英语单词 红联
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n.: 鞭子;【无线】鞭状天线;投票指示;(某党)议员领袖;(四马的)马车夫;猎犬指挥员;【无线】鞭状天线;(四马的)马车夫;猎犬指挥员;【无线】鞭状天线;(某党)议员领袖
v.: 鞭打;鞭笞;〈口〉击败;抽打;鞭打;鞭挞;鞭策;督促;鞭打;鞭挞;驱使;督促
网络: 泡妞四人组;受到鞭打的;打发


  • 鞭子:

    a long thin piece of rope or leather, attached to a handle, used for making animals move or punishing people

  • 纪律委员,组织秘书(在政党中负责确保党员出席政府重要辩论并表决):

    an official in a political party who is responsible for making sure that party members attend and vote in important government debates

  • (政党发给党员的)投票通知书,投票指示:

    a written instruction telling members of a political party how to vote on a particular issue

  • 搅打奶油甜食(用奶油、鸡蛋、糖和水果搅打而成):

    a sweet dish made from cream, eggs, sugar and fruit mixed together

  • 执掌大权;执鞭在手:

    to be in a position where you have power or control over sb/sth

  • 鞭打;鞭策;以鞭打责罚;鞭笞:

    to hit a person or an animal hard with a whip , as a punishment or to make them go faster or work harder

  • (使朝某一方向)猛然移动:

    to move, or make sth move, quickly and suddenly or violently in a particular direction

  • (突然迅速地)除去,拉动,抽出:

    to remove or pull sth quickly and suddenly

  • 搅打(奶油等):

    to stir cream, etc. very quickly until it becomes stiff

  • (在比赛中)轻而易举地击败:

    to defeat sb very easily in a game

  • 偷;盗窃:

    to steal sth


  • so few people here are truly able to think , able to see beyond the pabulum whipped up by the government.


  • Using your own cupcake recipe or store-bought mix, these mini cupcakes can be whipped up in a flash.


  • An old Muslim man beside me whipped off his prayer cap and stuck his head far out the window, like a Labrador.


  • He said that his friend was a very rough boy and asked if he got whipped often at school.


  • The wind whipped across the plains so steady and sharp that it made my eyes water.


  • I felt as if my mind was being whipped, as if a ghost had commandeered my pen and was writing to redress the injustices it had suffered.


  • I think it would be so darn funny if Gates whipped out his revolver and shot that new Chinese stealth fighter down as it flies nearby.


  • The culmination of this process is the likes of Facebook, whipped up in a few days by a Harvard student.


  • The man sitting in the cart, angry at the young man in the way, whipped him on the face with an oath .


  • Brown whipped out a large pair of scissors, and fell into an unaccountable state of excitement.


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