汉语词典 红联
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young volunteers, volunteers




  • 上海青年志愿者协会
  • 青年志愿者服务意向怎么填
  • 青年志愿者的活动具体有哪些
  • 宁波青年志愿者
  • 青年志愿者人数
  • 青年志愿者小品
  • 保定青年志愿者
  • 青年志愿者旗帜
  • 威海青年志愿者
  • 注册中国青年志愿者表
  • 浙江工商大学青年志愿者
  • 中国青年海外志愿者
  • 2006年青年志愿者
  • 大学青年志愿者工作总结
  • 北京工商大学青年志愿者
  • 江西 青年志愿者服务项目大赛
  • 日照青年志愿者协会
  • 温岭青年志愿者
  • 青年志愿者队旗
  • 青年志愿者服务记录


  • 1: 日日夜夜,我们都能在美图村发现青年志愿者

    Young volunteers are also found in media apartments day and night.

  • 2: 2005年5月表现突出获得校级优秀青年志愿者称号。

    May 2005 university-level outstanding outstanding youth volunteers won the title.

  • 3: 青年志愿者活动是教育培养医学生道德素质的有效载体。

    Youth Volunteer activity is an effective way to improve the moral quality of medical students.

  • 4: 我说:我希望得到青年志愿者的帮助。

    I want to say that I hope to get the help from young volunteers.

  • 5: 随着湖南省青年志愿者行动的发展,其自身的不足也日益凸显。

    With the growth of Young volunteer Program in Hunan, its deficiencies appear increasingly.

  • 6: 青年志愿者行动是推动中国特色社会主义事业进步与发展的重要物质和精神力量。

    The young Volunteers as agent is an important strength both of material and spirit.

  • 7: 我相信我们将来还会有更多的志愿者,出格是青年志愿者

    I believe that China is going to have more and more volunteers, especially the youth.

  • 8: 青年志愿者活动是社会主义精神文明建设的重要组成部分。

    Youth volunteer activity is the important component of spiritual civilization construction of socialism.

  • 9: 青年志愿者协会志愿讲师。

    Young Volunteer Association, Nanchang University.

  • 10: 参与青年志愿者活动。

    Involved in youth volunteer activities.

  • 11: 深圳青年志愿者的个案研究。

    A case study of some young volunteers in Shenzhen.

  • 12: 由于缺少志愿者,建立一个当地青年俱乐部的计划告吹了。

    Lack of volunteers brought down the curtain on plans to form a local youth club.

  • 13: 而国际青年营的另一个称谓就是志愿者。

    Therefore, the other name of the international youth league is the volunteers.

  • 14: 年满13岁的小志愿者就可以加入收容所的青年俱乐部。

    At age 13, the young volunteers can join the shelter"s Youth Club.

  • 15: 青年志愿者们都来自不同的国家。

    The young volunteers come from different countries.

  • 16: 青年志愿者与社区建设。

    Young Volunteers and Community Building.

  • 17: 作为一名青年志愿者,我们要发扬志愿者的精神:奉献、友爱、互助、进步。

    As a young volunteer, we need to carry forward the spirit of volunteers: dedication, love, mutual aid, and progress.

  • 18: 为了使我们的城市更加整洁漂亮,我们学校的青年志愿者今天上午来到人民公园提供我们的帮助。

    In order to make our city cleaner and more beautiful, the young volunteers of our school went to the People"s Park this morning and offered our help.

  • 19: 就是这个“大个子”,带领一群衣衫褴褛,由青年志愿者临时拼凑的队伍,在的黎波里大街一带与卡扎菲的坦克和步兵战斗了几个星期。

    Grande ended up controlling a rag-tag, improvised force of dozens of young volunteers, who fought for weeks against Col Muammar Gaddafi"s tanks and infantry along and around Tripoli street.

  • 20: “和平队”组织本身是冷战思维的产物,但这并不能否定它在国际社会青年志愿者行动中的重要地位。

    The Peace Corps was result of Cold War mentality, But there is no denying that Peace Corps occupied an important place in international youth volunteer campaign.

  • 21: 在青年志愿者中心,丹尼得到了三项任务的选择,其中一项是与孩子们一起工作。

    At the Youth Volunteers" Center, Danny was given the choice of three projects that involved working with children.

  • 22: 宝鸡公益联盟网是由志愿从事社会公益事业的青年志愿者组织成的服务团体。

    Baoji Community Alliance Network is organized by youth volunteers who are willing to be engaged in social service.

  • 23: 我相信我们将来还会有更多的志愿者,特别是青年志愿者

    I generally believe that China is going to have more and more volunteers, especially the youth.

