汉语词典 红联
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low carbon, carbon, Cr, LC




  • 低碳经济的实质是
  • 低碳生活的意义
  • 低碳生活的英语作文
  • 低碳生活绿色出行
  • 低碳生活节能减排
  • 低碳经济考试答案
  • 低碳生活的资料
  • 低碳生活小知识
  • 节能减排低碳生活
  • 富国低碳环保混合
  • 低碳生活小妙招
  • 低碳绿色环保手抄报
  • 绿色环保 低碳生活
  • 节能减排 低碳环保
  • 发展低碳经济的意义
  • 低碳环保小论文
  • 小学生低碳环保作文
  • 低碳是什么意思
  • 低碳生活从我做起资料


  • 1: 低碳生活,我们应该怎样做?

    What should we do to "low carbon life"?

  • 2: 因此,我们应该过低碳的生活。

    Therefore, we should live a low carbon life.

  • 3: 后来,我知道这个概念的重要性和低碳生活。

    Later, I knew the concept and importance of low carbon life.

  • 4: 低碳生活方式帮助环境和提供了一个示例成为别人的榜样。

    A low-carbon lifestyle helps the environment and provides an example for others to follow.

  • 5: 这些都让低碳经济增长计划成为讨论热点。

    It all argues for growth plans that involve less carbon.

  • 6: 目前,新的生活方式称为低碳生活是传播的每一个角落,我们的国家。

    Presently, a new lifestyle called low carbon life is spreading every corner of our country.

  • 7: 让我们唯一的地球变得更好,我们应该呼吁人们过低碳生活。

    To make our unique earth better, we should appeal people to live a low carbon life.

  • 8: 我认为我们应该过低碳生活。

    I think we should live low-carbon life.

  • 9: 运河城市实现低碳发展可以有不同的路径选择。

    Summary the canal city can have different low-carbon development path chosen.

  • 10: 我们宣誓:我们提倡全球低碳行动!

    We swear: we advocate global low-carbon action!

  • 11: 但是,不管接受还是不接受,低碳生活已成为现实的必然。

    However, regardless of reception or rejection , low-carbon life has become a real necessity.

  • 12: 中国;低碳;能源;污染;环境。

    China; Low-carbon; Energy; Pollution; Environment.

  • 13: 与此同时,贫穷国家也可以获得低碳技术,否则它们将负担不起。

    Poor nations meanwhile could gain access to low-carbon technology which they could not otherwise afford.

  • 14: “低碳”生活也许离我们并不遥远。

    Maybe we are not far away from "low-carbon" life.

  • 15: 名为“我爱低碳生活”的帆布袋在工作人员中相当流行。

    The " I love Low Carbon Life " canvas bag is very popular among staff.

  • 16: 中国计划发展低碳经济。

    China to develop low-carbon economy.

  • 17: 低碳时代你准备好了吗?

    Low-Carbon Age, Are you ready?

  • 18: 参与低碳生活是不是暂时的,而是永恒的话题。

    Participate in low carbon life is not for the moment, but the eternal topic.

  • 19: 这些国家中没有一个意识到真正的低碳发展。

    None of these countries have realized true low carbon development.

  • 20: 同学们,今天,你低碳了吗?

    Everybody, are you low carbon today?

  • 21: 低碳生活首先是一种生活态度。

    Low-carbon life is an attitude towards life.

  • 22: 低碳,中国的未来,世界的未来!

    Low-carbon, Future of China, Future of world!

  • 23: 我们发展低碳经济的目的就是保护我们的地球,保护我们的家园。

    Our aim is to develop low-carbon economy to protect our planet, protect our homeland.

  • 24: 到2020年加利福尼亚将要求所有出售的汽油达到低碳含量标准。

    By 2020 California will require all the petrol sold there to meet a low-carbon standard.

  • 25: 发展低碳经济,对于云南省而言意义重大。

    To develop low carbon economy is of important significance for Yunnan.

  • 26: 他说,作为替代,中国的经济应更加侧重于国内消费、服务行业及低碳技术。

    Instead, he said it should focus more on domestic consumption, service industries and low-carbon technology.

  • 27: 所有的一切,还有许多其他的事情我们可以做,生活在低碳生活。

    All in all, there are many other things we can do to live in the low carbon life.

  • 28: 所有的一切,它的重量极大地为我们所有人把低碳生活方式付诸实践。

    All in all, it weighs greatly for all of us to put the low carbon lifestyle into practice.

  • 29: 不过她也承认此装置以及其他在开发中的类似装置的命运和国家是否采取低碳政策紧密相关。

    However, she admits the fate of this and other devices in development is tied to whether states adopt a low-carbon policy.

  • 30: 我认为我们应该从身边的事情做起,从自我做起,真正做到低碳行动。

    I think we should start from around things start from the self to do real action of low carbon.

