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FRANKFURT, Orthos Fullhalterfabrik, Einstieg Abi Messe, Frankfurt Germany




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  • 德国法兰克福9月一周天气预报


  • 1: 德国银行在法兰克福下跌了4.2个百分点。

    Deutsche Bank lost 4.2 percent in Frankfurt.

  • 2: 德国法兰克福书市的一位女士正在整理巨型书架上的书籍。

    A woman adjusts books on a huge shelf at the Book Fair in Frankfurt, Germany.

  • 3: MathiasSchindler是一名25岁的大学生 现居住于德国境内缅因河流经的城市法兰克福。

    Mathias Schindler is a 25 year old university student in Frankfurt, Main, Germany.

  • 4: 德国法兰克福机场的运作也已经接近于正常。

    And Germany"s Frankfurt airport was also operating near normal.

  • 5: 这场比赛将在德国法兰克福进行。

    The game is in Frankfurt, Germany.

  • 6: 我姐姐玛戈特1926年出生在德国美因河畔的法兰克福。

    My sister Margot was born in Frankfurt am Main in Germany in 1926.

  • 7: 我留在了德国,就在美因河畔,法兰克福附近。

    I am leaving in Germany in the near of Frankfurt am Main.

  • 8: 他们星期叁将在德国法兰克福会晤,讨论若伊朗不肯合作,将对其施行更严厉制裁的问题。

    They are meeting in Frankfurt, Germany, Wednesday to discuss imposing harsher sanctions against Iran if it does not cooperate.

  • 9: 2011年7月17日,在德国法兰克福举行的女足世界杯上,日本队战胜美国队获得了冠军。 日本队的中锋泽穗希手捧奖杯和队友们一起分享着这份来之不易的荣耀。

    Japan"s midfielder Homare Sawa celebrates with the trophy and teammates after the FIFA Women"s Football World Cup final match against the US on July 17, 2011 in Frankfurt am Main Germany.

  • 10: “毒器工厂”的“成功之处”包括在1957年利用铊暗杀了当时背叛苏联逃往德国法兰克福的一名官员,以及在1978年利用尖上涂有蓖麻毒素的雨伞暗杀了一名保加利亚反政府者乔奇·马考夫。

    Its “successes” included the killing of a Soviet defector in Frankfurt with thallium in 1957, and that of a Bulgarian dissident, Georgy Markov, in 1978, in London with a ricin-tipped umbrella.

  • 11: 新的降雪迫使德国法兰克福机场的官员星期二暂停了几个小时的航班,导致德国这个最大的航空枢纽出现旅客滞留的现象。

    Fresh snowfall forced officials at Germanys Frankfurt airport to suspend flights for several hours Tuesday, causing backups at the countrys largest hub for air travel.

  • 12: 今天上午九点刚过, “空中客车”超大型客机A380从德国法兰克福飞往纽约。

    An Airbus A380 super jumbo jet took off from Frankfurt, Germany just after nine this morning on its way to New York.

  • 13: 据路透社报道,18日,数百名把自己打扮成僵尸的年轻人在德国法兰克福市中心游行(见图)。

    Hundreds of young people who made up as zombies took part in a parade (see photo) through the center of Frankfurt, Germany, Saturday, Reuters reported.

  • 14: Jack是一条巴吉度犬,生活在德国法兰克福,看它那对大耳朵,它一定听过不少事儿,耳朵肯定也很灵哦!

    Poor Jack, a basset hound living with his owners near Frankfurt, Germany, probably hears that a lot -- and probably pretty well, given the size of his ears.

  • 15: 运作Chatroulette的服务器位于德国法兰克福

    Chatroulette runs on seven servers in Frankfurt, Germany

  • 16: 此外,格里芬还特别向许为平问到:总部基地为什么在德国法兰克福与英国伦敦之间最终选择落户伦敦?

    In addition, Triffin particularly asked for Xu"s reason for choosing London as his investment place, rather than Frankfurt, Germany.

  • 17: 2011年7月13日,德国法兰克福,在瑞典对战日本的半决赛中,瑞典队的后卫SaraThunebro因为落败而失声痛哭。

    Sweden"s defender Sara Thunebro reacts after the semifinal loss to Japan in Frankfurt, Germany on July 13, 2011. (John MacDougall/AFP/Getty Images)

  • 18: 德国法兰克福市机场发生一起枪杀案,机场工作人员表示两飞行员被杀,另外两位被射伤。

    In Germany, the airport says two of its airmen have been killed, two wounded in a shooting outside the Frankfurt Airport.

  • 19: 肯考迪亚俱乐部,还参加了1908年在德国法兰克福举行的体操锦标赛和1909年在美国辛辛那提举办的体操锦标赛。

    Eyser also competed for Concordia when the club won a 1908 international meet in Frankfurt, Germany, and a 1909 national meet in Cincinnati.

  • 20: 据法新社12日报道,越来越多的中国中小企业在国外上市,德国法兰克福证券交易所就是吸引大批亚洲企业的"圣地"之一。

    More Chinese small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are listing shares on foreign stock exchanges like Frankfurt, which seeks to attract companies from Asia, AFP reported Thursday.

  • 21: 2011年7月17日,在德国法兰克福体育中心,当日本队赢得了最后一记点球之后,KozueAndo(上)和YukiNagasato相拥而泣。

    Kozue Ando of Japan (top) embraces Yuki Nagasato after winning the penalty shoot-out on July 17, 2011 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

  • 22: 安娜莉丝•玛丽•“安妮”•弗兰克是一个在德国法兰克福出生的犹太女孩。

    Annelies Marie "Anne" Frank was a German-born Jewish girl from the city of Frankfurt.

  • 23: 周日在德国法兰克福,日本成为第一支抱走女子足球世界盃冠军的亚洲队伍。

    On Sunday evening in Frankfurt, Germany, Japan became the first Asian nation to lift the Women"s World Cup for soccer.

  • 24: 上周,一名男子在德国法兰克福机场对一辆美国军队大巴开枪射击,造成美国空军士兵两死两伤。

    Two United States airmen were killed and two others were wounded last week when a gunman opened fire on an American military bus at the Frankfurt airport.

  • 25: 体曼·文克就职于国际领先的律师事务所-西盟斯律师行-德国法兰克福办事处。

    Tilman Wink is based in the Frankfurt office of the leading international law firm Sim-mons& Simmons LLP.

  • 26: 对德国法兰克福的清洁工来说,街头上那些黄色塑料板只是一大堆垃圾而已,他们应该克尽职守地把它们铲走、压碎并且焚烧干净。

    To the dustmen of Frankfurt, they were a mess that needed to be cleared from the streets of their spotless city. The yellow plastic sheets were swiftly scooped up, crushed and burned.

  • 27: 当他在德国法兰克福学习时,他的研究领域主要是化学和光。

    When he was a graduate student in physical chemistry at Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University in Frankfurt, Germany, his research focused on chemistry and light.

  • 28: 希思罗是欧洲对美国目前为止最重要的空港,这个机场接待的美国乘客的数量是德国法兰克福机场或是法国戴高乐机场的两倍。

    It is by far the most important airport for Americans flying into Europe, accounting for twice as many transatlantic passengers as either Frankfurt or Paris Charles de Gaulle.

  • 29: 在德国法兰克福机场一辆巴士上,两名美国军人被枪杀,另外两人受伤。

    Two US servicemen have been shot dead on a bus at Frankfurt airport in Germany, and two others were wounded.

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