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  • 电脑通过手机上网
  • 为什么手机上不了网
  • 怎么下载游戏到手机上
  • 手机上好玩的游戏
  • 下载微信到手机上
  • 手机上不去网怎么回事
  • 手机上什么游戏好玩
  • 手机上怎么压缩图片
  • 电脑如何连接手机上网
  • 修手机上门维修
  • 手机上的数据漫游是什么
  • 手机上怎样剪切视频
  • 手机上用什么软件炒股软件
  • 手机上锁解不开怎么办
  • 杭州手机上门维修
  • 网页在手机上显示
  • 手机上网网速慢
  • 在手机上怎么给宽带充值
  • 手机上好用的vpn
  • 手机上门维修哪个好


  • 1: 再次,有可能是一个费用,但总比摧毁您的手机上

    Again, there may be a fee, but that is better than destroying your phone.

  • 2: 音频建议将被发送到用户的汽车导航器或手机上

    Voice recommendations would be sent to a person’s vehicle navigator or cell phone.

  • 3: 没错,有些人把太多注意力都放在手机上了。

    That"s true. Some people pay too much attention to their mobile phones.

  • 4: 不经意地坐在自己的手机上而打出去的电话。

    An unintended phone call placed by sitting on one"s cell phone.

  • 5: 我不能保证我们的游戏能在所有的手机上都能运行,但我们会尽我们所能去做。

    I can not guarantee that our game can work on every mobile. But we will try our best.

  • 6: 安装说明:请按以下说明将插件安装在您的手机上

    Installation Instructions: Follow the instructions below to install this software onto your device.

  • 7: 甚至您还可以在包括iPhone在内的手机上运行Google。

    You can even run Google on your mobile phone, including the iPhone.

  • 8: 所以当手机上弹出消息时,学生们就觉得有必要加入其中了。

    So when messages pop up on their smartphone, students feel the need to join in.

  • 9: 锁定您的手机上的应用程序图标的点击。

    Lock your phone with one click on the application icon.

  • 10: 么到了手机上就变成乱码?

    How to mobile phones become garbled?

  • 11: 他们只是太忙谈自己的手机上

    They are just too busy talking on their cell phones.

  • 12: 要锁定网络,使他人无法浏览您的手机上

    Want to lock web, so that others can"t browse on your phone?

  • 13: 在小小手机上感受最真实的世界台球冠军赛2010!

    Supplied by KrikerExperience the most realistic pool game on mobile in World Championship Pool 2010!

  • 14: 翻开手机上的文件夹和财经部起首买卖请求邮件 。

    Open the MfE folder on your phone and start the Mail for Exchange application.

  • 15: 关掉手机上的数据连接和WI-FI连接。

    Turn off Data connection and Wifi on the Phone 2.

  • 16: Larry,我昨天晚上给你打电话,在你手机上留了言,你怎么没给我回电话啊?

    I called you last night and left messages. why don"t you call me back?

  • 17: 各方面都表明,社交网站上手机用户的数量增加并不意外。

    In many ways, the popularity of social websites on the move is no surprise.

  • 18: 但是他们在手机市场上毕竟是竞争对手。

    They are competitors in the mobile market, after all.

  • 19: 微软在手机软件上也远远落后其竞争对手。

    Microsoft also has found itself left behind in software for cellphones.

  • 20: 他们只得修正他们的软件以保证在每一个手机硬件上都能工作。

    Instead, they have to tweak their software to make sure it works for each device.

  • 21: 如果对方同意,你还可以在手机屏幕上看到他们在地图上的详细位置。

    If they agree, you can see their locations on a map on your screen.

  • 22: 甚至在手机屏幕上,《小蒂姆》也能让我们感到上帝在保佑我们每个人。

    Even on a cell-phone screen, Tiny Tim can God-bless us, every one.

  • 23: 而现在类似的情况正在手机市场上重演,大家都想让自己的产品变得“智能”。

    Something similar is now happening with phones, all of which will become “smart”.

  • 24: 难道我注定就要成为智能手机使用上的失败者?

    Am I destined to be a smartphone loser?

  • 25: 如果你想玩的话,你可以在手机网站上下载。

    If you want to play, you can download from WAP.

  • 26: 拨电话给手机电话簿上滴第三个号码。

    Call the third number in your mobile phone"s phonebook.

  • 27: 如果你在智能手机上使用微件,你已经知道他们的重要性。

    If you use widgets on an smartphone, you already know the importance of them.

  • 28: 换句话说,如果你能下载游戏运行在您的手机上,您还可以运行抖动。

    In other words, if you can run downloaded games on your phone, you can also run Jitter.

  • 29: 如果你的数据库允许用户存储超过2039的日期数据,当你尝试在移动手机上显示这些数据的时候会发生什么。

    If your database allows users to store dates past2039, what happens when you try to display one of these dates on a mobile handset?

