英语单词 红联
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n.: 人;人们;人民;百姓
v.: 居住在;把…挤满人;住满居民
网络: 人物;人员;民族


  • 人:

    persons; men, women and children

  • 人们;大家:

    persons in general or everyone

  • (统称)人民,国民;民族;种族:

    all the persons who live in a particular place or belong to a particular country, race, etc.

  • 平民;百姓;大众:

    the ordinary men and women of a country rather than those who govern or have a special position in society

  • (统称某行业或领域的)人:

    men and women who work in a particular type of job or are involved in a particular area of activity

  • 国民;人民;臣民;群众:

    the men, women and children that a person leads

  • 雇员;支持者;下属人员:

    the men and women who work for you or support you

  • 客人;朋友:

    guests or friends

  • 家人;亲人;家属;(尤指)父母,祖父母:

    the men, women and children that you are closely related to, especially your parents, grandparents, etc.

  • (在所有的人中)偏偏,唯有:

    when you sayof all people , you are emphasizing that sb is the person you would most or least expect to do sth

  • 身居玻璃房,投石招祸殃;自身毛病多,勿挑他人错:

    you should not criticize other people, because they will easily find ways of criticizing you

  • 居住在;把…挤满人;住满居民:

    to live in a place or fill it with people


  • 〔主诗〕生物

  • 〔常与所有格连用〕(对君主而言的)臣民;教区教徒,随从;家,家属,亲属;〔学生用语〕亲戚;祖先

  • 种族;民族

  • 老百姓,黎民百姓

  • 平民,老百姓

  • 〔作不定代名词用〕人家,有的人

  • 者;人造,人员;人物,人士

  • 人民

  • (一般的)人,人们;人类

  • 居民;(团体、行业等中的)人们

  • 住在,栖息在;布满,占据

  • 把(动物)放养在

  • 遍布,充满

  • 向…移民

  • 使人到…去住,使住满人,在…殖民


  • 第三人称单数:peoples

  • 现在分词:peopling

  • 过去式:peopled


  • adj.+n.:

    chinese people,british people,homeless people,same people,japanese people

  • v.+n.:

    people come,people marry,people accuse,rob people,infect people




  • However that may be, the moment a people adopts representatives it is no longer free; it no longer exists.


  • Anthropologists say all this was only possible because people were willing to treat total strangers in a manner once reserved for kin.


  • One of the people familiar with the matter said Mr. Lee is leaving to work on his own venture. Mr. Lee could not be reached for comment.


  • He began to count the people in his mind while they were having the delicious food.


  • The people enjoying all this extra leisure are the couch potatoes at the bottom of the heap economically and educationally.


  • Some people do seem to be more resilient by nature but, like most things, resilience is a trait which can be developed.


  • Be strong and of good courage, for to this people you shall divide as an inheritance the land which I swore to their fathers to give them.


  • Some people sleep better in a clean and neat environment, so they like to straighten and clean their room just before going to bed.


  • It is often used among slightly older people, because the terms "boyfriend" and "girlfriend" make it sound like they are teenagers.


  • no, there were too many people. When she got out of the car, her fans were all screaming, trying to give her flowers and ger her autographs.


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