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mobile payment, Apple Pay, M-Payment, CUPMobile




  • 移动支付市场分析
  • 互联网移动支付
  • 移动支付有哪些
  • 移动支付的未来
  • 中国移动支付震惊世界
  • 移动支付的弊端
  • 怎么关闭中国移动手机话费支付
  • 建行移动支付怎么用
  • 移动手机支付中心充q币
  • 日本网友中国移动支付
  • 移动支付新闻网
  • 支付宝中国移动
  • 中国移动支付 美国
  • 移动nfc支付
  • 移动支付nfc
  • 移动支付的使用
  • 移动互联网支付
  • 支付宝移动充值卡充值
  • 移动支付 互联网支付
  • 移动支付.的意思


  • 1: 移动支付谁在用?怎么用?

    Who is using mobile payment? How to use it?

  • 2: 移动支付多长时间会成为主流,这仍然是备受争议。

    Just how long mobile payments will take to become mainstream is still up for debate.

  • 3: 不管怎样,移动支付最后可能会成为现金、支票和信用卡之外的又一选项。

    In time, however, mobile could be another option besides cash, check and credit card.

  • 4: 提出建立移动支付系统风险评估指标体系的理论方法。

    Put forward the theory method of establishment risk assessment indicators system of mobile payment system.

  • 5: 建立移动支付系统风险分布模型。

    Establishment mobile payment system risk distributed model.

  • 6: 介绍了一个应用在移动支付系统里的全集成载波时钟恢复电路。

    This paper presents a fully integrated carrier clock recovery circuit for a mobile payment application.

  • 7: 经过多年的发展,我国开展移动支付的基本环境已经形成。

    After years of development, the basic environment of China"s Mobile Payment had been formed.

  • 8: 最后,对BPEL技术在移动支付系统的应用进行了展望。

    Finally, the application of the BPEL technology in the motion payment system is prospected.

  • 9: 用智能卡与移动电话支付电子货币的方式,也就是,以智能卡与移动电话为媒介的电子货币支付方式

    Smart cards and mobile phones are quickly emerging as ways to pay with electronic cash

  • 10: 手机支付在移动商务中的应用潜力巨大。

    Pay phone in the mobile commerce application has great potential.

  • 11: 什么造就了非洲如此强大的移动支付体系呢?

    What makes Africa a great environment for a mobile payment system?

  • 12: 移动支付是移动电子商务中的最重要的部分之一。

    Mobile payment is one the most important parts of mobile E- commerce.

  • 13: 移动支付:立竿见影还是纸上谈兵?

    Mobile Payments:Killer App or Paper Tiger?

  • 14: 里奥托认为这已经是移动支付的雏形。

    Liautaud says this was an important precursor to mobile money.

  • 15: 去年,美国90%的移动支付是在星巴克进行的。

    Last year, 90% of all mobile payments in the U.

  • 16: 它可以实现各种功能,比如:移动支付、产品定位信息等。

    It can be used for anything from mobile payments to location-based production information.

  • 17: 管理近场及远程的移动支付产品;

    Manage mobile payment product for both proximity and remote channels;

  • 18: 第二,我们必须参与到移动支付领域。

    Second, we must attend to the development of mobile money.

  • 19: 创建了支持所有移动网络运营商的移动支付平台。

    It created a mobile payments platform that will work on any mobile network operator.

  • 20: 这种细节是移动支付策略成功的关键。

    Such specifics are key to coming up with a successful mobile strategy.

  • 21: 移动支付建设不是一下子就能完成的。

    Mobile payments is not a process you can turn on overnight.

  • 22: 维珍移动支付按照你:网络&关税的比较价格。

    Virgin Mobile Pay you: network and customs compare prices.

  • 23: 我们认为,这些年轻的客户熟悉网上和移动支付将喜欢的USB类型的信用卡。

    We think those young customers familiar with the online and mobile payment will prefer the USB type credit card.

  • 24: 近距离通信技术需要一个安全的无线数据传输方式,而移动支付对此的要求更为苛刻。

    Near Field Communication technology can provide a secure, wireless way to transfer data, and it could be critical for mobile payment.

  • 25: 移动支付存在安全壁垒,但是,要想看到这个领域中存在的问题,可能还需等到这些症结完全解开之后。

    There are security barriers in place for mobile payments, but until the kinks are completely worked out we could see some problems in this area.

  • 26: 换言之,尽管近场通讯听起来像是移动支付的未来,或者可能就是移动支付的未来,但先别着急把你的信用卡扔掉。

    In other words, while NFC sounds like the future of mobile payments, and probably is the future of mobile payments, don"t throw out your credit cards just yet.

  • 27: 这点特别重要,尤其在中国这样一个移动支付格外流行,信用卡使用却非常有限的国家。

    This is all the more important given how prevalent mobile payment has become in a country with such limited credit card use.

