汉语词典 红联
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real world, Flesh and Blood, actual world




  • 我的世界真实地铁
  • 我的世界1.7.2真实材质包
  • 我的世界真实版全集
  • 我的世界罪与真实
  • 世界上的感人真实故事
  • 赌坛风云还你一个真实的老千世界
  • 世界真实的穿越事件
  • 战舰世界真实吗
  • 未来世界真实图片
  • 我的世界小兔真实照片
  • 我的世界1.7.2超真实材质包
  • 真实 让世界读懂中国
  • 超级计算机能不能模拟真实的世界
  • 世界有鬼吗真实事件
  • 孩子爸爸告诉你真实的世界
  • 真实打动世界作文素材
  • 世界真实神奇景观
  • 我的世界手机版真实云
  • 说我的世界真实生活
  • 世界上最真实佛图片


  • 1: 然而,真实世界到底有什么精彩的?

    But what is so wonderful about the real world?

  • 2: 设计是弄懂真实世界的各种需求。

    Design is understanding the needs of real world.

  • 3: 他们认为孩子正在对真实世界一无所知中长大。

    They think that children are growing up not knowing about the real world.

  • 4: 首先,我想来举一个真实世界中的例子。

    First I would try to give an example in the real world.

  • 5: 欢迎来到真实世界

    Morpheus: Welcome to the real world!

  • 6: “这是真实世界的映射”,奥利凡先生说。

    "It"s a mapping of the real world, " Mr. Olivan said.

  • 7: 是的,这就是在这个真实世界存在的爱。

    Yes that is love in real world.

  • 8: 真实世界的例子,哲学家就餐吗?。

    Real world example of Dining philosophers?

  • 9: 这在真实世界里是可能的。

    The real world can do that.

  • 10: 要是你无法从这样的梦中醒来会怎么样?你怎么确定自己能分清梦幻世界与真实世界?。

    What if you were unable to wake from that dream?How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?

  • 11: 如果想要的域名已被人注册,我们就像真实世界中的地产经纪人一般去帮客户获得。

    If a name is taken, we"ll assist the buyer in the same way a real estate agent would.

  • 12: 问题是,真实世界里的交易费用绝不为零。

    The question is that in the real world, transaction cost can never be zero.

  • 13: 很可惜,我们生活的真实世界,是不完美的。

    But the world, of course, isn"t perfect.

  • 14: 纹理是表现真实世界的重要参照物。

    Texture is an important factor to represent the real world.

  • 15: 艺术不是对真实世界的拷贝。

    Art is not a copy of the real world.

  • 16: 在真实世界中,m:m关系很常见。

    In terms of modeling the real world, m:m relationships are quite common.

  • 17: 真理是寻求存在的真实世界,这也是马克思主义哲学的应有之义。

    Truth is pursuing real world of being, which the philosophy of Marxism also points o…

  • 18: 做一些和在真实世界里互动的事。

    Do something that involves real life interaction.

  • 19: 但是,世界不止一种形式,真实世界只是其中一种——还有想象的世界。

    But real life is only one kind of life — there is also the life of the imagination.

  • 20: 又或者说 到底那一个才是她们的 “真实世界”?。

    Which one is the world they really live in?

  • 21: 把真实世界的社会关系发展到链接关系。

    Leverage new real world relationships into linking relationships.

  • 22: 模式和反模式(真实世界的例子,不只是理论)

    Patterns and Anti-Patterns (With real world examples, not just theory)

  • 23: 在真实世界中,没有舞伴的跳舞是可能的。

    In the physical world, it"s possible to dance without a partner.

  • 24: 真实世界为虚拟世界搭建舞台,创造条件;

    For virtuality, reality builds a performance stage;

  • 25: 这是一个开放的世界,真实的世界,和谐的世界!

    This is an open world, the real world, a harmonious world!

  • 26: 在本课程结束时,您将有真实世界的应用程序在您的投资组合中使用。

    At the end of this course you will have real world apps to use in your portfolio.

  • 27: 这个任务中,你至少要完成练习1和2。如果你想更好的理解在真实世界里泛型是如何执行的,最好完成练习3。

    For this task, you should complete at least Practices1 and2. If you want a better understanding of how generics perform in the real world, complete Practice3 as well.

