英语单词 红联
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n.: 跑;跑步;跑步的时间(或距离);航程
v.: 跑;奔跑;跑(某段距离);跑步
网络: 运行(running);经营;运行程序


  • 跑;奔跑:

    to move using your legs, going faster than when you walk

  • 跑(某段距离):

    to travel a particular distance by running

  • 跑步;做跑步运动:

    to run as a sport

  • 参加赛跑:

    to take part in a race

  • 开始(比赛);使(比赛)开始:

    to make a race take place

  • 迅速赶往;匆忙跑(到另一处):

    to hurry from one place to another

  • 管理;经营:

    to be in charge of a business, etc.

  • 提供,开设(服务、课程等):

    to make a service, course of study, etc. available to people

  • 拥有并使用(车辆或机器等):

    to own and use a vehicle or machine

  • (使)运转,运行;操作:

    to operate or function; to make sth do this

  • (按某路线)行驶:

    to travel on a particular route

  • 使(按某一路线)行驶;使运行:

    to make buses, trains, etc. travel on a particular route

  • 开车送:

    to drive sb to a place in a car

  • (向某处)快速移动:

    to move, especially quickly, in a particular direction

  • 移动(某物):

    to move sth in a particular direction

  • (使)导向;引导;(使)伸展,延伸:

    to lead or stretch from one place to another; to make sth do this

  • 持续;延续:

    to continue for a particular period of time without stopping

  • (在一段时间内)起作用,有效:

    to operate or be valid for a particular period of time

  • (在某时间)发生:

    to happen at the time mentioned

  • 走私;非法携运;秘密携带:

    to bring or take sth into a country illegally and secretly

  • 包含(某种词语、内容等):

    to have particular words, contents, etc.

  • 流淌;流动:

    to flow

  • 使(液体)流动:

    to make liquid flow

  • 输出,放出(液体):

    to send out a liquid

  • 被(液体)覆盖;流满:

    to be covered with a liquid

  • 掉色;退色:

    if the colourruns in a piece of clothing when it gets wet, it dissolves and may come out of the clothing into other things

  • 熔化:

    to melt

  • 变成,成为,变得(尤指不利的变化):

    to become different in a particular way, especially a bad way

  • 达到,接近(某程度):

    to be at or near a particular level

  • 发表;刊登:

    to print and publish an item or a story

  • (对…)进行(测试或检验):

    to do a test/check on sth

  • (尤指在美国)参加竞选:

    to be a candidate in an election for a political position, especially in the US

  • 脱针;脱丝;抽丝:

    if tights or stockingsrun , a long thin hole appears in them

  • 大多数含 run 的习语,都可在该等习语中的名词及形容词相关词条找到,如 run riot 在词条 riot 下。:

    Most idioms containingrun are at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for examplerun riot is atriot .

  • 赶紧做某人喜欢的事;急于应某人的要求:

    to be pleased to do what sb wants

  • 逃跑:

    to run in order to escape from sb/sth

  • 全面而准确地运行:

    working fully and correctly

  • 跑;跑步;跑步的时间(或距离):

    an act of running; a period of time spent running or the distance that sb runs

  • (尤指短程或定期,乘交通工具的)旅程,航程:

    a trip by car, plane, boat, etc., especially a short one or one that is made regularly

  • 一段(幸运或倒霉的)时光;一系列(成功或失败):

    a period of sth good or bad happening; a series of successes or failures

  • 连续上演(或放映):

    a series of performances of a play or film/movie

  • 额定产量:

    the amount of a product that a company decides to make at one time

  • 抛售(美元、英镑等):

    a situation when many people sell dollars, etc. and the value of the money falls

  • (到银行)挤提,挤兑:

    a situation when many people suddenly want to take their money out of a bank

  • 争购;抢购:

    a situation when many people suddenly want to buy sth

  • 态势;状况;趋势;动向:

    the way things usually happen; the way things seem to be happening on a particular occasion

  • (滑雪或其他运动中的)坡道,滑道:

    a sloping track used in skiing and some other sports

  • (板球或棒球中的)得分:

    a point scored in the game of cricket or baseball

  • 竞选:

    an act of trying to get elected to public office

  • 饲养场:

    a confined area in which animals or birds are kept as pets or on a farm

  • (顺着音阶的)急奏,急唱:

    a series of notes sung or played quickly up or down the scale

  • 顺子:

    a series of cards held by one player

  • 普通类型:

    the average type of sth

  • 允许某人充分使用;获准充分使用:

    to give sb/get/have permission to make full use of sth

  • 不让…轻易取胜;与…进行激烈竞争:

    to make sb try very hard, using all their skill and effort, in order to beat you in a game or competition

  • 躲避:

    trying to avoid being captured

  • 忙碌;不停地奔波:

    continuously active and moving around


  • 延续,继续,蝉联;联结;(戏的)连演;【美术】(杂志的)连载,发表

  • 流出,淌;流量;【美术】小河,水路;水管

  • 进行;行程;航程,船舶一昼夜的航程;【航空】(投弹前的)直线飞行;【铁路】区间

  • 跑,奔跑;逃亡,逃走;跑拢;赛跑;打猎;航行;(短期)旅行;跑速;跑的气力;【航空】滑行;滑行距离

  • (动物的)通路;(牛、羊的)圈;放牧场

  • (普通的)人,物,事件;种类,类型,品质

  • (产卵期的鱼的)迁徙,洄游,奔上水;迁徙中的鱼群

  • 使用的自由,出入的自由

  • (银行的)挤兑订购踊跃,畅销;流行

  • (山脉、水流等的)方向,趋向,(矿脉的)走向,方位;(市场的)趋势;(事件的)经过;(工厂的)作业,工作,工作时间,产额

  • 跑,奔,奔驰;【航空】滑行

  • (时间)经过,过去

  • 赶,赶去

  • 催赶;追,追赶,追猎

  • 把(绳子等)穿过,通过(某物);刺;戳,撞;碰;突破(封锁线);顺利通过(岗哨等)

  • 逃,逃走,逃亡

  • (使)逃走,想逃开

  • 使(船)来回行驶,(用车、船)运输;开(会、车等);经营,办,管理(旅馆、学校等);指挥

  • 使跑;跑去

  • 参加赛跑;当候选人,参加竞选

  • 溶化的

  • 刚出海的,刚捉上来的(鱼),榨取的(蜜等);熔化的,液化的;铸的;〔俚语〕走私的


  • 第三人称单数:runs

  • 现在分词:running

  • 过去式:ran


  • v.+n.:

    run business,run company,run risk,run service,run system

  • adv.+v.:

    effectively run,probably run




  • Mornings begin with the smell of my "get up and go fast" brew in the kitchen before I fly out the door on my way to a run or the gym.


  • Height seems to run in his generation of his family, as Zhao Liang is the oldest in a family of tall children.


  • My first care was to run to the door; he had left the key in it, taking the simple precaution of turning it twice in the lock.


  • But, you know, not everybody has all these skills. There are very few people who have the full set of skills that it takes to run a company.


  • On the other side of the track I ran into a wall of cheers. No time to react, no time to think, just time to run and run hard.


  • The next day, she was doing so well, they wanted to run tests on her.


  • I wanted to reassure her, but I knew that anything I said would run the risk of making her feel uncomfortable.


  • Easy-to-use, you do not need to hire a Mr. Professional to run your MIS.


  • Other times they simply run out of steam trying to get somewhere, but getting nowhere.


  • It ends up in burnout and less production, because we inevitably run out of energy.


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