汉语词典 红联
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  • 送女生什么礼物好
  • 情人节送男朋友什么礼物
  • 男友生日礼物送什么好
  • 送女朋友礼物送什么好
  • 送爸爸什么礼物最好
  • 开店送什么礼物好
  • 生小孩送什么礼物
  • 送外国人什么中国礼物
  • 情人节送什么礼物给女友好
  • 七夕送女友什么礼物
  • 教师节送导师什么礼物
  • 夏天送女朋友什么礼物好
  • 六一儿童节该送孩子什么礼物 二岁男童.
  • 相亲第一次见面送什么礼物好
  • 给我女朋友送什么小礼物好呀
  • 我干哥哥过生日我送什么礼物比较好
  • 给考上高中的侄子送什么礼物好呢
  • 送什么礼物女朋友
  • 送宝宝什么礼物
  • 领导送什么礼物


  • 1: 我当然会,亲爱的,你打算送什么礼物给我呢?。

    Of course I will, dear. What did you get for me?

  • 2: 网友:仔仔生日的时候妳送什麽礼物?

    Question: What did you give Zaizai for a birthday present?

  • 3: 在白金汉宫送什么礼物给伊莉沙白二世女王好呢?

    What"s the proper gift to present Queen Elizabeth II with at Buckingham Palace?

  • 4: 今天是妈妈的生日,送什么礼物最好呢?

    Today is mum"s birthday. What is the best gift for mum?

  • 5: 麦克:啊,很快就到了。你说我送什么礼物给我的中文老师呢?

    Mike:Oh, it"s coming soon, what"s the best gift for my Chinese teacher?

  • 6: 我提前数天就规划好送什么礼物

    I start to plan the gifts days in advance.

  • 7: 爸爸和妈妈正在考虑送什么礼物给艾米丽过她的生日。

    Mother and father are considering what to get for Emily for her birthday.

  • 8: 有没有给爱人送什么礼物呢?

    Did you send any gifts to your lover?

  • 9: 不知道要送什么礼物

    Don"t know what to give as a present?

  • 10: 送什么礼物表示喜欢对方?

    What gift to express love each other?

  • 11: 你帮我出出主意,朋友过生日,送什么礼物好?

    Lily:Give me a few ideas, what should I send to my friend for his birthday?

  • 12: 姥爷过生日送什么礼物好?

    Best birthday present for grandpa?

  • 13: 去同事家做客最好不要送什么礼物

    Which is better not to choose when you guest to colleague?

  • 14: 那时期刚好碰上情人节,我们的关系好像没认真到要给对方送什么礼物

    Valentine"s Day fell during this period, but we were too casual for presents.

  • 15: 摘要: 还在为给酒迷送什么礼物而苦恼吗?

    ABSTRACT: Don"t know what to give as a present to your wine-lover friend?

  • 16: 想给自己的亲人送什么礼物

    Want to give their loved ones what gift to send?

  • 17: 你不确定想送什么礼物给你的美国朋友么?

    Not sure if you should give that gift to your American friend?

  • 18: 母亲节将至,送什么礼物最好?

    Mother"s day you send mother what gift?

  • 19: 在返乡的路上,他们讨论该送什么礼物给他们的老母亲。老大说:“我要为我妈造一间大房子。”

    Getting back together, they discussed the gifts they were able to give their elderly mother.

  • 20: hongyan6165你给你的伴侣送什么礼物

    What kind of gift do you give to your partner?

  • 21: 实在太好了,可是我们应该送点什么礼物呢?

    Wonderful. Well, what do you think we should give them as a present?

  • 22: 大家都花了很长时间考虑该给亲人们送些什么礼物。

    He spends a lot of time thinking what Christmas presents to give to friends.

  • 23: 他说:“这是(女儿)结婚一周年,我们不得不送点什么礼物给她。”

    "For the first anniversary we have to give some gift to her," Garg said.

  • 24: 参加中国人的婚礼,送什么做礼物最合适?

    What is the most appropriate gift for a Chinese wedding?

  • 25: 小矮人邀请我们到他家玩并且还送了礼物给我们,那么在我们要离开的时候你想送点什么礼物给小矮人呢?

    The little men invite us to their home and give us presents. then when we leave, what should we send them as a present?

