英语单词 红联
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keep an eye out for

keep an eye out for什么意思,keep an eye out for翻译


na.: 记住
网络: 注意;当心;警惕


  • "It"s kind of funny to think that I"ve got work hanging in a museum, but I still have to keep an eye out for the police, " says one artist.


  • Yes , but I would like to see what you take , Mrs Peters , and keep an eye out for anything that might be of use to us .


  • Get to know as many people as you can in other areas of the company where you might want to work, and keep an eye out for job openings.


  • Gordon: It might be. I want you to keep an eye out for anything unusual and report back to me.


  • I"ve just put my washing out to dry, would you please keep an eye out for rain and bring it in if necessary.


  • Doors, short ladders, sheets of galvanized metal, etc can all be used to improvise stretchers . Keep an eye out for suitable materials.


  • If you are looking for a man, go to your friends and family members and tell them to keep an eye out for a complementary companion for you.


  • As you go though your daily life, keep an eye out for the ways in which you can make a difference, however great or small .


  • Anyone can keep an eye out for birds, write down what he sees and discuss these findings with other people.


  • Compulsive lying is a disorder that develops from early adolescence and one must keep an eye out for signs of compulsive lying.


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