汉语词典 红联
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local police station, Police Station, police post




  • 公安派出所先进个人事迹材料
  • 湖北省公安派出所消防监督检查规定
  • 公安派出所的法定职责
  • 太平岭森林公安派出所
  • 临川警察公安派出所
  • 公安派出所职能
  • 森林公安派出所工作职责
  • 公安派出所档案书
  • 公安派出所户籍图片
  • 公安派出所教导员个人年终总结
  • 公安派出所及十小场所
  • 公安派出所四零服务
  • 三类公安派出所标准
  • 公安派出所点名汇报词
  • 青海省森林公安派出所等级评定情况表
  • 公安派出所工作任务完成情况小结
  • 公安派出所可以换过期身份证吗
  • 公安派出所消防监督难点
  • 公安派出所进行专题监督
  • 厦门公安派出所户籍窗口


  • 1: 公安派出所的主要职能应以防范为主。

    The main function of the police station should be prohibition.

  • 2: 新时期对公安派出所所长提出新的要求。

    New era brings forward new requirements for local police directors.

  • 3: 详情请咨询当地公安局、派出所,或拨打免费电话110咨询。

    Please contact the local police station, police station, or call toll-free number 110 consultation.

  • 4: 老区农村派出所是县市公安机关在老区农村社区的派出机构。

    Police substation is the agency in rural community set by police organs.

  • 5: 住宿申报证明原件及复印件(住地公安派出所出具);

    The original and copy of Registration Form of Temporary Residence from local police station.

  • 6: 公安派出所工作是公安基层基础建设中最重要的一环。

    Public substation work and basic construction of base units are still weak.

  • 7: 派出所工作是公安基层基础建设中最重要的一环。

    Public substation work is a key point in basic public security construction.

  • 8: 派出所文化是公安派出所的民警们由于其特殊的职业环境所产生的独特的观念、价值体系及行为方式。

    Police substation culture is a kind of special idea, value system and action pattern, which is caused by policemen" s special professional background.

  • 9: 在公安派出所实现自己的职能目标过程中,责任区民警有着举足轻重的作用。

    In the process of implementing the functional aims of the police substation, responsibility-district police officers have been playing an important role.

  • 10: 依据上述法规,特制定此表,供公安派出所、房屋租赁管理所等政府部门登记使用。

    This form is based on the above stipulations and is for registration by local police station, housing rental administration department and other government departments.

  • 11: 当前,公安派出所面临的社会环境发生了深刻的变化,派出所工作内容有了重大调整。

    At present, the social environment that local police station faces has changed greatly, the content of the local police station work has been significantly adjusted.

  • 12: 作为公安机关维护基层社会治安主要力量的公安派出所,其治安管理工作的好坏对整个公安工作的成效具有决定性的影响。

    Police substations as the main strength to maintain social order at community level take a decisive role in the police work.

  • 13: 创建学习型公安派出所,是创建学习型公安机关,“形成学习型社会”的必然要求和组成内容。

    To establish learning-type police substations is a necessary requirement and formative content that helps to establish learning-type public security organs and society.

  • 14: 当前,我省公安派出所的基层基础工作存在着这样和那样的问题,从而导致对辖区的社会治安控制能力降低。

    Currently, many problems existing in the work of basic-level police stations of Guizhou will reduce their management ability of public order.

  • 15: 当前,作为公安信息前沿阵地的公安派出所,情报信息工作发展不平衡,总体仍处于弱势,严重影响并制约着全市公安信息化建设的发展。

    The intelligence work isn"t developing in balance in the information frontier of police station. The situation held up the total development of public security information construction.

  • 16: 探讨当前公安派出所开展消防监督工作存在的问题,并对其原因进行了深入分析,针对性的提出了加强公安派出所消防监督工作的对策。

    In the new historical period, the work of law-enforcement of the local police station of public security border defense is confronted with many new situations and problems.

  • 17: 住宿申报证明原件及复印件(住地公安派出所出具,住于旅店的免交)。

    The original and copy of Registration Form of Temporary Residence from local police station, it is not requested if you lodge at hotel.

  • 18: 单位和常住地公安派出所应当协助执行裁决。

    The enforcement of the ruling shall be assisted by his work unit and the local police station.

  • 19: 公安派出所实行绩效考核制度有利于促进基层派出所各项业务工作和队伍建设的整体推进,成效显著。

    The implementation of performance measurement system is conducive for promoting the work and staff construction in police stations.

  • 20: 本文从5个方面阐述了如何做好铁路公安派出所“网上追逃”工作:1。要有好的领导班子;

    This paper expounds how railway police substations perform successful cyber pursuit: 1. make a good leading group;

  • 21: 过多过细、多头重复的评估考核督办可能使公安派出所失去自主权和主动性;

    It is excessive to investigate, over valuation, and repeated assess may make public station substation lost the independence power and activity.

  • 22: 一是要以科学发展观为指导 ,进一步提高对加强公安派出所建设重要性的认识 ;

    Solutions to the problems are as followed: first, increasing the awareness of the importance of police stations improvement;

  • 23: 住宿地公安派出所出具的临时住宿登记证明;

    Certificate of registration for temporary stay issued by the local police station of the place of lodging;

  • 24: 随后湘潭在线记者将暗访的情况反映到雨湖公安分局雨湖派出所。

    Xiangtan online correspondents will then make unannounced visits to the case to Yuhu Yuhu Public Security Bureau police station.

  • 25: 近日,凤阳县公安局小溪河派出所对辖区赌博电玩开展专项集中整治行动。

    Recently, the small River Fengyang County Public Security Bureau police station area of concentration and control of gambling video games to carry out special operations.

  • 26: 罗湖公安分局清水河派出所调查初步了解,打劫该男子的是6名中学生模样的人。

    Qingshuihe Lo Wu Public Security Bureau police station in a preliminary understanding of the investigation, robbed the man is the 6 secondary school students look like people.

  • 27: 据金牛公安分局白果林派出所介绍,这一系列盗窃案的首次发案是在去年11月5日傍晚。

    Taurus Public Security Bureau, according to the police station ginkgo Lin introduced the first incidence of this series of thefts in the past year the evening of November 5.

  • 28: 记者昨日从罗湖公安分局清水河派出所了解到,目前该6名初中生已经落网。

    Reporter yesterday from the Lo Wu Public Security Bureau police station Qingshuihe understands that currently the six junior high school students have been arrested.

  • 29: 周二,易文龙来到太原市公安局迎泽分局迎泽派出所报案。但是警方拒绝立案,并称这不在他们管辖的权限范围内。

    Yi tried to report the threat to the city`s Yingze police station on Tuesday, but police officials refused to register a complaint, saying it was not within the range of the station`s jurisdiction.

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