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new moon

new moon什么意思,new moon翻译


n.: 上弦月
网络: 新月


  • 新月:

    the moon when it looks like a thin curved shape(= a crescent )

  • 新月期:

    the time of the month when the moon has this shape


  • 新月

  • 上弦月


  • If you are trying to divorce, you will do best right after this new moon - if it is a simple division of property, don"t let things lag.


  • This new moon is tied up with the positive energies between Pluto and the sun that are about to end in a couple of days.


  • When this new moon sets up this trend, you will find it a magnificent change from the formal, hard-work focus you"ve had for weeks.


  • Saturn is known to add rock-solid stability to all that it touches, so this new moon behooves you to start searching out your options.


  • generally it is just light enough for us to be able to see its outline, so that we speak of seeing "the old moon in the new moon"s arms. "


  • On the feast of the New Moon the young Emperor came forth from his palace and went into the mosque to pray.


  • "The old moon in the new moon"s arms" is nothing but that part of the moon"s surface on which it is night, lighted up by earthlight .


  • Now Emily"s an orphan, and her mother"s snobbish relatives are taking her to live with them at New Moon Farm.


  • After millions of years in this position the new moon was drawn into a collision at a speed of less than three kilometres per second.


  • She had no idea if tonight was the new moon; she was not the sort who paid attention to these things.


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