英语单词 红联
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n.: 角;拐角;街角;墙角
v.: 转弯;拐弯;使(人或动物)走投无路;逼…入绝境
adj.: 在拐角处的;适于拐角地方的;(美式足球)翼卫的
网络: 角落;角球;转角


  • 角:

    a part of sth where two or more sides, lines or edges join

  • 有…角的;涉及…群体的:

    with the number of corners mentioned; involving the number of groups mentioned

  • 角;墙角;壁角:

    the place inside a room or a box where two sides join; the area around this place

  • 街角;拐角:

    a place where two streets join

  • (道路的)急转弯:

    a sharp bend in a road

  • (有时指偏僻或难以到达的)区域,地区:

    a region or an area of a place (sometimes used for one that is far away or difficult to reach)

  • 困境;窘境:

    a difficult situation

  • 角球:

    a free kick or hit that you take from the corner of your opponent"s end of the field

  • 场角;(场角处的)辅助人员:

    any of the four corners of a ring ; the supporters who help in the corner

  • 很近;在附近:

    very near

  • (常不按规则或省略地)用最简捷经济的方式做事,图省事;(做事)走捷径:

    to do sth in the easiest, cheapest or quickest way, often by ignoring rules or leaving sth out

  • 走捷径;抄近道:

    to go across the corner of an area and not around the sides of it, because it is quicker

  • 偶然瞟见;睨视:

    to see sth by accident or not very clearly because you see it from the side of your eye and are not looking straight at it

  • (患病时期)转危为安,脱离危险,好转;渡过难关;脱离困境:

    to pass a very important point in an illness or a difficult situation and begin to improve

  • 使(人或动物)走投无路;逼…入绝境:

    to get a person or an animal into a place or situation from which they cannot escape

  • 硬要走近想与(某人)说话:

    to go towards sb in a determined way, because you want to speak to them

  • 垄断(某种货品的交易):

    to get control of the trade in a particular type of goods

  • 转弯;拐弯:

    to go around a corner


  • 僻静的

  • (美式足球)翼卫的

  • 在拐角处的;适于拐角地方的

  • 揭露

  • (把)逼入绝境,紧逼,使无路可走

  • 垄断,囤积居奇

  • 把…逼入困境,逼上门来了;走投无路,无回旋余地

  • 形成一个角

  • 位于(拐)角上

  • 把…堵,挤到墙角

  • 使有棱[角];收在[放在]角内;角相接;转角,拐弯

  • 逼入一个角落;使陷入困境:

  • 【商业】囤积居奇;【棒球】(本垒的)棱角〔投球员方面〕;(足球)踢角球

  • (街道)拐角,壁角;【数学】隅角;边缘

  • 老窝

  • 天地

  • 困境,绝境

  • (眼)角,(眼)梢

  • (桌等的)角,棱,隅

  • 拐角,转角处,街口,街头,十字路口

  • 角落,旮旯;屋角

  • 天涯海角,僻远地方;偏僻处,角落


  • 复数:corners

  • 过去分词:cornered

  • 现在分词:cornering


  • v.+n.:

    corner market


n.anglecrookbendturnturningv.pin downsurroundconfrontrestrictdetain


  • Competition, in the form of a newly arrived Chilean pharmacy chain, looms around the corner from his main store.


  • The scenes depict the entire town of Bethlehem, and the Caganer is usually tucked away in a corner, far from Mary and Joseph.


  • I sat on the front step for at least 10 minutes and next thing you know my motorbike came around the corner with the receptionist riding it.


  • She heard him in the kitchen where he mixed the draught in batches now to last a week at a time, storing it in a corner of the cupboard.


  • It seems that the Fed might have painted itself into a corner.


  • Headhunters lamented that it was easier to put a man on the moon than a woman in a corner office.


  • I asked her to put her clothes away tidily but she just threw them in the corner any old how.


  • She had been riding her scooter over from the company"s workshops in the East End and had dumped her helmet and bag in a corner.


  • Her gaze fell to the corner of the barn closest to her, and she watched for few moments, expecting him to appear from behind it.


  • "Oh, if I were only a prince! " said the stone-cutter to himself, as the carriage vanished round the corner.


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