to be making that commitment .

  • 34: 查韦斯先生承认他走的太快了--但是方向没有错误。

    Mr Chávez acknowledges going too fast—but not in the wrong direction.

  • 35: 因为我们太热爱我的祖国,热爱这片生我养我的土地,人民永远热爱自己的祖国,祖国请不要走的太快了,别丢下您的儿女及灵魂!

    Because we affectionately love our country , this pieceful land to bring me up, people always love their motherland, do not go too fast, drop your chil.

  • 36: 最后还有一种人,说自己的名字或者电话的时候没说清楚,或者说太快了

    And, finally, there are the people who garble or say their name or phone number too fast.

  • 37: 这是你唯一能听见中国古典音乐的地方,不是在北京,不是在西安,不可能,那里变化太快了

    This is the only Chinese classical music in China, not in Beijing, not in Xian, impossible, they change too fast.

  • 38: 开头的一切都是那么轻易,而且看起来我们的工作好像实现得太快了

    Everything was so easy at first, and it seemed like we did our job too soon.

  • 39: 这一速度太快了而同样无法用真极移现象解释,真极移理论认为地球的整个地壳和地幔都在不断调整,将一个完全不同的地理区域移到了北极。

    That speed is also too fast to be explained by a phenomenon called true polar wander, in which the Earth"s entire crust and mantle reorient, moving a different geographic region to the north pole.

  • 40: 结果很快就走到了头,太快了,简直想倒回去重走一遍……真是一次难以忘怀的体验。

    When I reached the end far too soon, I almost wanted to walk it backwards…it was an unforgettable experience.

  • 41: 我把油门退出加力状态;否则我飞到展览中心这个过程的时间就会太快了

    I bring my throttles out of AB; otherwise, I will be way too fast by the time I get there.

  • 42: 格森先生说:"我们以前认为每小时开60英里就非常快了,但是现在人们都要开100英里,这对我来说太快了

    We used to think that 60mph was very fast but now people seem to drive at 100mph and that"s too fast for me.

  • 43: 但是有一点不足,就是你的语速太快了。每周只播两次,太少了。我希望办好。

    But have a bit disadvantage, is you talk too fast. Only every week sowing twice, too little. I hope to do better.

  • 44: “我们觉得市场在太短的时间内涨得太高太快了,”法国巴黎银行在一份报告中说。

    "We feel that markets have moved too high, too far, too soon, " BNP Paribas said in a note.

  • 45: 他大口喘着气:“水涨得太快了!”

    "It"s coming too fast, " he gasped.

  • 46: 尽管军官们坚持说人类的手指将永远停留在扳机上,但是对人类决策者来说,这样的战斗速度已经变得太快了

    Despite the insistence of military officers that a human’s finger will always remain on the trigger, the speed of combat is quickly becoming too fast for human decision makers.

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