英语单词 红联
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n.: 记号;成绩;目标;符号
v.: 纪念;评分;注意;标示
网络: 马克;标记;标志


  • 做记号;做标记:

    to write or draw a symbol, line, etc. on sth in order to give information about it

  • 留下痕迹;弄污;使有污点:

    to make a mark on sth in a way that spoils or damages it; to become spoilt or damaged in this way

  • 标明方位;标示:

    to show the position of sth

  • 纪念;庆贺:

    to celebrate or officially remember an event that you consider to be important

  • 是…的迹象;成为…的征兆;表明:

    to be a sign that sth new is going to happen

  • 给(学生作业)打分,评分,评成绩:

    to give marks to students" work

  • 赋予特征;给…确定性质:

    to give sb/sth a particular quality or character

  • 留心;留意;注意:

    used to tell sb to pay careful attention to sth

  • 钉人防守;钉住(对手):

    to stay close to an opponent in order to prevent them from getting the ball

  • 等待时机:

    to pass the time while you wait for sth more interesting

  • 原地踏步:

    to make marching movements without moving forwards

  • 无论如何;尽管如此;反正;然而:

    used to remind sb of sth they should consider in a particular case

  • 污点;污渍;斑点;疤痕:

    a small area of dirt, a spot or a cut on a surface that spoils its appearance

  • (人或动物身上有助于识别的)斑点,记号,色斑:

    a noticeable spot or area of colour on the body of a person or an animal which helps you to recognize them

  • 符号;记号;(显示质量、制造者或所有者等的)标记:

    a written or printed symbol that is used as a sign of sth, for example the quality of sth or who made or owns it

  • (品质或情感的)标志,迹象,表示:

    a sign that a quality or feeling exists

  • 成绩;分数;等级:

    a number or letter that is given to show the standard of sb"s work or performance or is given to sb for answering sth correctly

  • (重要的)水平,标准点,指标:

    a level or point that sth reaches that is thought to be important

  • 型号:

    a particular type or model of a machine or vehicle

  • 燃气挡;温度刻度:

    a particular level of temperature in a gas oven

  • (文盲在文件上代替签名的)花押:

    a cross made on a document instead of a signature by sb who is not able to write their name

  • 目标;靶子:

    a target

  • (猜测、陈述等)接近准确,几乎无误:

    to be fairly accurate in a guess, statement, etc.

  • (猜测、陈述等)不准确,相去甚远,离题:

    not to be accurate in a guess, statement, etc.

  • 精确;准确无误:

    to be accurate or correct

  • (尤指板球运动)开始得分:

    to start scoring, especially in cricket

  • 达到╱没有达到目的;猜测正确╱错误:

    to succeed/fail in achieving or guessing sth

  • 留下久远的影响(尤指坏影响):

    to have an effect on sth/sb, especially a bad one, that lasts for a long time

  • (在某领域)取得成功,出名:

    to become famous and successful in a particular area

  • 感觉不舒服:

    not to feel as well or lively as usual

  • (径赛口令)各就各位,预备,跑!:

    used to tell runners in a race to get ready and then to start

  • (对形势)反应敏捷╱迟钝:

    fast/slow in reacting to a situation

  • 达到要求;符合标准:

    as good as it/they should be


  • 马可(早期福音传道士,相传《新约》第二部福音为其所著)

  • 【宗教】(基督教《圣经》中的篇名)《马可福音》;《马可福音》的作者马可

  • 显著,高贵,卓越;荣誉,名声

  • 特征,特质,特性

  • (考试等的)分数

  • 迹,痕迹;斑点

  • 靶子;标识;目标

  • (英国以前的)马克〔相当于旧制13先令4便士〕

  • (中世纪欧洲大陆的)金[银]马克〔通常为8盎司〕

  • 马克〔德国货币〕

  • 印,记号,符号,标记;标志,指标;十字押〔文盲的签名〕

  • 设计,计划;(命运)注定;【军事】指定

  • 【橄榄球】作脚跟印

  • 给…记分数;表示…的位置;【打猎】记清(禽兽逃匿处);(球赛)钉住

  • 【商业】给…标价

  • 指示,使注意

  • (马的门齿凹)表示年龄

  • 〔诗〕注目,注意;想

  • 定…的界限,区分,区划

  • 〔通常用被动式〕使有特色,污点[伤痕,斑点等]

  • 加记号于,加符号于,作记号于,记上,标记上,记录


  • 第三人称单数:marks

  • 现在分词:marking

  • 过去式:marked


  • v.+n.:

    make mark,mark anniversary,mark beginning,mark day,mark time

  • adj.+n.:

    indelible mark,permanent mark,visible mark,German mark




  • Surface of the hydrophilic foil shall be clean and flat, folds and scratches are unacceptable. A slight mark on the surface is possible.


  • He raises the handgun and points it towards the driver"s seat, but he does not fire. He looks in shock to see that his mark is already dead.


  • I have always been waiting for you to step up to the mark.


  • A soldier stationed at the right or left of a column of marchers to control alignment, show direction, or mark the point of pivot.


  • The thrust into outer space of the satellite, spheres, and missiles mark the beginning of another epoch in the long story of mankind.


  • Sitting at the window, the street is not a few people, leaving only the vehicle hurried by, on the road to leave a water mark.


  • That"s when I finally sat down and cried. I cried for Mark and for all his friends who would never see him again.


  • Mark, her husband, was an Air Force officer and he loves Susan with all his heart.


  • man does not grudges , for it is not the mark of a great soul to remember injuries, but to forget them.


  • You can use a pair of forceps to Collect pollen, i. e. pick the anthers into the capsules, then mark the name of pollen parent.


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