  • 31: 有想法就要有行动。于是,我和我的父母开始了一段低碳生活。

    Have the idea to have action. So, I and my parents began a low carbon life.

  • 32: 它给我们提出的是一个愿不愿意和大家共创造低碳生活的问题。

    It gives us is a willing and we were creating a low carbon life issues.

  • 33: 目前为止还没有关于怀孕时低碳水化合物饮食影响的研究,因此如果对胎儿有什么影响也是不知道的。

    There have been no studies of the effects of a low carbohydrate diet on pregnancy, so its effect on the fetus, if any, are unknown.

  • 34: 低碳经济的大趋势为仪器仪表行业带来的不仅是机遇还有更加严峻的挑战。

    Trend of low-carbon economy for the instrumentation industry is not only the opportunity to also bring more severe challenges.

  • 35: 其实生活中一个小的习惯的改变就是一种低碳的表现,一种力量。

    In fact life a little habits change is a kind of low carbon performance, a force.

  • 36: 本文介绍了使用硅铁代替硅铬合金作还原剂,冶炼低碳铬铁的工艺方法。

    The process of smelting low carbon ferrochromium using ferrosilicon as reducer instead of silicochromium alloy is introduced.

  • 37: 因在全球范围内已有32国家参与了低碳交易计划,为统一这些不同国家的努力我们将在某一天需要一个单一的碳商品价格。

    Because with 32 countries now participating in low-carbon trading schemes around the world, we will one day need a single commodity price for carbon to unify these diverse national efforts.

  • 38: 但是,当报纸电视沸沸扬扬在宣导时,究竟怎样才能“低碳”的生活,老百姓还是不明究里。

    However, when the newspaper and TV uproar in the propaganda, what how "low carbon" life, people are still unknown in research.

  • 39: 最近,它利用从世界自然生态基金会获得的一些资助,实施了一项在全国采访和培训“低碳带头人”的项目。

    With some funding from the World Wide Fund for Nature, it recently ran a project to interview and train “low-carbon leaders” around the country.

  • 40: 刚刚购买低碳芯片不会改变任何东西,我们需要减少总体比例的高影响力的食品-肉类和奶制品-在我们的饮食。

    Just buying low carbon chips won"t change anything; we need to reduce the overall percentage of the high impact foods -- meat and dairy -- in our diet.

  • 41: 随着哥本哈根气候变化的召开,越来越多的人认识到了低碳生活的重要性。

    With the convening of the Copenhagen climate change, more and more people recognize the importance of low-carbon life.

  • 42: 该方程不仅适合微合金中碳钢的铁素体和珠光体组织,而且也适合高碳微合金钢的珠光体组织和低碳微合金钢的铁素体组织。

    The equations suit not only ferrite and pearlite in microalloyed medium carbon steel but also pearlite in high carbon microalloyed steel and ferrite in low carbon microalloyed steel.

  • 43: 本文介绍近年来有关低碳低合金钢的热延性、与热延性相关的表面裂纹以及裂纹形成机制等方面的研究结果。

    The hot ductility of low carbon low alloy steel and mechanism of surface cracking in relation to the hot ductility have been reviewed in the paper.

  • 44: 我们经常看到人们在离开时候把电器开着,这对于低碳生活而言不是一种科学的方法。

    Often we see people leave their electric appliances on and go away, which is not a good way for a low-carbon life.

  • 45: 如果有一个获得大量资助的研究方案和许多像这样的文章,向那些对转向低碳世界兴趣不大的人推广理念,情况将会怎么样?

    What if a heavily funded research programme, and articles such as this, promote the idea to people who have little interest in moving to a low-carbon world?

  • 46: 旅游业作为第三产业的重要组成部分,应成为低碳经济的有机组成部分。

    As the important component of the third industry, tourism should become an integral part of Low-carbon economy.

  • 47: 我们特别需要利用燃气电厂提供很重要的灵活性来支持低碳发电量的增加,并保证能源的安全供应,”他解释道。

    Gas in particular will be needed to provide vital flexibility to support an increasing amount of low-carbon generation and to maintain security of supply, " he explained.

  • 48: 作为中国面积最大、人口最多的县域,如何改变原有的高碳经济模式,发展低碳经济,是应该解决也必须解决的难题。

    As the largest and most populous county, how to change the existing high-carbon economy and develop low-carbon economy should be solved and must be solved.

  • 49: 这就是为什么我们有责任提供必要的财务和技术援助,帮助这些国家适应气候变化造成的影响,并寻求低碳排放量的发展道路。

    And that is why we have a responsibility to provide the financial and technical assistance needed to help these nations adapt to the impacts of climate change and pursue low-carbon development.

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