  • 28: 我喜欢迪斯尼乐园的地方是,一旦你走进了乐园大门,你就会有一种离开身后真实世界的感觉。

    What I like about Disney parks is that once you go through those front gates, you sort of leave the real world behind you.

  • 29: 真实世界的可能性有可能是五选一,也可能是一万亿选一,而不是掷骰子的六选一。

    Instead of dice with one through six, the real world can have one through five—and then a trillion.

  • 30: 而在学术界或真实世界中,却没有发现与之相关的严肃探讨。

    I have yet to see serious discussion of it in either academia or the real world.

  • 31: 观众从电视上所得到的没有别的,只有二手的经历,因为他与真实世界的联系被切断了。

    What the viewer receives from television is nothing but second-hand experience as he is completely cut off from the real world.

  • 32: 我想我最喜欢的还是一系列有用文字阐明有关色情中的或真实世界中的性的卡片。

    I think my favorite is the set of cards that have statements about porn sex or real world sex.

  • 33: 大多数观众并不将他们从屏幕上接收到的东西和真实世界的事实进行核对。

    Most viewers are in no position to check what they receive from the screen against the facts of the real world.

  • 34: 它并非只是增加到真实世界中的一种装饰。

    It is not a mere decoration added to the real world.

  • 35: 如果您这样想的话,这个工具就相当于真实世界中的进攻武器。

    When you think about it, this tool is the equivalent of an offensive weapon in the real world.

  • 36: 在本文中,我们将会呈现一幅真实世界的场景,并展示为拓扑编辑器使用扩展机制的简单方式,这使得您可以快速定义拥有XML类型的技术领域。

    In this tutorial, we present a real world scenario and show an easy to use extension mechanism for the topology editor, which lets you quickly define your own technology domain with strong XML types.

  • 37: 在第二人生里,公司能够推销它们的商品和服务,赞助赛事,就像它们在真实世界中所做的那样,一家公司赞助了一次评选最佳化身的比赛。

    Companies can sell their goods and services and sponsor events in Second Life just as they do in the real world; one sponsored a contest for the best avatar.

  • 38: 简而言之,虚拟世界在2007年会成为内嵌到真实世界的一个部分。

    In short, virtual worlds will become an integral part of the real world in 2007.

  • 39: 我们已经描述了一个域模型如何表示应用程序的真实世界,包括对象、过程、以及规则的表示。

    We have already described how a domain model represents the real world in your application, containing representations of your objects, processes, and rules.

  • 40: 研究人员希望把他们的研究范围扩展到真实世界,从而可以知道那种现象会适用于哪些方面。

    The researchers hope to extend their research to the real world, where they speculate the phenomenon could apply in some ways.

  • 41: 复杂的过程很少能一直向前的因为真实是不规则且时常变化的,真实世界的感觉是依靠观测者。

    Since the processes involved are seldom straightforward because realities are irregular and constantly changing, perception of the real world depends on the observer.

  • 42: “真实世界”经常像个监狱,把你禁锢在那些沉重的期望当中,这些期望在你年轻的时候就已深深扎根于你了。

    The ‘real world’ can often be like a prison, incarcerating you in all of the heavy expectations that were ingrained in you as a young person.

  • 43: 菲格内尔说,实验室和真实世界之所以不同,部分是因为他们参与的情感程度不同。

    The difference between the lab and the real world, Figner says, is partly the extent to which they involve emotion.

  • 44: 研究人员说,这种设备可以将电脑生成的视觉信息覆盖于真实世界的景观之上,能够用于游戏设备和导航系统。

    The researchers said the device could overlay computer-generated visual information on to the real world and be of use in gaming devices and navigation systems.

  • 45: 这一点说明,软件必须在真实世界中工作,不仅仅在您的测试环境中。

    This point shows that software has to work in the real world, and not just in your test environment.

  • 46: 近年来,由于真实世界群体存在运动的普遍性,电视,电影和游戏中的虚拟人群和动物群体的模拟变得越来越重要。

    In recent years, due to the real world groups with movement universality, the simulation of virtual groups and animal groups in television, movies, and games, has become increasingly important.

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