英语单词 红联
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n.: 冻结;停止;霜冻;冰冻期
v.: 结冰;冰冻;冷藏;严寒
网络: 凝固;冷冻;使结冰


  • (使)冻结,结冰:

    to become hard, and often turn to ice, as a result of extreme cold; to make sth do this

  • (使)冻住,冻堵:

    if a pipe, lock or machinefreezes , or sthfreezes it, it becomes blocked with frozen liquid and therefore cannot be used

  • 冰冻;严寒:

    whenit freezes , the weather is at or below 0˚ Celsius

  • 极冷;(使)冻死:

    to be very cold; to be so cold that you die

  • 冷冻贮藏;冷藏:

    to keep food at a very low temperature in order to preserve it

  • 能冷冻贮藏:

    to be able to be kept at a very low temperature

  • (因害怕等)停住不动;惊呆;吓呆:

    to stop moving suddenly because of fear, etc.

  • (屏幕)冻结:

    when a computer screenfreezes , you cannot move any of the images, etc. on it, because there is a problem with the system

  • 使定格:

    to stop a film/movie or video in order to look at a particular picture

  • 使固定不动:

    to hold wages, prices, etc. at a fixed level for a period of time

  • 冻结(资金、银行账户等):

    to prevent money, a bank account, etc. from being used by getting a court order which bans it

  • 使人恐怖万分;令人毛骨悚然:

    to make you extremely frightened or shocked

  • 冻结:

    the act of keeping wages, prices, etc. at a particular level for a period of time

  • 停止:

    the act of stopping sth

  • 冰冻期;严寒期:

    an unusually cold period of weather during which temperatures stay below 0˚ Celsius

  • 霜冻:

    a short period of time, especially at night, when the temperature is below 0˚ Celsius


  • 球连球

  • 卡钻

  • 控制球

  • 严寒期

  • 冷藏箱

  • 冻害

  • 结冰,凝冻;冻结

  • 使沮丧

  • 紧绷,待…冷淡,凛若冰霜

  • 战栗,颤抖;〔美口〕木立不动

  • 愣住,呆立不动,吓得发呆,使…心里发毛,叫…汗毛直竖

  • 挨冻,冻死;发僵,僵住

  • 使冻僵,使冻伤,使冻死

  • 冻僵,冰冷

  • 冻结(存款、工资、物价等)

  • 冷冻,凝固,结冰

  • 使冷冻,使结冰,使凝冻;冷藏


  • 复数:freezes

  • 现在分词:freezing

  • 过去式:froze

  • 过去分词:frozen


  • v.+n.:

    freeze snow


v.solidifyholdstop deadrefrigeratechilln.restrictionembargostoppagesuspensioninterruption




  • Mannitol is usually used as a cryoprotectant and an excipient during pharmaceutical freeze-drying.


  • Store nuts in the shell until you are ready to use them. Refrigerate or freeze any that you plan to keep for more than three months.


  • The body is freeze-dried in liquid nitrogen, then vibrated so that it dissolves into a fine powder.


  • That"s why I"ve submitted to Congress a plan for a three-year budget freeze, and I"m prepared to offer additional savings.


  • Dr Stone to1d Linda that he would freeze her cat with an injection. "Then you won"t feel any pain afterwards, " he said.


  • In front of the deep-freeze they found a small pool of water, and a wet cat, busily licking itself.


  • Yesterday, it put the financial cost of those recalls and a related sales and production freeze at up to Y180bn ($1. 98bn).


  • Armed with his arsenal of shrink rays, freeze rays, and battle-ready vehicles for land and air, he vanquishes all who stand in his way.


  • Sodium montmorillonite can be freeze-dried into a spongelike material known as an aerogel.


  • The statement said the EU travel ban and asset freeze on sanctions list of new officers and a pro-Gaddafi, the Libyan airline.


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