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  • 高考报名号查询系统
  • 广东高考报名系统
  • 湖南成人高考报名
  • 成人高考报名时间2014
  • 高考报名信息表
  • 浙江高考报名系统
  • 四川省高考报名登录
  • 海南成人高考报名入口
  • 昆明成人高考报名时间
  • 阳光高考高校专项计划报名系统
  • 重庆成人高考报名网站
  • 吉林成人高考考试报名
  • 2019年高考报名时间通知
  • 高考报名信息港
  • 2018年甘肃成人高考报名时间
  • 2014 高考 报名
  • 高考报名什么时候
  • 2017高考报名的时间
  • 2016年高考报名
  • 山东高考报名2016


  • 1: 今年,报名参加高考的总人数为957万。

    A total of 9.57 million people have registered to sit the college entrance exam this year.

  • 2: 高中生常常报名课外英语补习以应对高考。

    In order to pass University Entrance Examination, high school students often take extra-curricular tutoring in English.

  • 3: 高考报名还在进行中,因此2011年高考总人数尚未确定。

    The total number of students sitting the examination in 2011 has not been finalized because the application process is continuing.

  • 4: 本课题首先详细介绍了广东省普通高考网上报名系统的结构与功能,分析了现有系统在安全方面的不足。

    The paper first introduces the On-line Registering System for NMT of Guangdong Province in detail, analyzes the existing system in the area of security deficiencies.

  • 5: 根据教育部的最新统计数据,大多数省份的高考报名人数今年出现了减少状况。

    The number of students scheduled to take the upcoming national college entrance exam has dropped in most provinces in China, according to the latest statistics by the Ministry of Education.

  • 6: 山东省成人高考网上报名系统就是在这一背景下提出的。

    Shandong Adult Enrollment Examination On-line Register System is proposed under this background.

  • 7: 我们学校在网上报名高考的时候我填了口语考试但我们一班学生43个人只有5个人去考。

    Our school is a time when online registration college entrance examination I filled the oral examination But a group of 43 students only 5 people to test individual.

  • 8: 虽然今年报名参加高考的考生数出现了近七年来第一次下降,参加今年高考的考生总数还是比2002年多500万。

    Despite a slight drop in registration this year — the first decline in seven years — five million more students signed up for the test than did so in 2002.

  • 9: 而北京的教育部门于一月份表示,北京地区报名参加高考的学生人数已经连续三年出现下降。

    Beijing also saw a decline in the number of students registering for the college entrance exam for three years in a row, the Beijing education examinations authority said in January.

  • 10: 张易文的父亲在春节前为她报名了2016年的高考,花了几个月为她补习理科综合课程。

    Zhang"s father signed her up for the 2016 gaokao during this year"s spring festival and spent a couple of months helping her with her preparation for the science comprehensive ability test.

  • 11: 与此同时,学生不参加高考或高中毕业生不去全国高校登记报名的现象不断增加。

    Meanwhile, there is an increasing phenomenon of not taking the college entrance examination or registering in national colleges among high school graduates.

  • 12: 计划外招生:具有高中或同等学历即可报名入学,包括历届生、在职人员以及高考落榜生等。

    PES (Private Education System) 2-year Program: Applicable to Senior high school students or equivalents, including former senior-high graduates, and professionals.

  • 13: 陕西省汉中市高考口语考试报名地点?

    Shaanxi Province Han Zhong City college entrance examination spoken language examination enlists place?

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