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green bonds, Green Bond




  • 绿色债券信用评级
  • 绿色债券发行主体
  • 深交所 绿色债券
  • 中国绿色债券市场2016年度总结
  • 美国 绿色债券市场
  • 协鑫 绿色公司债券
  • 绿色债券发行是利好
  • 绿色债券是企业债
  • 2018贴标绿色债券
  • 证监会绿色债券意见
  • 鼓励企业发行绿色债券
  • 绿色债券纳入抵押
  • 菱花集团绿色私募债券
  • gbp自愿性绿色债券原则
  • 绿色债券的提出
  • 绿色金融债券激励政策
  • 绿色债券主承销商商
  • 中国绿色债券发行
  • 绿色债券概念的起源
  • 中国绿色债券市场报告


  • 1: 大家曾经设想出一种更拉风的绿色债券

    A funkier sort of green bond was once envisaged.

  • 2: 绿色债券的收益将通过一个专门的“绿色账户”来使用。

    A special “green account” will be used for proceeds from green bonds.

  • 3: 由于缺少一个绿色债券指数,相关的文件通过一定的规则进行约束。

    In the absence of a green-bond index, the relevant portfolios will be bound by certain rules.

  • 4: 信用评级机构穆迪的一份报告显示,2016年第一季度,中国取代美国成为世界上最大的绿色债券发行方。

    China replaced the United States as the top issuer of green bonds geographically1 in the first quarter (Q1) of 2016, credit rating agency Moody"s said in a report.

  • 5: 一个更加明显的唯利是图的动机是绿色投资对于形象有好处,不同寻常的,世界银行公布投资于绿色债券的投资者的名字。

    A more obviously venal motive is that green investing is good for the image-unusually, the World Bank publishes the names of investors in its green offerings.

  • 6: 他们以绿色债券占主导,获得AA或更高的评级,包括至少三个发行商,不控制文件的主体。

    They will be dominated by green bonds, rated AA or higher, and include those of at least three issuers, with none commanding a majority of the portfolio.

  • 7: 还有个更现实的动机就是,绿色投资有助于提升形象——世行一改清高做派,会在发行绿色债券的时候公布投资人的名单。

    A more obviously venal motive is that green investing is good for the image—unusually, the World Bank publishes the names of investors in its green offerings.

  • 8: 这笔绿色债券将支持世行的气候变化行动项目(减轻影响和顺应变化)。

    The green bonds will support the Bank’s climate action projects (both mitigation and adaptation).

  • 9: 投资者对于一个鼓励他们参与绿色计划的更具前途的努力越来越多的兴趣:“绿色债券”。

    Hence growing interest in one of the more promising efforts to encourage it: “green bonds”.

  • 10: 绿色债券的首次发行是以瑞典克朗(SEK)标价的,总价值为23.25亿瑞典克朗,到期日为六年。

    The first issue of green bonds was denominated in Swedish kronor (SEK) for a total amount of SEK 2.325 billion and has a maturity of six years.

  • 11: 10月19日道富环球投资管理公司(SSgA)公布了一项绿色债券投资战略。

    On October 19th State Street Global Advisors (SSgA), a big asset-management firm, unveiled a green-bond investment strategy.

  • 12: 相反,最近流行的是设法通过发行“绿色债券”等创新方式,争取私人投资者支持社会公益项目。

    Instead, the fashion these days is finding ways to get private investors to back socially worthy projects, via innovations such as "green" bonds.

  • 13: 绿色债券支持减轻影响和顺应变化的行动

    Green bonds support mitigation and adaptation

  • 14: 世界银行和其它多边债权人明码标上绿色而发行的债券倒是好算,目前已有高达50亿美元的绿色债券推向了市场;

    Bonds that are explicitly advertised as green, mostly issued by the World Bank and other multilateral lenders, are easier to count. Around $5 billion-worth have been issued;

  • 15: 领导人欢迎新开发银行在运营方面取得的进展,对银行批准向成员国提供可再生和绿色能源领域首批贷款,以及成功发行首批人民币绿色债券表示满意。

    Thee Leaders recognized that sustainable development, universal energy access, and energy security are critical for shared prosperity of humanity and for the future of the planet.

  • 16: 该刀片将需要保护的削弱难以债券削减绿色混凝土和水泥固化软的债券。

    The blade will need a harder bond with undercut protection to cut green concrete and a softer bond for cured concrete.

  • 17: 除绿色外,这些债券与别的投资级别“”安全性是没有区别的。

    Greenness aside, such bonds are indistinguishable from any other investment-grade "plain vanilla" security.

  • 18: 针对个人和机构投资者的环保投资方面的绿色共同基金及债券已经发行有一段时间。

    Eco-investing has been around for a while now with green mutual funds and bonds available to both individual and institutional investors.

  • 19: 我开始罢工债券与成人绿色龙鱼展示其铁饼一样, “蛇头皮肤”的模式,其鳃板和小补丁的金光闪闪照耀它的每一个大的规模。

    I began to strike a bond with the adult Green Arowana on display for its discus like "snake-skin" pattern on its gill plate and small patches of glittering shine on each of its big scales.

  • 20: 债券明确的以绿色为宣传主题,都多数有世界银行和别的多边借贷者发行,更容易计算出来。

    Bonds that are explicitly advertised as green, mostly issued by the World Bank and other multilateral lenders, are easier to count.

  • 21: 私营投资者现在可以通过两家欧洲银行购买世界银行的债券,也可以支持绿色技术、环境友好的发展和扶贫项目。

    Private investors now can buy World Bank bonds through two European banks and also support green technology, environmentally friendly development, and anti-poverty programs.

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