英语单词 红联
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prep.: 按照;经过;依;靠近
adv.: 经过;表示保留或保存时用;短暂拜访
n.: 〈美〉同“bye. by and again”
网络: 乘;被;由


  • 靠近;在…旁边:

    near sb/sth; at the side of sb/sth; beside sb/sth

  • (常置于表示被动的动词后,表示施事者):

    used, usually after a passive verb, to show who or what does, creates or causes sth

  • (表示方式):

    used for showing how or in what way sth is done

  • (置于不带 the 的名词前,表示原因)由于:

    used before particular nouns withoutthe , to say that sth happens as a result of sth

  • 不迟于;在…之前:

    not later than the time mentioned; before

  • 经过:

    past sb/sth

  • 在…期间;处于某种状况:

    during sth; in a particular situation

  • (表示程度、数量):

    used to show the degree or amount of sth

  • 从…看;依;按照:

    from what sth shows or says; according to sth

  • (表示触及或抓住的人或物的部分):

    used to show the part of sb/sth that sb touches, holds, etc.

  • (与 the 连用,表示时间或量度单位):

    used withthe to show the period or quantity used for buying, selling or measuring sth

  • (表示速率):

    used to state the rate at which sth happens

  • (表示尺寸时用):

    used to show the measurements of sth

  • (用于乘除运算):

    used when multiplying or dividing

  • (补充有关出生地、职业等的信息):

    used for giving more information about where sb comes from, what sb does, etc.

  • (起誓时用)以…的名义:

    used when swearing to mean ‘in the name of’

  • 经过:


  • (表示保留或保存时用):

    used to say that sth is saved so that it can be used in the future

  • 短暂拜访:

    in order to visit sb for a short time

  • 不久;很快:

    before long; soon


  • (岁月等)流过

  • 〔美口〕(请)来(访问,玩玩,谈谈等)

  • 在一旁;左右

  • 在侧,在旁,在附近

  • (搁)在一边,(放)到旁边,(存)在一旁;收着

  • 经过;越过

  • (由旁边)经过,过去

  • 逐一;连续

  • 在(夜间、白天等)时间内

  • 在侧,在旁;贴近,挨近,靠近,(方向)偏于

  • 到,到…时为止,不晚于;到…已经

  • 照,凭,据,按

  • (交通,通讯等)坐,乘;以

  • 顺,经,沿,由;经过…旁边

  • 被,由

  • 由于,因

  • 靠,用,通过,借助于〔表示方法、手段等〕


adv.by means ofthroughviausingby way ofprep.inas a result ofwithnearnext to


  • you could not see the house through the trees. Men went by the trees and did not know that there was a house there.


  • The intense internal heat generated by his sort of yoga was meant to purify and cleanse the body.


  • i think so, I personally think the better way for resolving the matter is to negotiate friendly by both parties.


  • In our school has started an inspirational speech activity, students have been a lot of education, have been moved by his spirit.


  • Scorpio is the Greta Garbo of signs - you gain strength by being alone - and then you are ready to be with friends again.


  • Raul made about $10, 000 total by donating a couple of times a week for a year and a half, at $70 a sample.


  • He outraged all rules of a good host by making fun of those present who did not agree with him.


  • By getting back to basics you really get to the heart of the matter.


  • It is all the same for me to go by train or plane.


  • Furious, he was about to go and see why his wife hadn"t wakened him, when he noticed a piece of paper by the bed.


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