汉语词典 红联
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express service, courier service, Courter services, COURIER SERVICE OR EXPRESS SERVICE




  • 顺丰快递服务网络
  • ems快递服务电话
  • 天天快递服务电话
  • 快递服务邮政标准
  • 圆通快递服务号码
  • 上门服务快递公司
  • 菲律宾快递服务
  • 圆通快递服务热线
  • 如何提高快递的服务质量
  • 南充快递上门服务
  • 丰巢快递服务热线
  • 电白快递服务点
  • 德国敦豪快递服务公司
  • 联邦快递的物流服务
  • 快递最后一公里服务
  • 中通快递服务协议
  • 快递公司服务范围
  • 快递承诺服务承诺
  • 顺丰快递光明服务点
  • 圆通快递服务项目


  • 1: 我们提供快递服务,但要另外收取费用。

    We provide express service, but there will be an extra charge.

  • 2: 这份文件是急件,秘书决定以快递服务寄出。

    It was an urgent document. The secretary decided to send it by express delivery.

  • 3: 我们会根据各位商品的总重量来决定使用哪家的快递服务

    We will arrange which courier service should use based on total weight of the order.

  • 4: 我们提供快递服务

    We offer express service.

  • 5: 这些商品通过邮寄或快递服务递送到他们手中。

    These purchases are delivered to them by mail or by a delivery service.

  • 6: 您好,这里是DHK快递服务公司。

    Hello, this is DHK express delivery service.

  • 7: 对午餐盒,办公室供需,快递服务的付费。

    Necessary payment for lunch box, office supply, courier service etc.

  • 8: 如果您想要全程跟踪服务,请和我们联系购买快递服务

    If you"d like a full tracking, please contact us about purchasing Express Mail.

  • 9: 看来你可以享受快递服务了?

    Jim: It seems that you can enjoy the express service.

  • 10: 门到门的文件及包裹快递服务

    Document & parcel door to door express.

  • 11: 地面和快递服务经济可用。

    Economy Ground & Express Shipping available.

  • 12: DHL国际快递服务

    DHL International Courier Service.

  • 13: 提供本地及国际快递服务。含服务简介、最新推广、快件追踪。

    Description: Offers local and international express delivery services. Provides online shipment tracking.

  • 14: 因此,有必要对民营快递服务顾客满意度进行研究。

    So private delivery service customer satisfaction research is of great significance.

  • 15: 文件及小包裹快递服务

    Document and parcel door express service;

  • 16: 全方位为您提供国际快递服务

    To provide you with a full range of international express delivery services.

  • 17: 职责描述:收集市场信息,开发新客户,为其提供快递服务

    Job description: Collect market information and develop new customers, provide express service;

  • 18: 这家今年6月成立于北京的网络书店,提供快餐式的图书快递服务

    The online bookstore, which was launched in June in Beijing, offers fast-food style book delivery.

  • 19: 第三章,介绍了我国快递业的发展历程,详细界定了快递服务的定义、性质、分类和特点;

    In the third chapter, Introduces the course of development of China"s express delivery industry;

  • 20: 您也可以通过广州快递服务人员对您的货物进行追踪查询 。

    You can check your consignment status at Guangzhou branch office.

  • 21: 快递是服务业的重要组成部分。

    Express service is an important part of service industry.

  • 22: 请联系快递客户服务部细节。

    Please contact FedEx Customer Service Department for exact details.

  • 23: 服务是快递运输企业运作的核心和发展的根本。

    Service is the focus and the base of development for the transportation companies.

  • 24: 我司成立于2007年,是以国际快递起家的物流服务中心。

    Our comany set up in the year of 2007, started from international Express business.

  • 25: 国际快递是门到门的服务,但不含税。

    International Express is door to door service, but not include the tax.

  • 26: 收入的悬殊,是快递服务不均衡的原因之一。

    Income disparity, a courier service is not a balanced one of the reasons.

  • 27: 该公司表示,他们计划在未来几周内将现金快递服务扩展至印度其它城市。

    The company said it plans to expand the cash delivery service to other Indian cities in the coming weeks.

  • 28: 我们推崇“时间就是金钱,速度就是效益”的原则,急客户所急,想客户所想,以艰苦卓绝的奉献,为您提供优质低价的快递服务

    With the slogan of "Time is money, Speed is effectiveness", we would devote all our energy to provide you lower price and good quality international express services.

