英语单词 红联
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in the works

in the works什么意思,in the works翻译


网络: 正在准备阶段;在计划中;在进行中或准备中


  • It has a certain characteristic of oral language. As a result, it is often used in the works which are close to oral Chinese.


  • The story of the swan"s last song found a place in the works of other writers, including the early English writers Chaucer and Shakespeare.


  • It appears that this class is still in its true infancy stage, so stay tuned to see if updates are in the works.


  • "Retreat Notes" is so far the only one of its novel, Chance and necessity in the works abound, but has a very important role.


  • But at the time of this writing, this type is still in the works, and no standardized Java language binding exists for it.


  • The fan outcry when the first one was in the works was so huge, that there was no chance it would have made any money without him.


  • So far it is only a concept, but a working prototype is in the works.


  • To be sure, some of the changes were in the works long before the first stress fractures appeared and the economy began to crumble.


  • Crowley suggested Obama invite him and Gates, to the White House for a peace-making beer, and a plan was in the works to do so, Obama said.


  • Picture a future in which your children won"t need sleep or food and will be able to stop pain at will. That future is in the works.


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