英语单词 红联
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n.: 地面;土;土地;土壤
v.: 触海底;使停飞;阻止…起飞;罚(儿童)不准出去玩
adj.: 磨细的;剁碎的
网络: 接地;地线;场地


  • 地;地面:

    the solid surface of the earth

  • 土;土地;土壤:

    soil on the surface of the earth

  • 开阔地;空旷地:

    an area of open land

  • (特定用途的)场地:

    an area of land that is used for a particular purpose, activity or sport

  • (某种用途的)地域,水域:

    a large area of land or sea that is used for a particular purpose

  • (大建筑物周围的)场地,庭院,花园:

    the land or gardens around a large building

  • (兴趣、知识或思想的)范围,领域:

    an area of interest, knowledge or ideas

  • 充分的理由;根据:

    a good or true reason for saying, doing or believing sth

  • 渣滓;沉淀物:

    the small pieces of solid matter in a liquid that have fallen to the bottom

  • (接)地线:

    a wire that connects an electric circuit with the ground and makes it safe

  • (绘画或印刷的)背景,底子:

    a background that a design is painted or printed on

  • 挖某人的墙脚;破坏某人的计划;拆某人的台:

    to suddenly spoil sb"s idea or plan by doing sth to stop them from continuing with it

  • 逼近(正在向前的人或物):

    to gradually get closer to sb/sth that is moving or making progress in an activity

  • (使)顺利开始,开始发生:

    to start happening successfully; to make sth start happening successfully

  • 退让;让步;失利:

    to allow sb to have an advantage; to lose an advantage for yourself

  • 躲藏起来;潜伏下来:

    to hide, especially to escape sb who is chasing you

  • 坚持主张;坚持意图;坚持立场;不让步:

    to continue with your opinions or intentions when sb is opposing you and wants you to change

  • 坚守阵地;不撤退;不退却:

    to face a situation and refuse to run away

  • 当场;在现场;(尤指)处于战火中:

    in the place where sth is happening and among the people who are in the situation, especially a war

  • 把自己弄得精疲力竭;把自己累垮:

    to work so hard that you become extremely tired

  • 耗尽某物;过度使用某物;使某人精疲力竭:

    to use sth so much that it is broken; to make sb work so hard that they are no longer able to work

  • 为数众多(或不多);数目巨大(或微小);众多(或稀少):

    if people or things arethick/thin on the ground , there are a lot/not many of them in a place

  • (使)搁浅,触海底:

    when a boatgrounds or sthgrounds it, it touches the bottom of the sea and is unable to move

  • 使停飞;阻止…起飞:

    to prevent an aircraft from taking off

  • 罚(儿童)不准出去玩:

    to punish a child or young person by not allowing them to go out with their friends for a period of time

  • 把(电线)接地:

    to make electrical equipment safe by connecting it to the ground with a wire

  • 磨细的;剁碎的:

    cut, chopped or crushed into very small pieces or powder


  • 【航海】搁浅;【航空】着陆

  • 【美术】给…上底色

  • 【电学】使接地

  • 使停飞

  • 紧咬;死死咬住

  • 教给…基本知识,使…受初步训练

  • 在…基础上树立,把(论据等)放在…基础上,给…打基础

  • 立足于,建筑在…基础上;陷进

  • 搁浅;触到;接地

  • 把…放在地上,使落地;放下(武器)

  • 碾碎的

  • 〔机〕磨光

  • 磨细的

  • 碾碎了的,磨过的,磨成粉的

  • 【美术】底子;底色;【建筑】底材;(铜版术)(涂在版面上的)防蚀剂

  • 底;水底,海底;【矿物】脉石,母岩;矿区;渣滓,沉淀物

  • 【电学】接地;地线

  • 论据;主张;立场

  • 基础;基础知识;最初的东西

  • 基础;理由,根据,原因;借口;立场,意见

  • 阵地

  • 地域,范围;面积;土壤

  • 地,地面;土地,地产;场;运动场,广场;庭园,场地

  • 土,土地;地上;地面;地界;地带;地形;地方;地下;地位


  • 复数:grounds

  • 过去分词:grounded

  • 现在分词:grounding


  • adj.+n.:

    moral ground,same ground,solid ground,burial ground,fresh ground

  • v.+n.:

    give ground,aircraft ground,establish ground


n.earthsoillandplaying fieldpitchadj.crushedpulverizedbroken upmincedmilledv.initiatepreparebasesupportpunish


  • In a twinkling doing on the aggressive, flaw+ground put out to cut of medley technical ability one of the Pa beat on black wild tiger.


  • Just like an electric screwdriver pulls into a piece of wood, so these treads would cruise along the ground, regardless of terrain.


  • the ship has three sails, fixed line connections, at the top of a volume system, laying the ground mosaic, surrounded by lamps.


  • One day, I said to him: "My baby, why the apples fall down to the ground, never fly to the sky? "


  • A training ground bust-up with a young reserve team players lies at the heart of Albert Riera"s banishment from the Liverpool team.


  • If it had rained last night, the ground would be wet now.


  • When she was dancing, one of her legs was on the ground, and the other was up in the air.


  • Then the ground began to rumble and a crashing sound came from over the top of the hill.


  • It has much value to be applied to investigation and development for the ground water and oil-gas as well.


  • MICHAEL Owen"s feet didn"t touch the ground after he bought a romantic stay in a treehouse as a Christmas present for his wife.


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