英语单词 红联
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v.: 走;步行;行走;散步
n.: 步行;行走;散步;人行道
网络: 走路;竞走;走步


  • 走;行走;步行:

    to move or go somewhere by putting one foot in front of the other on the ground, but without running

  • 徒步旅行;散步:

    to spend time walking for pleasure

  • 陪伴…走;护送…走:

    to go somewhere with sb on foot, especially in order to make sure they get there safely

  • 牵着(动物)走;遛;赶着…走:

    to take an animal for a walk; to make an animal walk somewhere

  • 不翼而飞;被盗走:

    to disappear; to be taken away

  • 出现;出没;显灵:

    to appear

  • 不会走就跑;没掌握基本功就做难事:

    to do things that are difficult, without learning the basic skills first

  • 在辖区直勤巡逻:

    to walk around the area that they are responsible for

  • 获无罪释放:

    to be allowed to leave court, etc., without receiving any punishment

  • 徒步前往:

    to go somewhere on foot instead of in a vehicle

  • 轻易获得;轻易取胜:

    (in British English) to easily achieve sth that you want

  • 使走得筋疲力尽:

    to make sb walk so far or so fast that they are very tired

  • (离开岗位)罢工:

    to stop working in order to go on strike

  • 走跳板(旧时强迫受害人在置于船舷外的跳板上行走而致落水):

    (in the past) to walk along a board placed over the side of a ship and fall into the sea, as a punishment

  • (在城镇里)穿街走巷;在大街上闲逛:

    to walk around the streets of a town or city

  • 昂首阔步;趾高气扬:

    to feel proud and confident

  • 言行一致:

    to act in a way that shows people you are really good at what you do, and not just good at talking about it

  • 行走;步行;徒步旅行;散步:

    a journey on foot, usually for pleasure or exercise

  • 散步的小路;步行的路径;(为游玩而组织的)徒步旅行:

    a path or route for walking, usually for pleasure; an organized event when people walk for pleasure

  • 步态;步行速度:

    a way or style of walking; the act or speed of walking rather than running

  • 人行道;小路:

    a sidewalk or path

  • 易事;轻而易举的事:

    a thing that is very easy to do or deal with

  • 行业;职业;地位;阶层:

    a person"s job or position in society


  • 〔英国〕负责地区,管区;【林业】巡视地区;〔古语〕(商贩等)常去的地区

  • 步法;步态;走步舞;(马的)慢步;【宇航】(宇宙飞船)环绕天体所作的慢速飞行

  • 步行距离,步程,走路时间;【运】竞走

  • 牧羊场;养禽场,鸡舍;(小狗等的)饲养所;(某种作物的)种植物

  • 制绳所

  • 小路

  • 通道

  • 生活态度,处世;行为

  • 步道,人行道;散步场

  • 行走,步行;徒步;散步

  • 【宇宙空间技术】(宇宙飞船)环绕天体作慢速飞行

  • 走,步行;【篮球】带球走,走步;(马)用常步走

  • (鬼等)出来

  • 〔比喻〕处世,处身,生活

  • 与…竞走

  • 带着走,领着走

  • 在…走;踩,踏

  • 〔口语〕把(笨重箱子等)一步一步移走

  • 走着去;散步

  • 使行走;使(马)用常步走


  • 复数:walks

  • 现在分词:walking

  • 过去式:walked


  • adj.+n.:

    long walk,short walk,brisk walk,quiet walk,solitary walk

  • v.+n.:

    walk dog,walk mile


v.go on footstrollamblesaunterpromenaden.gaitpacetread


  • You will probably see at least a few of these from US movies or television shows if you walk around LA.


  • And I will put my spirit in the midst of you: and I will cause you to walk in my commandments, and to keep my judgments, and do them.


  • By the time he got to the gate, he was usually feeling a bit better, and he could walk home without the feeling.


  • Did I make it that easy to walk right in and out of my life?


  • Please stretch out your powerful hands to lend me a hand, just like when you were a baby learning to walk I held both your hands.


  • Sarkozy even pledged to walk out of the summit if it failed to produce serious regulatory commitments.


  • If you get a newspaper delivered to your door, think about whether you could walk to the shops in the morning and pick it up instead.


  • Today Andy wobbles down the main street of Malong, searching to remember how to walk. A few paces behind, Ed walks ready to catch him.


  • So, you know, when I"m playing well on clay, it"s a fine line that I kind of have to walk between those two.


  • "If you become a tightrope walker and walk across the air, " Said the bunny, " I will become a little boy And run into a house"


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