汉语词典 红联
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  • 潜江市属于哪个市
  • 潜江市中心医院
  • 潜江市天气预报
  • 潜江市人民政府
  • 湖北省潜江中学
  • 潜江中南世纪雅苑
  • 潜江住房公积金
  • 潜江市园林办事处
  • 潜江市园林二中
  • 潜江属于湖北省哪个市
  • 潜江市妇幼保健院
  • 湖北潜江天气预报
  • 潜江中南世纪锦城
  • 潜江公积金查询
  • 长飞光纤潜江有限公司
  • 潜江龙虾节2017
  • 潜江五七油焖大虾
  • 潜江市国土资源局
  • 潜江日报电子版


  • 1: 考察组的专家们对潜江作为项目现场给予了充分的认可。

    Experts of this investigate group fully recognized Qianjiang as a research site of this project.

  • 2: 供试的23个土壤,除了采自湖北潜江的20号水稻土存在比较大的磷素淋失风险,其余土壤发生磷素淋失的风险很小。

    Accordingly, the tested 23 soils, except the paddy rice soil No. 20 from Qianjiang Hubei Province, had low risk of P leaching occurrence.

  • 3: 江汉盆地下第三系潜江组和新沟嘴组是主要油气勘探目的层, 水化学资料较多。

    The Paleogene Qianjiang and Xinggouzui Formations with abundant hydrochemical data are main objective intervals targets for hydrocarbon exploration in Jianghan Basin.

  • 4: 位于江汉盆地潜江凹陷王场盐隆背斜构造西北倾末端的王北区块具有典型的盐湖沉积。

    Wangbei block lies in northwest pitching end of the Wangchang salt swell in the Qianjiang depression, Jianghan basin and is characterized by typical salt lake deposit.

  • 5: 论述了油盐兼探方法和技术,通过潜江凹陷油盐成矿规律分析及黄场盐矿的勘探实践,总结了油盐兼探的经验。

    Experiences are also summarized by analyzing the minerogenetic regularities of Qianjiang Depression and the prospecting practice of Huangchang Salt Mine.

  • 6: 新闻媒体展示了工人们涌向潜江城附近的照片。 。

    News media showed pictures of workers who had been rushed to the scene near the city of Qianjiang.

  • 7: 潜江小城镇的水资源丰富但开发落后,绿地系统不完善,街景缺乏艺术性。

    The water resource of towns in Qianjiang was rich but its exploitation was backward, the system of greenbelt was not fully developed and the street landscape was inartistic.

  • 8: 潜江组沉积充填主要受到盆地的构造演化和古气候条件控制。

    The sedimentary fillings of Qianjiang Formation are mainly controlled by structural evolution and ancient climate conditions.

  • 9: 潜江组储层是江汉盐湖盆地最重要的产油层系。

    Qianjiang Formation reservoir is the most important productive series in Jianghan Salt Lake Basin.

  • 10: 潜江凹陷蚌湖向斜是下第三系潜江组的沉积中心,是江汉盆地油气最富集的生烃中心。

    Banghu syncline in the Qianjiang sag is a depocenter of Paleogene Qianjiang Formation, and is the richest hydrocarbon generation center in Jianghan Basin.

  • 11: 应用该模型测算了江汉盆地JJ、QQ、XX凹陷潜江组未熟烃源岩在现今的累积生油强度和生油量。

    By using this model, the current cumulative oil generating intensity and amount for immature source rocks of Qianjiang formation were calculated in JJ, QQ, XX Depressions, the Jianghan Basin.

  • 12: 希望你也能够把本站做的好,让潜江广大人民群众都知道。

    Hope that you also can do this station good, letting large people"s crowdses of qianjiangs all know.

  • 13: 以此为基础对湖北省水稻区域产量保险纯费率进行厘定,得出在80%保障水平下,潜江,仙桃等高风险地区的水稻保险费率为7。

    Then this paper used the zoning result to determine the rice GRP rate, the study shows that at 80% guarantee level, the pure rate of premium in highest risk zone is 7.

  • 14: 江汉油田潜江组盐膏层比较发育,盐层在纵向上与泥岩组成的韵律层多达82个,存在多套压力层系,构成了潜江组复合盐膏层。

    Large scale of evaporite bed exists in Jianghan oilfield, and as many as 82 rhythmites formed by thee-vaporite beds and shales stretch along the ordinate, while there are multiple pressure layers.

  • 15: 电子商务平台也帮助潜江小龙虾扩大了国内市场业务,去年网络平台的营收超过了1亿元。

    E-commerce has helped expand the domestic market for Qianjiang crayfish, with revenue from online sales exceeding 100 million yuan last year.

  • 16: 潜江市着力改善农民进城就业环境。

    Qianjiang City endeavored to improve the employment environment for rural workers in cities.

  • 17: 蚌湖洼陷是潜江凹陷潜江组的沉积、沉降中心,其两侧砂体的成因与分布是一个有争议的问题。

    The Banghu Sub-Sag is the depositional and subsidence center of the Qianjiang Formation in Qianjiang Sag.

  • 18: 潜江绿仙子生物技术公司,是一家专业从事天然色素研发、生产和销售的公司。

    Qianjiang Luxianzi Bio-technology Co. , Ltd is specially engaged in the development, production, and sale of the natural pigment.

  • 19: 江汉盆地潜江凹陷潜江组盐间非砂岩油藏是鲜见的特殊类型油藏。

    Inter salt non sandstone reservoir is an exceptional particular reservoir all over the world.

  • 20: 公司如何面对挑战、抓住机遇、快速发展,这是潜江绿仙子生物技术公司要尽快解决的问题。

    How to face the challenges, fasten the opportunities and accelerate the development, become the main issues of Qianjiang Luxianzi Bio-technology Co. , Ltd.

  • 21: 江陵凹陷沙市组也沉积了一套含盐地层,但盐间非砂岩油气藏发育程度不如潜江组。

    Salt also deposit in the Shashi Formation of Jiangling Sag, but non-sandstone reservoirs poorly developed.

  • 22: 本文应用地震和钻井资料对潜江凹陷的盐丘构造进行了研究,将盐丘构造划分为三种类型:(1)盐丘背斜;

    This paper uses seismic and drilling data to study the salt dome structure of Qianjiang depression. The salt dome structure may be mainly divided into three types. (1)Salt dome anticline;

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