  • 26: 他们谈到了圣诞老人,以及他们想让圣诞老人送些什么礼物。

    They talk about Santa. What does he need for his gift?

  • 27: 你不准送什么礼物

    What presents mustn"t you give?

  • 28: “礼遇”就是指尊敬、有礼的待遇,并不是要送什么礼物啊。

    "Liyu" refers to respect or a courteous reception, not any kind of gifts.

  • 29: 也许选择太有限,或购物者不知道该送什么礼物

    Perhaps the selection’s too limited, or the shopper has run out of giftideas.

  • 30: 你决定好在即将到来的情人节送什么礼物给你的男朋友了吗?

    Have you made up your mind what present you should give your boyfriend for the coming Valentine"s Day?

  • 31: 摘花时,花会痛吗?妈妈的生日要送什么礼物

    When plucking a flower, does the flower feel hurt? What present should I give for mum"s birthday?

  • 32: 同事结婚送什么礼物好?

    What gift does the colleague marry gives to be good?

  • 33: 关于奥巴马会给英女王或卡梅伦总理送什么礼物,这个问题我已经被问了十几遍,而我完全猜不出来。

    I have been asked a dozen times what gift Mr Obama might give the Queen or Mr Cameron, and I simply have no idea.

  • 34: 您还在为这个圣诞节送什么礼物而发愁吗?仔细看看我们为您精心准备的节日套装吧。

    Having difficulties to find the right gift for this Christmas? Check out what we have prepared for you …

  • 35: 丽塔:是啊,但我认为她一定会非常喜欢收到礼物。无论你给她送什么礼物。她都会很兴奋的。

    RITA: Yeah, but I think she"d really like a gift, She"d probably be excited about it whatever it was.

  • 36: 我们帮她们解决男人过35岁或40岁生日,祝贺成为合作夥伴,庆祝21岁生日该送什麽礼物等问题。

    We have solved the problem of what do you get for a guy for his 35th birthday, his 40th birthday, congratulations on making partner, congratulations on your 21st birthday.

  • 37: 把那孩子起名为“耶稣”,今年流行送什么礼物。 意思是要他把百姓从罪恶中救进去。

    And Mary will bring forth a Son, and he shall call his name, Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.

  • 38: 安妮:妈妈,你知道你过生日我会送你什么礼物吗?

    Annie: Mum, do you know what I"m going to gie you for your birthday?

  • 39: 教师节快到了,打算送老师什么礼物?

    Teachers" day is coming, what gifts will you choose?

  • 40: 问到熊黛林,郭富城送什么生日礼物?

    Dai Lin Xiong asked, to send Aaron Kwok What a birthday present?

  • 41: 不知道送女人什么礼物?送玫瑰是最保险的了!

    A saying goes that if you don"t know what to gift a woman, just send her roses.

  • 42: 有的说: 蒚圣诞节去哪里玩?有的说:圣诞节送别人什么礼物好呢?还有的说:我们开个圣诞节聚会怎么样?看来大家还是很欢迎圣诞节的。

    Some say: Christmas where to have fun? Some said, what Christmas gift good? And said, we have a Christmas party? It seems everyone is very welcome Christmas.

  • 43: 因此你可以观到,在你的能量场中承担别人的业力是没有用的,因为它无法被原谅,而另一个人(业力真正主人)也失去了他们圣诞送女友什么礼物需要原谅的东西以进化;

    So you see it is useless to have another"s karma in your field as it cannot be forgiven and the other has lost what they need to forgive in order to evolve;

  • 44: 所以说实话,为了想送什么生日礼物给妈妈,我死了不少脑细胞。

    So, to tell you the truth, I really killed a lot of brain cells brainstorming on what to get for mom for her birthday.

  • 45: 第一位朋友比较年青,家庭的经济状况也好,他一直问我送什麽生日礼物给他?

    The first friend is quite young and his economic situation is very sound at home, and he kept asking me what I would give him as a present.

  • 46: 每当教师节来临时,学生们都想着给老师送礼物,那送些什么个性礼物好呢?

    When the teachers" day comes, all the students thought to the teacher a gift, the gift to send what personality?

  • 47: 他们送礼物给什么人?

    Ethel: Whom do they send gifts to?

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