汉语词典 红联
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Waste sorting, garbage classification, garbage sorting, Recycling




  • 分类垃圾手抄报
  • 医疗垃圾分类处理
  • 垃圾分类宣传画
  • 垃圾分类有几种
  • 社区垃圾分类活动方案
  • 垃圾分类宣传手册
  • 垃圾分类幼儿园
  • 垃圾分类收集亭
  • 垃圾分类卡通图片
  • 分类垃圾桶颜色
  • 垃圾有哪些分类
  • 垃圾桶分类图片
  • 垃圾颜色分类四大类
  • 垃圾分类的宣传语
  • 垃圾分类记录表
  • 垃圾分类电子报
  • 垃圾分类的益处
  • 垃圾分类三句半
  • 垃圾分类推进会
  • 垃圾分类选择题


  • 1: 您同意“垃圾分类回收很重要”这一观点吗?

    Do you agree that it is important to have the classified garbage recovery?

  • 2: 她们把垃圾分类,湿的,乾的,空瓶罐等分放在塑胶袋里。

    They separate their garbage into wet refuse, dry refuse, bottles and cans and so on.

  • 3: 但这些好处的前提条件是我们进行正确的垃圾分类

    But the prior condition of these advantages is we carry on a right garbage classification.

  • 4: 在倾倒前要先将你的垃圾分类

    Sort out your garbage before dumping it.

  • 5: 但中国没有一个垃圾分类的系统。

    But China does not have a system for sorting rubbish.

  • 6: 垃圾分类之后,他们感到很惊讶。

    After they sort the garbage, they are surprised.

  • 7: 你会将垃圾分类放置吗?

    Will you classify garbage?

  • 8: 我们将看到环卫工人把垃圾分类再利用的场所。

    We will see where the city workers sort all of our garbage for recycling.

  • 9: 他说:“广州将成为中国垃圾分类的一个典范。”

    “Guangzhou will be a good model of garbage sorting for China, ” he says.

  • 10: 公众参与是垃圾分类收集的关键。

    Finally, participation of citizen is pivotal to the classified collection.

  • 11: 家中有没有进行垃圾分类?。

    Do you separate the domestic waste at home?

  • 12: 作者进行了城市生活垃圾分类收集的社会调查。

    The writer has made a social investigation on sorting collection of household waste.

  • 13: 这栋楼每层都提供垃圾分类设施。

    This building has provided waste separation facilities on each floor.

  • 14: 既然你是专家,那么你给我演示一下该怎么把垃圾分类吧。

    Nicole: Since you"re the expert, I need you to show me how.

  • 15: 我们需要做垃圾分类

    We need to sort out the garbage.

  • 16: 坚持垃圾分类,避免垃圾混放。 。

    Insist ton waste sorting and avoid waste mixing.

  • 17: 我们小区已经实行垃圾分类回收了。

    The classified trash recycling has been started in our neighborhood.

  • 18: 垃圾分类垃圾创建一个独特的背景,可用于几乎任何使用。

    Grunge Look Create a unique grunge background that can be used for almost anything.

  • 19: 我?你想要我帮你把垃圾分类

    Rajid: Me? You want me to help you sort through your garbage?

  • 20: 我们需要在垃圾车来前就做好垃圾分类

    We need to sort the garbage out before the truck comes.

  • 21: 好比,许多人将垃圾分类,收受接管并轮回哄骗。

    For example, people classify the garbage and some is recycled after being collected.

  • 22: 我每天将垃圾分类

    I classify the rubbish into different types everyday.

  • 23: 垃圾产业化对垃圾分类收集起到的是拉动力作用,是分类收集的重要条件;

    Second, the industrialization of waste is a motivity and an important condition of classification.

  • 24: 如垃圾分类,节省能源等。

    Such as assort the trash, save the energy and so on.

  • 25: 我演讲的题目是给垃圾分类,提高环境质量。

    The title of my speech is Classifying Rubbish , Improving Environment.

  • 26: 北京政府将建立示范样点,推行垃圾分类

    Beijing government to set example for garbage sorting .

  • 27: 你喜欢垃圾分类这个想法吗?

    Do you like the idea of garbage classification?

  • 28: 这个我们提出如下建议:实现垃圾分类装在塑料袋。

    To this us proposes as follows suggests:Implementation trash classification packed in bags.

  • 29: 在对垃圾分类有了一个比较全面的认识之后,本文提出了垃圾分类机制的建设框架。

    At the base of pedestal view of garbage classification, this article to table a proposal of garbage classification mechanism frame.

  • 30: 在老师的帮助下,很快全班同学都加入到垃圾分类的活动中来。

    The teacher"s help, soon all the students added to the waste classification of activities to.

