英语单词 红联
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n.: 领带;联系;关系;束缚
v.: 绑;束缚;捆绑;约束
网络: 搭售;绑标签;搭配销售


  • (用线、绳等)系,拴,绑,捆,束:

    to attach or hold two or more things together using string, rope, etc.; to fasten sb/sth with string, rope, etc.

  • 将…系在…上;束紧;系牢;捆绑:

    to fasten sth to or around sth else

  • (在线、绳上)打结,系扣:

    to make a knot in a piece of string, rope, etc.

  • 打结系牢;系上:

    to be closed or fastened with a knot, etc.

  • 连接;联合;使紧密结合:

    to connect or link sb/sth closely with sb/sth else

  • 束缚;约束;限制:

    to restrict sb and make them unable to do everything they want to

  • 打成平局;得分相同:

    to have the same number of points

  • 用延音联结线连接(音符):

    to join notes with a tie

  • (使)大惑不解,糊涂:

    to become or make sb very confused

  • 喝醉;喝得烂醉:

    to get very drunk

  • 结婚;结成夫妻:

    to get married

  • 领带:

    a long narrow piece of cloth worn around the neck, especially by men, with a knot in front

  • 绳子;金属丝;线:

    a piece of string or wire used for fastening or tying sth

  • 联系;关系;纽带:

    a strong connection between people or organizations

  • 束缚;约束;限制;牵累:

    a thing that limits sb"s freedom of action

  • 平局;得分相同;不分胜负:

    a situation in a game or competition when two or more players have the same score

  • (尤指足球)淘汰赛:

    a sports match, especially a football ( soccer ) match, that is part of a larger competition

  • 延音线;延音连接线:

    a curved line written over two notes of the same pitch (= how high or low a note is) to show that they are to be played or sung as one note

  • (铁路)轨枕,枕木:

    one of the heavy pieces of wood or concrete on which the rails on a railway/railroad track are laid


  • 结捆

  • 打捆

  • 颈链

  • 栓系

  • 扎口

  • 结子,结儿;系结

  • 绑扎


n.ligaturebindingtying uplashingsecuring


  • The contracts, normally signed on an annual basis, specify a formula tying the bank manager"s monetary rewards to performance.


  • As he was tying the canoe, he looked up at Allie and stopped breathing for just a second.


  • For years, he said, the Silicon Valley company has focused on tying together people on the Web, mapping out who knows whom.


  • One day, I picked up a bit of paper from the ground with a picture of an old peasant tying up a handkerchief on his head.


  • Michele Bond asked the woman whether she had any legal document tying her to this child.


  • Finally, the prosecution began to put forward witnesses directly tying Simpson to the two murders.


  • I couldn"t look at him in the face. Damn, I"m really bad at tying shoes. My feet were safer to look at then his face.


  • He resolved to drown him, and walked on, looking about for a pond: picking up a heavy stone and tying it to his handkerchief as he went.


  • One man in shirtsleeves was tying a report at a desk; he glanced up in curiously and went on with his work.


  • Placing a pair upon the boy"s feet, she then purchased him a pair of shoes, and tying up the remaining pairs of socks, gave them to him.


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