英语单词 红联
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na.: 并表示亲属关系的复合词前
网络: 巨大


  • 大的;巨大的;数量大的;众多的:

    very large; much bigger than average in size or quantity

  • (强调尺寸、体积或质量)很:

    used to emphasize an adjective of size or quality

  • 非常的;很多的;极大的:

    much more than average in degree or quantity

  • 伟大的;优秀的;杰出的;卓越的:

    extremely good in ability or quality and therefore admired by many people

  • 美妙的;好极的;使人快乐的:

    very good or pleasant

  • 重要的;重大的;给人深刻印象的:

    important and impressive

  • 地位高的;位高权重的;影响大的:

    having high status or a lot of influence

  • 身心健康的;心情愉快的:

    in a very good state of physical or mental health

  • 擅长;精通:

    able to do sth well

  • 适合;(对…)有用:

    very suitable or useful for sth

  • (强调某种情况):

    used when you are emphasizing a particular description of sb/sth

  • (冠于家庭成员的称呼前,表示更高或更低一辈的亲属关系):

    added to words for family members to show a further stage in relationship

  • (用于相似动植物中较大者的名称前)大:

    used in the names of animals or plants which are larger than similar kinds

  • (与城市名连用,指包括市区和周围广大地区在内的区域)大:

    used with the name of a city to describe an area that includes the centre of the city and a large area all round it

  • 做得快;顺利;成功:

    to be doing sth quickly and successfully

  • 老做,总是做,喜欢做(某事):

    to do sth a lot; to enjoy sth

  • 不太出色;不太有效;不怎么合适;不怎么样:

    to be not very good, efficient, suitable, etc.

  • 大小;高低;贵贱:

    of all sizes or types

  • 英雄所见略同:

    used to say that you and another person must both be very clever because you have had the same idea or agree about sth

  • (人死后回到)天上的老家,天国,西天;(东西无用了进)博物馆:

    used to refer to where a particular person is imagined to go when they die or a thing when it is no longer working, similar to the place they were connected with on earth

  • 名人;伟人;伟大的事物:

    a very well-known and successful person or thing

  • 很好地;极好地;很棒地:

    very well


  • 用在由 grand 构成,并表示亲属关系的复合词前,表示更远一辈的亲属关系。a great-grandfather; a great-grandson


  • Grandma Mary worked inside the factory for a short while-just as her mother and my great aunt Lucia did before they opened the restaurant.


  • The United States was the only major country, apart from Japan, to benefit from the Great War.


  • the Governor that this great lump of vegetable gold was as rich an ornament as New England earth would offer him.


  • Just at this point he met his soul"s sworn comrade, Joe Harper -- hard-eyed , and with evidently a great and dismal purpose in his heart.


  • To make the matter worse, the orders received by the garments industry have gone down a great deal because of the recent recession.


  • Bill: It takes a strong man to save himself, and a great man to save another.


  • We know something of the great variety of the sea-bed"s topography.


  • China has had the great fortune of good timing, too, with its reforms coming at the start of a great wave of globalization.


  • Indeed, in the banking world, he is often hailed as one of the great, original "quants" , who paved the way for the derivatives revolution.


  • Then I saw a great white throne and him who was seated on it. Earth and sky fled from his presence, and there was no place for them.


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