英语单词 红联
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n.: 口;嘴;河口;开口
v.: (动嘴唇)不出声地说;言不由衷地说
网络: 嘴巴;口腔;嘴型


  • 嘴;口:

    the opening in the face used for speaking, eating, etc.; the area inside the head behind this opening

  • 需要供养的人:

    a person considered only as sb who needs to be provided with food

  • 入口;开口:

    the entrance or opening of sth

  • 入海口;河口:

    the place where a river joins the sea

  • 讲话方式;言谈:

    a particular way of speaking

  • 有…嘴的;…口的:

    having the type or shape of mouth mentioned

  • 言谈…的;口齿…的:

    having a particular way of speaking

  • 只说不做:

    if you say sb isall mouth , you mean that they talk a lot about doing sth, but are, in fact, not brave enough to do it

  • 闷闷不乐;沮丧:

    unhappy and depressed

  • 守口如瓶;保持缄默:

    to not talk about sth to sb because it is a secret or because it will upset or annoy them

  • 童言有道:

    used when a small child has just said sth that seems very wise or clever

  • 夸夸其谈;信口开河;喋喋不休:

    to talk too much, in a way that is not sensible

  • (动嘴唇)不出声地说:

    to move your lips as if you were saying sth, but without making a sound

  • 言不由衷地说:

    to say sth that you do not really feel, believe or understand


  • (河)注入

  • 大声讲,叫骂;怒骂;装腔作势地讲

  • 使(马)咬惯马嚼子

  • 说出;用演说腔调讲;附和着说;含糊地说

  • 夸大地说话;做作地说话:

  • (特指轻蔑时的)歪嘴

  • 用嘴接触,吻

  • 以嘴唇的动作但不出声地说出:

  • 把(食物)放进口中;用口接触:

  • 用口衔;放进嘴里嚼;嚼;吃

  • 收敛部分

  • 输入端

  • 议论

  • (啤酒等的)味儿

  • 气球嘴

  • 口,(需要赡养的)人;(需要饲养的)动物

  • 开口孔,出口处

  • 咧嘴,怪脸,苦相;话,发言;代言人;人言,传闻,传说;〔俚语〕傲慢话,厚脸

  • 口状物,出入口;孔,穴;枪口;河口,港口,喷火口;袋口(等);(乐器的)吹口

  • 口,口腔,嘴


  • 复数:mouths

  • 现在分词:mouthing

  • 过去分词:mouthed


  • adj.+n.:

    open mouth,full mouth,wide mouth,hungry mouth

  • v.+n.:

    keep mouth,shut mouth,rinse mouth,close mouth




  • One of the long stiff tactile bristles or hairs that grow near the mouth and elsewhere on the head of most mammals; a vibrissa.


  • And, in the excavated "the right of a home" and "Where the mouth" and so Miss Jane, its almost all under the "Zi" how much the record.


  • I knew Vanessa had been kissed on the mouth many times, but I dismissed Marianela"s fears about her daughter"s imminent deflowering.


  • Fruit & Vegetable ? He"s got a very big mouth, a banana and a pair of black eyes.


  • Others will feel dry throat, drink from morning to night, but no matter how much water to drink, dry mouth still.


  • Pigeon laughter , which is often practiced in laughter therapy or laughter yoga, involves laughing without opening your mouth.


  • A fine spray skims from the water right across the esplanade. They are covered with drops; the inside of her mouth tastes wet and cold.


  • So, to be born with a silver spoon in your mouth means that you were born a very rich person.


  • He made up his mouth as if to whistle, but he didn"t whistle .


  • And furthermore, at this moment, she actually resolutely and decisively told me that the place she went was the one she heard from my mouth.


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