  • 31: 在这种形势下,垃圾分类收集已成当务之急和必然趋势。

    In this situation, classification and collection of refuse have been an urgent affair and imperative trend.

  • 32: 生活垃圾分类收集以其低成本和裂变活性的优势适合在农村采用。

    Because of advantages of low cost and fissile activity, classified collection is suitable to rural area.

  • 33: 但是首先当地居民要学习,如何把家�的垃圾分类,成有机及无机原料。

    But first local residents have to be taught how to separate their rubbish at home into organic and inorganic materials.

  • 34: 对校园垃圾分类回收处理的意义、可行性、措施进行了探讨。

    This paper probes into the significance, feasibility and concrete measures of carrying out the classified garbage recovery and disposal.

  • 35: 经济发展的同时也给我们带来了环境危机.垃圾分类收集已成为热点话题。

    With the developing of economic, the environmental crisis has been brought to us, and waste sorting collection has become a hot topic.

  • 36: 通过对建筑垃圾分类、组成和我国目前在处理方法上存在问题的分析,提出应用循环经济的“3R原则”资源化处理建筑垃圾的对策。

    This paper gives some policies of dealing with the construction waste applying 3R principles through analyzing the classification and components and the problems of processing methods.

  • 37: 北京市政府会给垃圾处理公司提供补贴,并鼓励人们做垃圾分类

    Beijing municipal government will give subsidies to its operation and encourage people to do garbage sorting .

  • 38: 上个月北京的一家报纸报道说垃圾处理工厂对于垃圾分类目前还没有新的计划。

    A Beijing News report last month noted that distribution and disposal plants are not designed to deal with separated waste.

  • 39: 实行垃圾分类回收可以节约资源,节省土地,节约资金,减少环境污染。

    The implementation of classified garbage collection can save resources and land, cut down cost and reduce environmental pollution.

  • 40: 场馆和有关商业、旅游设施内全部实行垃圾分类收集,并进行集中处理。

    Waste from the shops and other service facilities will be separately collected for centralized treatment.

  • 41: 讨论了上海市目前实行生活垃圾分类收集的效益来源。

    Discussion on the merits of the municipal solid waste classified collection undertaken presently in Shanghai.

  • 42: 垃圾分类本身是一个很简单,可行的垃圾处理方案,但怎么实施起来,总是困难重重。

    Wastes sorting itself is a very simple and practical waste management option, but it faces so many obstacles regarding to its implementation.

  • 43: 关于垃圾处理问题,政府还是要从人民对垃圾分类的意识上着手。

    With regard to the waste disposal problem, the government should take action on people"s awareness of waste separation.

  • 44: 这个做得很好,因为垃圾分类和运输对于回收者来说是一笔不小的成本。

    This provides a good foundation, because separating and transporting waste is a big part of costs for recyclers.

  • 45: 校园环境卫生、垃圾分类回收、节水节电等方面都取得了可喜进步,这些大家都将可以在稍后的参观中亲历和感受。

    We made huge progress on the hygiene of the school environment, recycling of the garbage, saving of electricity of water and power. You will experience what I said in the following visit.

  • 46: 昆明市生活垃圾处理应该采用基于垃圾分类(分选)的综合处理技术,即对于易降解的有机生活垃圾采用厌氧消化的处理方式,可以得到绿色能源和肥料;

    The integrated technology based on municipal solid waste being separated and recovered should be adopted. Green energy and fertilizer were obtained in the anaerobic digestion of the organic fracture.

  • 47: 我完全不相信即便我做到了垃圾分类,他们到了垃圾厂,就真的分开处理了。

    I absolutely do not believe that even if I separate my waste, that they will take it to a waste disposal centre where is will be properly separated.

  • 48: 处理垃圾措施:垃圾分类报纸玻璃合理再利用,有害垃圾安全处理,废水有效处理,制定相关法律。

    Waste disposal measures: garbage recycling newspapers, glass and reasonable, safe disposal of hazardous waste, waste water and effective treatment, the development of relevant laws.

  • 49: 垃圾分类是一个说了很多年的话题,我想现在小学生都应该知道应该垃圾分类

    Waste-sorting has been talked about for many years. I think that now even school children should understand it. So what is the real problem?

  • 50: 从中发现67%的人了解垃圾分类收集的方法;89%的人认识到垃圾分类收集的必要性;

    It has been found that 67% residents learned the method of classifying and collecting refuse;

  • 51: 家里的垃圾应分类处理,分成可归收和不可归收,可归收的应交给废品势毯站不可归收的放进垃圾箱。

    In family"s trash should classify processing, divides into may recycle and the nonrecoverable, may recycle should give the recycling center.

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