英语单词 红联
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n.: 措施;衡量;方法;程度
v.: 测量;度量;估量
linkv.: (指尺寸、长短、数量等)量度为
网络: 定距等分


  • 测量;度量:

    to find the size, quantity, etc. of sth in standard units

  • 估量,判定(重要性、价值或影响等):

    to judge the importance, value or effect of sth

  • (指尺寸、长短、数量等)量度为:

    to be a particular size, length, amount, etc.

  • 措施;方法:

    an official action that is done in order to achieve a particular aim

  • 度量单位;计量标准:

    a unit used for stating the size, quantity or degree of sth; a system or a scale of these units

  • 标准量:

    a standard quantity

  • (一定的)量,程度:

    a particular amount of sth, especially a fairly large amount

  • 量器;计量工具:

    an instrument such as a stick, a long tape or a container that is marked with standard units and is used for measuring

  • 尺度;标准;程度:

    a sign of the size or the strength of sth

  • 判断;衡量:

    a way of judging or measuring sth

  • (尤指州立法者的)提案,法案,议案:

    a written suggestion, especially one for a new law made by the lawmakers of a state

  • (乐谱的)小节(音乐节拍单位):

    one of the short sections of equal length that a piece of music is divided into, and the notes that are in it

  • 非常;极其:

    very much

  • 作为额外增添;外加的项目:

    as an extra amount of sth in addition to what has already been done or given

  • 足量;不足量:

    the whole of sth or less of sth than you expect or should have

  • 最大程度地;最大限度地:

    to the greatest possible degree

  • 摸清某人的底细:

    to form an opinion about sb"s character or abilities so that you can deal with them

  • 在很大(或某种、同样等)程度上:

    to a large extent or degree; to some, etc. extent or degree

  • 量身定制的:

    made especially for one person according to particular measurements


  • 【数学】约数

  • 【印刷】行宽;页宽;【地质学;地理学】层组;地层

  • 【音韵学】韵律;【音乐】拍子,调子;小节;(慢而庄重的)舞蹈;〔古语〕跳舞,舞蹈

  • 尺寸,尺度,量,分量;【数学】测度;度量法;计量单位

  • 法案,议案,方案

  • 量具,量器

  • 榜样,准绳,标准,衡量…的标准

  • (衡量)标准,准绳;程度;限度,界限,范围;过度,分寸;本分,份儿

  • 量度,度量,衡量

  • 手段,措施,策略,步骤,方法,办法

  • 〔诗〕通过,去,走,遍历

  • 区分;分派

  • 有…长[宽、高等]

  • 使均衡,使相称,调整

  • 比较,比赛,较量

  • 打量,估量,判断(人物、力量)

  • 量尺寸

  • 度,估量;斟酌,权衡,推敲

  • 量,计量,测量(大小、容量、尺寸等)

  • 测量,测定,计量,衡量


  • 复数:measures

  • 现在分词:measuring

  • 过去式:measured


  • v.+n.:

    measure speed,measure progress,measure pressure,measure effectiveness,measure distance

  • adj.+n.:

    same measure




  • Polymer gel dosimetry has been used to measure the radiotherapy dose homogeneity in a breast phantom for two different treatment methods.


  • To measure this quality, couples are asked a series of questions: How much does your partner provide a source of exciting experiences?


  • Electron balance has been used to measure volume of solution put in by pipette of standard series in external standard method.


  • Reneging on our commitments to the world"s poor cannot be an austerity measure, " she said. "


  • Enterprise forever favor those measure the bank that custom-built finance serves the body for them, far group is in.


  • It was a shame, as after a bit of a slow start we got the measure of Chelsea and really believed we could get back on level terms.


  • For good measure, a Russian - made bomb fell (but did not explode) into a vegetable field in Georgia.


  • If he"s coming up with all these ways someone you know doesn"t measure up, something could be up with the two of them.


  • In industrial applications, the multiple sensors are often used to measure the same process parameter at different locations of a process.


  • A teat-bed is set up to measure the surface velocity of ethyl alcohol layer at different temperature gradients of the wall.


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