  • 28: 安全性、私密性、易用性是移动支付的最重要的几个问题。

    Security, confidentiality and easiness of use are the most significant issues in mobile payment.

  • 29: 随着通用分组无线业务(GPRS)技术在移动领域的逐步成熟,世界各国都在积极研究这项新兴的移动支付系统。

    With the development of GPRS technology in mobile communication field, it is studied that the new mobile payment system based on mobile telephone in the world.

  • 30: 蚂蚁金服总裁井贤栋表示说:“通过这次合作,我们旨在向百胜中国提供世界级的移动支付服务,辐射范围遍及百胜餐饮品牌下的数千万客户。”

    "Through this collaboration, we aim to help Yum China provide world-class mobile payment services for tens of millions of customers across its brands, " said Eric Jing, president of Ant Financial.

  • 31: 这一条也很重要,即使有人不偷你的手机,象其他空中传输技术一样移动支付技术照样存在被侵入的可能性。

    It"s also important to know that mobile payment technology, like any over the air, OTA, communication, is "hackable, " even if someone does not have your cell phone.

  • 32: 特别是支付作为商务活动中的一个重要流程,移动电子商务不可避免地促进了移动支付的出现与应用。

    Especially, because payment is an important procedure of the commercial affair, Mobile E-Commerce will unavoidably promote appearance and application of mobile payment.

  • 33: 随着移动通信从语音业务转向数字业务,各种移动增值业务层出不穷,而移动支付就成为其中的一个亮点。

    With the mobile communication changing from the speech service to digital service, kinds of motion increment services emerge one after another incessantly and mobile payment is a luminescent spot.

  • 34: 正在考虑使用移动支付技术的顾客在使用之前应该向手机提供商和信用卡提供商咨询,澄清责任问题。

    Customers considering using mobile payment technology should ask their cell phone provider and credit card providers how they are covered, before they consider using this technology.

  • 35: 苹果新近招募一位移动支付方面专家的消息在周末引起了一些关注。

    Apple raised some eyebrows over the weekend when news spread it had hired an expert in mobile payments.

  • 36: 与此同时还研究了移动支付实现的相关技术、系统模型、产业链与运营模式及其支付方法。

    This paper also studied the implementation technique , system framework , industry chains , running mode and payment method of mobile payment.

  • 37: 要使移动支付成为现实,仅仅在每台手机上装NFC芯片当然远远不够,但是主要厂商在今年的不懈努力将会大大加快进程。

    It is going to take more than just NFC chips in every phone to make mobile payments a reality, but efforts by the major players this year should begin to move the needle.

  • 38: 王建宙说:“消费者在订用移动支付服务后,往往会长期使用提供该服务的手机运营商。这将有助于我们留住用户。”

    "Consumers often stick to the same phone operator after they subscribe to mobile payment services. This will help us to retain users, " said Mr Wang.

  • 39: 在美国虽然这些移动支付产品还比较新鲜,但这成为主流只是时间的问题而已。

    Although these mobile payment products are still relatively new in the United States, it is only a matter of time before they do become mainstream.

  • 40: 爱立信声称,这套移动支付系统的试用者已经创造了10至15倍的转换率,但却没有提到这些试用者的名字。

    Ericsson claims that trialists of its mobile payment system have generated 10 to 15 times higher conversion rates as a result. But it isn"t naming the trialists.

  • 41: 这也就可以解释为什么国内外的电信运营商、银行和科技公司都在拼抢中国的移动支付业务。

    And that may explain why telecom operators, banks and technology firms - from home and aboard - are aggressively pushing their services in China"s mobile payment industry .

  • 42: 报道称在加蓬、肯尼亚和苏丹,有一半以上的成年人使用移动支付

    Reports say half or more of the adults in Gabon, Kenya and Sudan use mobile money.

  • 43: 应用该方法,以一个典型的移动支付协议KSL为例进行模型检验分析;

    Using this method, a typical mobile payment protocol KSL is analyzed as an example.

  • 44: 设计并分析了一个全新的基于双哈希链的公平移动支付协议;

    A new fair mobile payment protocol based on double hash chain is designed for the fairness of mobile payment.

  • 45: 移动支付是电子商务的重要组成部分,是实现电子商务的核心部分。

    Mobile payment is an important compositive part of electronic commerce, the nuclear part to implement electronic commerce.

  • 46: 刘冰说,“移动支付变得越来越贴近消费者,对电子商务发展做出的贡献越来越大。”

    "The mobile payment is becoming much closer with consumers and it has been making greater contributions toe-commerce development, " Liu said.

  • 47: 似乎每家都想在移动支付领域分得一块蛋糕。

    It seems everyone wants a piece of the mobile-payments pie.

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