  • 24: 十多年的中国青年志愿者事业的发展证明,参与志愿服务对当代青年的成才具有极大的促进作用。

    In the recent years, the development of Chinese Youth Volunteer service shows that participating in the volunteer service has great promoting effects on the growing of contemporary youth.

  • 25: 团市委为每位青年志愿者安排了志愿服务岗位,通过这次培训着重使青年志愿者掌握对外交往礼仪知识和政务知识。

    The China Communist Youth League Changde Municipal Committee has provided relevant post for each volunteer and intends to improve their knowledge about foreign protocol and government affairs.

  • 26: 国际青年志愿者计划,帮助"非洲之友"野保组织以及其他国际犀牛保护组织,共同建立反盗猎和非法野生动物贸易的联合行动网络。

    Please join ICS, and assist FOA and other rhino conservation organizations to set up the joint action network to stop rhino poaching and consumption and trade of rhino horns.

  • 27: 我希望得到青年志愿者的帮助,不是因为我身体不好或者经济困难,而是希望能把土业学术思想体系传承下去。

    I wish to get the help from young volunteers not because I am in poor health or in economic trouble, but I hope that the academic idea system of soil school can be passed on.

  • 28: 第一组中包括了94名患有I型糖尿病的青年志愿者

    The first group comprised 94 young volunteers who had type 1 diabetes;

  • 29: 整个现场和流程都是由民商青年志愿者协会、沙区法院安排好,西南学生论坛的一些成员参与了法律咨询。

    Some members of Southwest Student Forum took part in the consultation, while the Young Volunteer Association and ShaPingBa District Court arranged all the process.

  • 30: 在此基础上,就完善湖南青年志愿者服务提出了相应的对策:提升湖南青年志愿者的素质和改变志愿服务的服务方式;

    On this basis of that, it propose a responsement to improve youth volunteer service in Hunan:to enhance the quality of Hunan youth volunteers and to change the volunteer services approaches;

  • 31: 纳尔逊医生和她的同事们从三组人员中提取血液样本,每组都由青年志愿者和他们的母亲组成。

    In the first, Dr Nelson and her colleagues took blood samples from three groups of young volunteers and their mothers.

  • 32: 昨日,由团市委备战青年志愿者协会发起的“绿丝带爱心送行”行动正式启动。

    Yesterday, "the green silk ribbon benevolence sent off" sponsored by Wei military preparation adolescent volunteer in blastophore City association acted a formal start.

  • 33: 同时,开展大学生社会实践活动,尤其是与青年志愿者活动的结合将会对社会的发展产生良好的影响。

    Meanwhile, carrying out the social practice of college students, especially combined with the activity of youth volunteer, will exert a sound influence on social development.

  • 34: 青年志愿者、青年资助者、青年专家给了国际博物馆协会新思想的丰富营养。

    The passions of young volunteers, young patrons, and young professionals give us plenty of food for thought.

  • 35: 青年志愿者行动与精神的强大生命力源于广大青年积极参与构建社会主义道德体系、顺应时代对青年成长的客观要求。

    The strong vitality of the act and spirit of young volunteers can be attributed to the fact that many youn…

  • 36: 越来越多的青年志愿者来到西部地区,希望自己能为这里的发展作出贡献,并实现自我价值。

    More and more young volunteers have come to the western areas in the hope that they can contribute to the western development and realize their life value.

  • 37: 今天,我们尤其要表彰世界各地数百万青年志愿者,他们在全球范围,为社会变革采取行动。

    Today, we are highlighting the millions of young volunteers around the world who are acting globally for social change.

  • 38: 参加青年志愿者协会活动的过程中,让我不知不觉具备了一些走向成功的条件。

    Young Volunteers Association to participate in activities, let me unknowingly with a number of conditions for success.

  • 39: 青年志愿者是一个光荣的称号,更是一个光荣的团体,每个志愿者都不断的为社会贡献着自己力所能及的一份力量。

    Young volunteers is a glorious title, it is a glorious group, each volunteer for community contributions have been as much a force with its own.

  • 40: 它成立以来30年的发展历程对于中国已历时10年的青年志愿者行动具有一定的借鉴意义。

    Its history of development for 30 years has certain reference significance to youth volunteer campaign in China for 10 years.

  • 41: 日日夜夜,我们都能在美图村发现青年志愿者。他们在电梯门开启的时候,按下按钮,并向客人问好。

    Young volunteers are also found in media apartments day and night. They press the up button at the elevators and say hello to guests when the elevator door opens.

  • 42: 大学生志愿者社区服务是青年志愿者行动在社会主义市场经济条件下的拓展与深化,是城市文明社区创建的重要举措。

    The Society service by the volunteer students is a development and intensification activity of youth volunteers under the circumstance of socialist market economy.

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