汉语词典 红联
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  • 文化与旅游的研究
  • 旅游与旅游文化的关系
  • 民俗文化资源与旅游
  • 旅游业与文化融合发展
  • 旅游客源国与接待国文化异同对旅游业的影响
  • 柑橘文化旅游节与玉溪花灯节节的对比
  • 宗教文化与旅游之间的关系
  • 西安文理学院文化与旅游学院
  • 巴渝古盐文化遗产与旅游开发价值探讨
  • 关于促进文化与旅游融合发展的实施意见
  • 文化 与 旅游部 党组成员
  • 文化旅游与园林建设结合
  • 延安大学旅游与文化学院
  • 生态文化旅游与文化旅游区别
  • 文化与旅游融合新闻
  • 竹文化与生态旅游结课报告
  • 武汉市文化与旅游局贾衡
  • 地方文献与文化旅游
  • 地方旅游文化与旅游的关系


  • 1: 最后梳理了文化旅游与旅游文化的不同。

    Finally combed cultural tourism and tourism culture difference.

  • 2: 文化与旅游、语言、翻译三者关系紧密。

    Culture is closely related to tourism, language, and translation.

  • 3: 文化旅游与文化创意产业由“文化”二字相连具有与生俱来的联系。

    Because of this, there are natural connection between creative industry and cultural tourism.

  • 4: 旅游与文化从来就是紧密联系的,我国又有着丰富的文化资源。

    Tour and culture are compact affiliated. There are many cultural resources in Chinese landgrave.

  • 5: 旅游与文化:UK一日游。

    Travel & Culture: A wonderful UK "trip".

  • 6: 桂林是中国著名的历史与文化的重要旅游城市。

    Guilin is a key tourist city of well-known culture and history in china .

  • 7: 目前要协调好石质文化景观的保护与旅游开发的关系。

    At present we must coordinate the relation between safeguard and development in tourism.

  • 8: 旅游文化的历史与人类文化的历史一脉相承;

    Tourism culture is developed with the development of history & human culture;

  • 9: 发展旅游业,一定要与文化相结合,打造与发展特色城市。

    Tourism must combine with the culture so as to build a characteristic city .

  • 10: 该文试图认知现代文化地理学新理论、新方法与旅游研究之间的联系。

    This paper focuses on the cultural interface between tourism study and modern cultural geography.

  • 11: 松溉;古镇;旅游;文化遗产;保护与开发;

    Songji; ancient town; tour; culture heritage; protection and development;

  • 12: 年:年轻的旅游业:文化和历史遗产幸了和平与友谊。

    Youth tourism: cultural and historical heritage for peace and friendship.

  • 13: 如何研究,并能与在国外旅游时在国外不同的文化相处;

    How to research and get along with different cultures when traveling abroad in foreign countries;

  • 14: 在此过程中,发生了一系列与旅游发展相关的,具体的,可以被感知到的文化变迁事象。

    When such concepts of development become part of local culture, local culture has undergone changes.

  • 15: 旅游时你可以更多了解不同地方的当地历史与文化。

    You can know more of the local history and culture in different places when traveling.

  • 16: 李肇星在与阿尔贝二世亲王会谈时表示,中摩关系发展势头很好,两国在政治、经贸、文化、旅游等领域合作取得可喜进展。

    He said that both countries have maintained very sound political, economic and cultural relations.

  • 17: 当前所面临的主要问题是文化资源开发利用不到位和文化与旅游的结合不够密切。

    At present, the main problems are: inefficient development and utilization of cultural resources, and inadequate integration of culture and tourism.

  • 18: 促进双边经济发展,扩大投资与经贸合作,促进文化与旅游交流,是《中阿交流》杂志运营的初衷。

    The original intention of the magazine is to facilitate bilateral economic development, to expand investment and economic and trade cooperation, facilitate cultural exchanges and tourism.

  • 19: 从上个世纪八十年代开始,就有学者提出将旅游文化与旅游经济相结合的说法。

    Since the 1980"s, scholars have raised the opinion that the integration of culture and the tourism economy will benefit each other.

  • 20: 酒文化与旅游二者之间是一种互容关系,其紧密的结合构成了较深的文化底蕴。

    Wine culture and tourism are interactive to each other, and the combination of both is of deep cultural implication.

  • 21: 广西是我国少数民族人口最多的省区,有着丰富的民族饮食文化旅游资源,如何使民族饮食文化与旅游互动发展,是一个非常值得研究的问题。

    Guangxi, the province with the most minority population in China, has rich ethnic food culture tourism resources, so it is of great value to develop ethnic food culture and tourism interactively.

  • 22: 档案文化与旅游资源均具文化属性,二者之间存在着关联。

    Archives culture and tourism resources have cultural qualities; there is correlation between the two.