  • 29: 阿尔法·贝塔快递服务吗?我是市场公司的露易丝·沃克。

    Alpha Beta Courier Service? This is Louise Walker calling from The Marketing Company.

  • 30: 据《纽约时报》报道,互联网搜索巨头谷歌计划推出一项快递服务,让消费者能在网上订购当地商店的货物,并在一天之内就能收货。

    Google is working on a delivery service that would let people order items from local stores on the Web and receive them within a day, The New York Times reported.

  • 31: 这家快递服务供应商还拥有在线招聘工具“职业中心”,员工可以借助这一工具在公司内部寻找新的工作机会,并对自己的职业生涯进行规划。

    The delivery service provider also has an online recruitment tool, Career Hub, which allows employees to track new job opportunities within the company and plan their careers.

  • 32: 希望能够帮助到大家,但有人说上海EMS的快递服务太没有保障了!

    Hope to be able to help to everybody, but some say Shanghai EMS express service too did not guarantee!

  • 33: 但是,如果您不希望再次返回英国签证申请中心,我们将提供快递服务,您需要为此支付快递费用。

    However, if you do not wish to return to the UK Visa Application Centre, a courier service will be available at an additional cost.

  • 34: 如果不想,他们便不会轻易走出家门,换而言之,他们被品类繁多的快递服务给宠坏了。

    They wouldn’t step out the front door if they could help it–or, should we say, various delivery services have spoiled them for choice.

  • 35: 在大城市里,吸收中国大量的廉价劳动力快递服务让与卖家同城的买家可以当天收到货物。

    In big cities, delivery services that draw on China"s abundant supply of low-cost labor can get purchases from local sellers to buyers the same day.

  • 36: 技术的发展,从更好的运输和和快递服务到电话和大量的传播媒介,已经造就了一个更小更一体化的世界。

    Technological development, from better transportation and carrier services to the telephone and mass media, has created a smaller, more integrated world.

  • 37: 快递服务网点的布局涉及到快递网络、快递市场需求、快递行业竞争等多方面的内容。

    The layout of service nodes is influenced by express network, the demand of express market and the competition of express enterprises etc.

  • 38: 他说这只是副业,他的店主要提供鲜花快递服务

    He said it is just a part-time job and his main online store is a flower delivery service.

  • 39: 快递服务保证不适用于因货品不符合″货品处理及服务限制″条款的要求。

    The Service Guarantee does not apply where late delivery results from non-compliance with the restrictions or conditions in the Commodities Handled and Restrictions on Service clause.

  • 40: 为使快递企业在激烈的市场竞争中占据有利地位,提供多样化、低成本、高时效的快递服务显得尤为关键。

    To gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace, it is vital for the express delivery firms to provide diversified, low-cost and high-efficient express service.

  • 41: 在世界上它首开了廉价食品快递服务“红盒子”,并由DHL(敦豪速递公司)提供服务。

    It launched the world’s first low cost courier service, “Red Box”, powered by DHL recently.

  • 42: 快递业务的计税营业额也应允许减除支付给共同为客户提供快递服务合作方的运费。

    It shall be concluded that the taxable turnover of express deliver business shall be the balance of the charges less the payments made to the cooperator.

  • 43: 实现客户满意是北京DHL快递管理的第一目标。这里的客户不仅仅指传统的物品的需求方,还包括快递服务的接受方。

    Realizing customer satisfaction is Beijing DHL management of the first target. Here the customer not only refers to the traditional items, including Courier service home-textile the receiver.

  • 44: 交79美元年费,公司就会给会员提供大多数商品一年无限制的快递服务

    In return for a fee of $79 a year, the company provides members of the programme with unlimited express shipping on most goods.

  • 45: 客人需要国内快递服务和快递国际邮件与哪个部门联系?

    Whom should our guest contact when he wants to use EMS/Courier service?

  • 46: 该标准几乎没有任何影响,快递服务跨国公司,其优势在于他们的安全和时间效率。

    The standards have almost no impact on express delivery in service MNCs whose advantages lie in their safety and time efficiency.

  • 47: 消费者则追求足不出产便能购买到所需的日常用品,市场的旺盛需求使传统的货物运输服务产生了一种具有快速、门到门两个特点的服务方式——快递服务

    Above two aspects engender a new service means-express service, to meet the bloom demand of market, which is with the character of fast speed and door-door.

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