英语单词 红联
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n.: 幻灯片;滑动;滑梯;山崩;滑动的部分;【物】滑动片;幻灯片;(显微镜的)载片
v.: 滑;(在雪或冰上)滑动;滑掉;【乐】滑动;滑动;(使)快捷而悄声地移动;逐渐降低;贬值
网络: 滑步;滑行;滑垒


  • (使)滑行,滑动:

    to move easily over a smooth or wet surface; to make sth move in this way

  • (使)快捷而悄声地移动:

    to move quickly and quietly, for example in order not to be noticed; to make sth move in this way

  • 逐渐降低;贬值:

    to become gradually lower or of less value

  • 衰落(成);逐渐陷入;逐渐衰退(到):

    to move gradually into a worse situation

  • 降低;跌落;衰落:

    a change to a lower or worse condition

  • (在冰上或光滑表面上的)滑行,滑动:

    a long, smooth movement on ice or a smooth surface

  • 滑梯:

    a structure with a steep slope that children use for sliding down

  • 山崩;岩崩;土崩;崩塌:

    a sudden fall of a large amount of rock or earth down a hill

  • 幻灯片:

    a small piece of film held in a frame that can be shown on a screen when you shine a light through it

  • 幻灯片:

    one page of an electronic presentation, that may contain text and images, that is usually viewed on a computer screen or projected onto a larger screen

  • 载玻片:

    a small piece of glass that sth is placed on so that it can be looked at under a microscope

  • (乐器上的)拉管,滑管,滑动装置:

    a part of a musical instrument or other device that slides backwards and forwards


  • 滑步

  • 滑倒挡球

  • 飘忽

  • 可调的

  • 可移动的

  • 可调整的;滑动的

  • 滑动的;易变的,不稳定的


  • Don" t place your fork in the side of your mouth as it increases the chances of food sliding away, which could be very embarrassing.


  • Raine got in, and with his escort sliding back in the passenger seat, the big black car pulled away from the front of the dive bar.


  • Today, while slightly intoxicated, I tried to steady myself against what I thought was a tree, but ended up sliding all the way down it.


  • Then, suddenly and with the faint click of a shutter sliding open, a golden-orange laser beam shoots into the sky from the open dome.


  • Then we dropped, hit the bottom of what must have been a ravine and began sliding.


  • The outer wall is all glass with sliding doors to the balcony, which looks over the lagoon pools and gardens.


  • The coins can be easily removed by sliding off the top of the bank.


  • Sliding along steel wire with mailbags weighing up to 30 kilograms became just one of her many responsibilities.


  • Sliding a half top over her head, a skirt up her long legs and over her hips, she was ready to go.


  • When axial loads are incidental and of small magnitude, the members are kept from sliding along the shaft by means of a set screw.


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