  • 30: 如果的JAR不安装在您的手机上,这是一个数字证书的问题。

    If the JAR does not install on your phone, It is a digital certificate issue.

  • 31: 看着手机上没有你的一通电话和一个字的信息,我骂你,是个没良心的家伙。

    No one calls you and a word of information at the mobile phone, I scold you, is heartless.

  • 32: 来自同一个人的短消息使用同一个号码,所以你甚至可以保存这个号码在你的手机上

    Messages from the same person will always come from the same number, so you can even bookmark it in your phone.

  • 33: 当您在应用程序中导航时,就创建了一个活动堆栈,使用手机上的后退按钮就就可从该堆栈中出来。

    As you navigate through the application you build a stack of activities that you can then pop out of by using the back button on the phone.

  • 34: 如果你想在美国所有的诺基亚智能手机上做广告,我们也能帮你做到。

    If you want to in the United States all the Nokia smart phone advertising, we can help you do.

  • 35: 我们的消费者告诉我们,他们不想下载音乐到他们工作用的电脑里或手机上,因为他们发现要把音乐移到其它的设备将会很困难。

    Our customers have told us they don"t want to download music to their work computers or phones because they find it hard to move music around to different devices.

  • 36: 这个模型会被下载到智能手机上,通过引用预先计算好的结果来找到一个对应新的参数组的近似结果。

    The model downloaded to a smart phone finds an approximate solution for a new set of parameters by reference to the precomputed solutions.

  • 37: 但是,苹果公司并不能通过手机上的该文件对用户进行定位,同时这些信息的采集是通过匿名且加密的方式进行的。

    But it said that it could not locate users based on the file on the phone, and that it collected the information in an anonymous and encrypted form.

  • 38: 2010年,它发布了不过度使用电池也能保护移动设备的技术,巧妙地将能量负担散布到共享安全系统的一组手机上

    In 2010, it released technology that protects mobile devices without straining their batteries, ingeniously spreading the power burden throughout a cluster of phones that share the security system.

  • 39: 通过使用多核芯片和智能软件,制造商们可以去掉手机上一个或多个处理器,以减轻其电池的负担。

    By using multi-core chips and smart software, phonemakers can shut down one or more of the processors, reducing the drain on phones’ batteries.

  • 40: 在日本,已经有500项左右的智能卡服务可供使用,并且许多服务正在转移到移动手机上

    There are already 500 or so smart-card services in use in Japan and many of these are migrating to mobile phones.

  • 41: 在我的智能手机上下载了这次展会的应用程序之后,我完全可以边看边学。

    After downloading the show"s app on my smart phone, I was perfectly equipped to see and learn.

  • 42: “因为手机上总有一个开机关机的按扭,这完全是个人的选择”他说道。

    “There’s always the switch on, switch off button on the phone. So it’s your choice”, he says.

  • 43: 分析师认为,软银这样做是把所有的利润都寄托在售出的每部手机上,虽然这些利润的实际收益要通过分期的方式在未来两年里获取。

    Analysts reckon it is booking all the revenues from the sale of each handset up front, even though the cash is to be received in instalments over up to two years.

  • 44: 这就要求保持安全性和节省外部带宽,而这会使从用户手机上更新和删除应用程序变得更简单。

    This allows a business to maintain security and save on external bandwidth, while making it simpler to update and remove apps from users" phones.

  • 45: 团队合作要更紧密,这样同类服务和软件可在不同类型的手机上运行。

    Teams have to collaborate more closely, so that the same services and software can run on different handsets.

  • 46: 在我的智能手机上下载了这次展会的应用之后,我完全可以边看边学。

    After downloading the show’s app on my smart phone, I was perfectly equipped to see and learn.

  • 47: 这些应用程序门户真正该做的,是向你的使用者提供一种受控制的服务,这种服务有规章条例,它能使得软件相对方便和安全地装在你的手机上

    The whole point of these app portals is to provide a controlled service to your users that has guidelines and rules that make getting software onto your phone relatively easy and safe.

  • 48: 我们没有进入搜索业务领域......没有,他们开始跟我们竞争,事情变得越来越严重......我们的手机上[仍然]有谷歌的专利在里面。

    We didn’t go into the search business… No, they started competing with us, and it got more and more serious… We [still] have some Google properties on our phone.

  • 49: 举个例子,诺基亚的一个提出一个方案,利用手机上的传感器收集空气质量的报告。

    For example, Nokia have put forward an idea to attach sensors to phones that could report back on air quality.

  • 50: 他通过自己的移动电话将这一诉求传递到身居伦敦和内罗毕的两名联合国官员的手机上

    He texted this appeal from his own mobile phone to the mobiles of two United Nations officials, in London and Nairobi.

  • 51: 迄今为止,三星的媒体解决方案中心最显著的成果体现在欧洲销售的三星手机上

    To date, the most visible work of Samsung"s Media Solutions Center has been for its cellphones sold in Europe.

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