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get on with it

get on with it什么意思,get on with it翻译


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  • We might, but that"s up to the management: we need to leave them alone to get on with it.


  • He does a double take, a reaction that might mirror that of the anxious viewer who wonders why he doesn"t just get on with it.


  • Of the departures, he said: "I think you just have to get on with it. In football you cannot cry over a few people who have left. "


  • But I"d been thinking the same thought so much since the bombing had begun that I really did just want to get on with it.


  • I had to pick myself up and get on with it, do it all over again, only even better this time.


  • I quite like the children left alone to get on with it.


  • When it can actually be a bit intimidating and scary but you just try to get on with it and hope people remember I"m just a normal person.


  • If they can"t get the ball they get frustrated and try to kick us, and we"re used to that now and we just get on with it.


  • "Let"s get on with it, " said the superintendent.


  • "I felt like a new person with a new life, " she says, "and just wanted to get on with it. "


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