英语单词 红联
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v.: 磨;诈欺;磨利;磨快;诈欺;磨利;磨快;【乐】(使)提高音调
adj.: 锐利的;锋利;尖锐;成锐角的;锋利的;锐利的;尖的;(变化)急剧的
adv.: (时间)整;准;急速地;急剧地;(用于表时间的词语后,表示准时)…整;向左╱向右急转;偏高音地
n.: 夏普;〈美谑〉专家;【乐】升音;〈口〉骗子;升号;锐利的东西(如针、注射器等)
网络: 磨具;更剧烈;削具


  • 锋利的;锐利的;尖的:

    having a fine edge or point, especially of sth that can cut or make a hole in sth

  • (变化)急剧的,骤然的:

    sudden and rapid, especially of a change in sth

  • 清楚明确的;清晰的;鲜明的:

    clear and definite

  • 敏锐的;灵敏的;敏捷的:

    quick to notice or understand things or to react

  • 尖锐的;严厉的:

    critical or severe

  • 突然而响亮的:

    loud, sudden and often high in tone

  • (常指受伤似地)剧烈的,猛烈的:

    very strong and sudden, often like being cut or wounded

  • (方向)急转的:

    changing direction suddenly

  • 强烈略苦的;辛辣的;刺鼻的:

    strong and slightly bitter

  • 严寒的;凛冽的:

    used to describe a very cold or very severe frost or wind

  • 狡猾的;诡诈的:

    clever but possibly dishonest

  • 时髦的;入时的:

    fashionable and new

  • 瘦削的;不丰满的:

    not full or round in shape

  • (用于音符后,表示该音符)升半音的:

    used after the name of a note to mean a note a semitone/half tone higher

  • 偏高音的:

    above the correct pitch (= how high or low a note sounds)

  • 赶快;赶紧:

    used in orders to tell sb to be quick or to hurry

  • 不聪明;迟钝:

    not intelligent

  • 最为困难(或责任极其重大)的地方(或职位):

    the place or position of greatest difficulty or responsibility

  • (用于表时间的词语后,表示准时)…整:

    used after an expression for a time of day to mean ‘exactly’

  • 向左╱向右急转:

    turning suddenly to the left or right

  • 偏高音地:

    above the correct pitch (= how high or low a note sounds)

  • 升号:

    a note played a semitone/half tone higher than the note that is named. The written symbol is (#)

  • 锐利的东西(如针、注射器等):

    things with a sharp edge or point, such as needles and syringes


  • 磨具;削具

  • 骗子〔尤指以赌博行欺骗者〕


  • In theory the presence of a little bit of pixel structure should also contribute to a slightly sharper picture.


  • Now he felt the cold whiskey breaking a warm path straight through the middle of him, growing hotter and sharper as it moved.


  • "Definitely that"s one way to put Volvo into a sharper focus, " he said.


  • The sharp post-Lehman slump in the won could have been a lot sharper had flows out of equities not re-directed into bonds, as they did.


  • Her tender feet felt as if cut with sharp knives, but she cared not for it; a sharper pang had pierced through her heart.


  • It should, at least, give you a broader awareness of the topic"s complexities, if not a sharper focus on what you will do with it.


  • Lighter roasts are generally not used for espresso since they produce a sharper, more acidic taste than do darker roasts.


  • "You want me to see a shrink? " My voice was a shade sharper as I realized what he was getting at.


  • Even slight falls have been enough to scare them out of the market, putting pressure on developers to offer sharper discounts.


  • For the near term, at least, there is likely to be a sharper delineation between the strong and the weak.


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