英语单词 红联
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n.: 旗;标志旗;菖蒲;旗帜(指某国家或组织及其信仰和价值观)
v.: 标示(重要处);疲乏;变弱;热情衰减
网络: 下垂的;标记;衰弱的


  • 旗:

    a piece of cloth with a special coloured design on it that may be the symbol of a particular country or organization, or may have a particular meaning. A flag can be attached to a pole or held in the hand

  • 旗帜(指某国家或组织及其信仰和价值观):

    used to refer to a particular country or organization and its beliefs and values

  • (体育运动的)信号旗,标志旗:

    a piece of cloth that is attached to a pole and used as a signal or marker in various sports

  • 菖蒲;鸢尾;香蒲:

    a flower that is a type of iris and that grows near water

  • 表示并号召拥护自己的国家(或某组织、某思想):

    to show your support for your country, an organization or an idea to encourage or persuade others to do the same

  • 代表自己的国家(或组织):

    to represent your country or organization

  • 标示(重要处):

    to put a special mark next to information that you think is important

  • 疲乏;变弱;热情衰减:

    to become tired, weaker or less enthusiastic


  • 片石

  • 焊条往复移动

  • 板石路面

  • 定标

  • 铺砌石板

  • 〔集合词〕(铺路用的)石板

  • 下垂,松弛

  • 石板路

  • 标志

  • 标记

  • 萎垂的

  • 下垂的

  • 萎靡不振的,松弛的,逐渐衰退的




  • And in a bid to jump-start flagging Cyprus talks, Turkey is reportedly ready to discuss land swaps without preconditions.


  • A year ago, set-makers saw it as a nifty way of boosting flagging sales for a few dollars of additional electronics.


  • But that may not be enough to help beleaguered consumers and businesses get a flagging recovery back on track.


  • More recently, however, consumers seem to be flagging despite the strong labour market. Retail sales fell in April.


  • "The price charts had been flagging buying signals, " said Jonathan Spall, a gold specialist at Barclays Capital in London.


  • What if things seem to be getting a little bit dicey or dangerous, a bit like that, then you get alert flagging up on the CCTV screen?


  • Italian clothing chain Benetton is trying to drum up attention for its flagging brand with ads showing global leaders kissing.


  • The Arab Spring appeared to flagging a few months ago, as Libya"s opposition suffered setbacks even as Syria"s regime dug-in.


  • The video shows the group carrying her and flagging down a motorist who volunteers to drive her to the hospital.


  • At this point I think we can only hope that the fact of the passage of the bill will boster the flagging financial system.


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