  • 23: 牧野文化对新乡市的地域文化影响较为深远,但目前针对在旅游业发展中如何坚持地域文化与旅游经济互动、塑造新乡优秀旅游城市形象的研究还是空白。

    The regional culture of Xinxiang City is deeply affected by ancient Muye culture, but how to combine regional culture with tourist economy has not been taken seriously.

  • 24: 千百年来,黄鹤楼上历代名家饮酒泼墨的诗词题刻使它成为了酒文化与旅游的结晶。

    For thousands of years, many popular poems were written in praise of the Yellow Crane Tower made the Tower so renowned that becomes a combination of wine culture and tourism.

  • 25: 在政府、巴厘酒店协会、巴厘旅游协会和文化与旅游部的支持下,巴厘的和平之泳旨在吸引世界各地的旅游者来到巴厘岛。

    Endorsed by the governor, Bali Hotels Association, Bali Tourism Board, and Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Bali Swim for Peace aims to attract visitors from around the world to the island.

  • 26: 历史文化对江南历史城镇的旅游业做出了重大的贡献,历史文化与旅游关系密切。

    History and culture have contributed greatly to the tourism of the historic cities in Jiangnan (to the south of Changjiang river), they have close connection with the relation of tourism.

  • 27: 在基础理论部分阐述了文化的内涵及特征,分析了文化对旅游业的影响、文化与旅游业可持续发展的互动问题,并阐述这些基础理论对本文探讨的问题的理论指导意义。

    That is culture is the soul of tourism, cultural is an important means of competition among the tourism industries and culture is the basis of local tourism for sustainable development.

  • 28: 宗教是一种重要的旅游资源,作为一种文化现象与旅游关系密切。

    As a culture phenomenon, religion has close relationship with tourism, and also is an important tourist resource.

  • 29: 语言变化是衡量社会文化变迁与旅游开发之间关系的一个重要指标。

    Language variance is an important index to judge the relationship between social, cultural vicissitudes and tourism development.

  • 30: 文化产业与旅游产业的整合创新是产业发展的必然要求。

    On culture integration and innovation in the newly merged undergraduate universities;

  • 31: 运城地区的文化旅游与关公文化是相辅相成的。

    Cultural tourism and Guan Gong culture in Yuncheng area is inseparably interconnected.

  • 32: “旅游文化”与“文化旅游”是两个容易被混淆的概念,也是两个应该引起重视的研究领域。

    "Tourist culture" and "cultural tourism" are two concepts easily to be confused in tourism research, especially in China.

  • 33: 以文化为灵魂,以旅游为平台,以创意为纽带,文化传播与旅游推介紧密结合。

    The resort will take culture as the soul, tourism as a platform, originality as a link to closely integrate cultural communication and tourism promotion.

  • 34: 文章就宗教景观在中国旅游业中的重要性、宗教景观与中国旅游业的现状、宗教文化与中国旅游业的发展等问题加以探讨。

    This paper discusses the role of religion landscape, analyzes the relationship between religion landscape and China"s tourism, the relationship between religion culture and China"s tourism.

  • 35: 扬州饮食文化与扬州旅游经济有着密切的联系,饮食文化在扬州旅游的发展占有着重要的地位。

    Yangzhou"s dish culture is closely related with tourist economy and occupies an important status in the development of tourism.

  • 36: 语言的变迁有效地衡量了社会文化变迁与旅游开发之间关系。

    Change language to effectively measure the social and cultural changes and the relationship between tourism development.

  • 37: 在市场开发与学术界中存在的文化旅游与旅游文化混淆的现象,本文从概念、侧重点、文化三方面指出两者的不同之处。

    The cultural tourism and tourism culture are qual in market development and academia, this article from the concept, focus, culture in three areas that the difference between the two.

  • 38: 第四章从聚落文化保护与旅游的相关理论入手,对聚落旅游地文化的基本属性和发展规律进行深入分析,提出从环境行为分析的角度考虑聚落文化的保护与利用。

    In the third part, on the basis of insight on the theory of cultural heritage protection, the author proposes to handle the question of authenticity with dynamic version.

  • 39: 本文以这个旅游城镇为研究对象,力求说明特色风景、异域文化与中国旅游城镇融合发展的积极意义。

    This paper explains the sense of harmonization volcanic landform, exotic culture and tourism town for city planning in China.

  • 40: 论文应用旅游文化学、管理学、民族学等学科知识,讨论了侗族文化保护与旅游开发的关系。

    This text writing utilize basic subject knowledge as tourism culture science, management, ethnology to discuss the relationship between Dong culture protection and cultural tourism exploiting.

  • 41: 大力发展曲靖市民族文化旅游,构建常规旅游与民族文化旅游相结合的新格局是壮大曲靖市旅游的必由之路。

    A necessary way to broaden the scope of the tour industry is to develop tour of ethnic community cultures with great efforts and connect the normal tour with the ethnic community cultures.

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